New Years Party

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"Ayo! Fiji get the door!" A voice came from inside.

"I'll get it!" An excited voice shouted.

The door opened and Tuvalu stood there. Her eyes lit up as she saw me and gave me a big hug.

"Hey Dolphin, I'm back," I said awkwardly.

"Roa's back for new years!!" Tuvalu said excitedly.

"No way!" Fiji shouted. It didn't take long before he showed up at the door.

"Wait... New years? Is it really that time again?" Russia mumbled.

"I see you brought a couple of boyfriends to celebrate," Tonga said, appearing behind Fiji.

"Yeah! I'm here to party!" Wales said excitedly.

"I hear no denial, you owe me ten," Tonga whispered to Fiji.

Russia was looking down at his phone.

"Even if I did celebrate it, you guys are early, new years eve is tomorrow." Russia mumbled.

"Who cares, a party is a party!" Wales said. Tuvalu grabbed his hand and led him inside.

"Wait, we can't just go in," Russia said.

"Sure you can, the more people there are, the more it feels like a party," Fiji said, standing aside to let us in.

"Yeah, we have two new guys joining us tonight anyway" Tonga shrugged.

"Two new guys?" I asked.

"Yeah, one of them has been staring Maori down," Fiji said. It seemed odd to me, but I brushed it off for now.

"Maori's here?"

"Right here. Come in," Maori called from inside. I walked inside, but Russia stayed outside.

"Are you not going to come in?" I asked.

"I guess I could stay for a bit," He mumbled. I watched as he walked inside. Inside the place was crowded with well known faces and nicely decorated. I was initially just planning on

"Welcome back bro! Where's your girlfriend?" Maori asked.

"Uh... yeah about that... we kind of... broke up." I mumbled.

"Darn, I actually liked her. So are you going back to Wales? Or..." She asked.

"Shut up... not so loud. I don't know..." I muttered. It was only really Maori that knew that Wales and used to be a thing a couple years ago. I didn't want anyone else to know. It was kind of a touchy subject, especially with dad. We only really 'dated' for a week before I started feeling like dad was going to catch on. Sometimes I wonder how Canada does it.

"Look, it's okay. You don't have to have girlfriend or boyfriend." She shrugged. We were suddenly interrupted by our baby sister's voice.

"You're really tall." Tuvalu was standing in front of Russia, who had awkwardly found a place to stand in the corner of the room.

"And you are really small." Russia mumbled.

"Big brother Tonga said islands are supposed to be small. You're like a continent." Tuvalu beamed.

"Is she safe with him?" Maori whispered to me. 

"Can I get on your shoulders? I want to see what it's like to be tall!" She asked.

"Dolphin will be fine. Russia is quite nice," I explained.

We both watched as Russia picked her up as if it was nothing and put her on his shoulders.

"Wow! I'm so tall! Big Brother Tonga! Look at me! I'm taller than you!" She shouted proudly. Russia seemed to smile.

"You sure are!" Tonga shouted back up at her.

I couldn't help but crack a smile. She was the sunshine in our little paradise. If only I could stay here forever.

As I was watching her, my eyes locked with someone across the room. It was that Torres guy. God, I had almost completely forgotten about him. Next to him stood his brother who seemed to be looking right passed me.

Torres motioned for me to go into the next room. I felt uncomfortable but I nodded and excused myself from my sister's company.

"I'll be back, I promise," I said as I stood up and walked into the kitchen. It wasn't empty, but it was less crowded than the previous room. Torres appeared and walked over to me.

"Hey." He said simply.

"Hey." I responded not knowing what to say.

"Look, I've been trying to reach you for a while now, but my phone broke." He mumbled, pulling his phone out and showing how mutilated it was.

"Oh, that sucks. How did that happen?" I asked, trying to make basic conversation.

"Australia. He pushed me over and broke my phone." He muttered.

"I-I'm so sorry. Here, I can pay to have it fixed." I said quietly, as I pulled out my wallet. I didn't have much.

"That's not what I'm wanting. Don't you get it. You can't keep covering for him. If he doesn't suffer any consequences, he will just keep doing it. Next time he has a gun he could kill us," Torres mumbled.

"Someone has a gun?" Tuvalu's voice came from behind me.

"Yeah, what is this about?" Russia asked. I turned around to see Tuvalu still on his shoulders. They both looked concerned.

"Nothing." I said quickly.

"You just did it again!" Torres shouted. I could see the anger in his eyes.

"You didn't shoot Abby, Australia did! Stop trying to keep him out of trouble!!" Torres shouted again. Russia looked confused.

"Is... is this about the event that got you in detention?" Russia asked.

"No. It was something else..." I murmured.

"Hey Tuvalu, you want to come down for a bit and play with Tonga?" Russia asked. She nodded a little and Russia lifted her onto the ground and she ran off to find Tonga.

"Stop denying it! You are getting yourself in more trouble than you deserve and Abby and I are still getting hurt!" Torres pushed me. I was able to stand my ground.

"Zed, did you shoot someone or not?" Russia asked. I felt like I was backed into a corner.

"People have to learn from there mistakes, or history repeats itself." Torres said a little more calmly.

"You know what! I bet UK doesn't even know it was Abby he shot." He muttered.

"That's because if he knew who it was, he wouldn't care and then really nothing would have happened," I said under my breath.

"Woah! You can't say that!" Russia said in shock.

"I'm stating facts, not making an opinion. I choose to stay passive," I said.

"You know, bad things happen if good people do nothing." Torres said, before walking off.


Hey guys!

Happy late New Years!! I don't really want to say anything to jinx this years, so... digital hugs are being sent to you via carrier pigeon.

Also, this is 'Friends' 80th chapter!! And my first chapter of 2022...

So, I don't know how to celebrate. Ask and Dares don't seem to get a lot of attention, so if you guys have any other ideas or really do want an Ask and Dare, please let me know in the comments. Thanks so much!

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