Humans (New)

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The rest of the night went smoothly. Aside from Mark occasionally asking to see 'photos' of my girlfriend. America seemed to monitor him around me, though. There wasn't much in the way of customers, but I wasn't really doing anything, anyway. I became good friends with Elise. I never really took the time to realise how human lives are almost as complex.

Humans aren't like animals or pets, they are independent and control their own lives. I thought it was cool how they got a choice at what they could be. Elise talked about how she wants to be a doctor to support her family. I thought that was sweet.

"Yo, Zachary. Our shift is over, let's go home before dad wakes up," America called. I said my goodbyes to Sarah and Elise, I was a little weirded out by Mark so I didn't say goodbye to him.

As we were walking out the back door, I heard Mark announce something.

"Yo, Eric. It's that strange Australian kid,"

America and I walked back inside to see who this 'Australian kid' was. I walked over to the counter and immediately hid. That Australian kid had a flag and one that looked familiar.

"The usual, I assume," Sarah commented as he approached the counter.

"Yeah," The kid sighed as he diverted his path to another seat.

"How often does he come here?" I asked Sarah, since she seemed to know him.

"Rarely, but the first time we met him he had his brother. They had been bleeding badly and needed medical attention. Now he comes in every now and again to thank us and orders two large chips and a coke," Sarah explained.

I felt a chill go down my back and I felt pale.

"You okay, kid?" Mark asked.

"Let me talk to him for a bit," America said, dragging me outside.

"You seem to know him, Zea. He isn't human, but I have never really seen him around," America said.

"I believe he is Australia's native," I mumbled quietly.

"What! Was that the kid you stabbed?" America asked quietly. I didn't know what to say. I mean, no, I didn't stab him, but I have a promise to uphold. I nodded.

"What?!" America exclaimed.

"Maybe I should talk to him?" I questioned myself.

"That is a terrible idea, we aren't allowed to talk to our own natives, let alone other's." Meri commented.

"I'm going to talk to him," I decided and walked back inside. I jumped off the counter and sat down in front of him.

I could see his expression tense, but then relaxed.

"Hello, I didn't know you worked here," He smiled.

"Oh, I don't, I just wanted to talk to you." responded.

"Talk to me? About what?" He said confused.

"About stabbing you a while ago," I said. I could tell the others were watching intently.

"You weren't the one that stabbed me. Just because you two look similar, it doesn't mean that you should take Terra Australis's consequences," He sighed. I looked down at the table. I didn't know what to say. I could fool the others, but not him.

"My name is Abby. I know you have met my little brother. His name is Torres Strait. I'm sorry if he had caused you any trouble," Abby sighed. Elise came by with Abby's order and set it down on the table.

"It's fine. I maybe we should talk more later, do you have a phone?" I asked, pulled out my phone. I unlocked my phone to see the open messages to Bela displayed. I had completely forgotten that I was talking to her and had left her on read.

"No, I don't have a phone, but my brother does," Abby said as he took a sip from his coke. He offered me a chip, but I refused as I started thinking about how to respond to Bela. Was she asleep? Was she still waiting for a response? Maybe I should call her.

"Hey, is something wrong?" Abby asked as he saw my expression.

"I accidentally left my girlfriend on reading," I sighed nervously.

"Just send her a text saying that you fell asleep," Abby suggested. I nodded and typed her the message. She didn't respond, so she might have been asleep.

"How did you get a girlfriend?" Abby asked.

"A strange course of events," I rolled my eyes.

"Do you have any tips?" He asked.

"Tips? Do you have your eye on someone?"

"Only the most beautiful girl. She doesn't even know I exist though," He sighed.

"Zach! We should leave now," America hinted as he pointed to the door.

"Oh, I guess I had better go," I said as I stood up from the table. I waved goodbye to Abby and followed America out the door. I could see the confused and shocked expressions spread across the faces of America's coworkers.

As soon as I got into the car with America, he went off at me.

"You lied about stabbing those kids! And not only that, they were Australia's natives!" America made sure he got the whole situation correct. I nodded slowly.

"Don't tell mum or dad. Please. I made a promise to Ireland," I sighed.

"Zea, you had made many excellent decisions in your life, so why have you started making stupid decisions? It's that commie, isn't it?!" America rushed to conclusions as he always did. I rolled my eyes.

"No, you idiot. I'm not friends with any communists," I mumbled.

"Good," America nodded as he put the key into the ignition.

"Don't tell Australia," I asked after a while of silent driving. America sighed and relaxed a little.

"Fine. It isn't my place to meddle, but you have to tell him soon," America reasoned. It seemed fair enough. I nodded in agreement. I still didn't plan on telling Aus just yet.

"I'm still keeping my eye on those commies though," America added. Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the caller. It was Bela.

"Well, speak of the devil," America commented. I shoved him a little and answered the call.

"Hi, Bela,"

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