The talk

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"New Zealand, I have been meaning to talk to you for a while now about your- hm, how should I establish this, your behaviour," Mr Sweden began. I seemed uneasy. I started shaking. I couldn't have a panic attack in front of him, so I decided to control my racing heart.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't-" I started sputtering.

"That isn't what I am talking about, relax, I'm not furious," He replied.

"I- what?" I was so confused.

"I know you are being bullied," Mr Sweden stated once more. I didn't know how to answer.

"Uh, what are you going to do?" I hesitated over my words.

"I called your supervisor to let them know you won't be in class," He spoke, looking at me hesitantly me.

"What?" Nothing coming out of his mouth was making sense. He patted me on my back, and he brought me outside. I accompanied him uncertainly. We wandered around the field for a time. I felt shaky and uncomfortable.

"Can you explain to me who has been bullying you? I have an eye on your brother, but I think there are others," He declared.

"Uh," I wasn't eager on saying anything. I stared at the drudgery, seeking to escape any discussion. He kept asking questions.

"You need to tell me if you want to feel safer at school, tell me, who wrote on your locker?"

"I don't know," I answered quietly.

"Hmm, do you know who it could be? The more we know, the better off you will be," Mr Sweden tried to reason. I was still reluctant to answer. I knew if I got anyone in trouble they would come after me and I do not want that.

"If you aren't going to tell me anything, should I send you back to class? Or do you want to tell me something."

I didn't want to go back to class. That was the last thing I wanted. I shook my head.

"Then at least tell what Argentina did to make you break his nose,"

"He started the fight first, he punched me first," I muttered.

"So you only defended yourself?"

"Yes," I replied quietly.

"I believe you, you still have to go to lunchtime detention though, since you did break his nose, but I will explain this to the principal and see if I can get it shortened, okay?" He said. I was not expecting that. Not in the slightest.

"Uh, okay," I said staring up at him. As I did I saw that guy. The strange one. What was he doing? There was no school attire. I guess he wasn't a student. He sheltered behind a tree.

"Are you okay?" Mr Sweden asked. I got bewildered and glanced back at Mr Sweden who must have recognized my gaze wander.

"I-I'm fine," I whispered.

"Are you sure? You seem perplexed," He asked. I nodded. When he commenced talking again, I stared back over at the tree that guy hid behind. He was staring right at me. I felt a quiver run down my spine. He realized I was watching him but he didn't break eye-contact. That just made me seem more uneasy. He waved over at me and held up a piece of paper. He was clearly the one behind the notes.

"Maybe you should head back to class, you look tense," Mr Sweden said, once again snapping me out of interest in the guy.

"No, no. Please I don't wish to go back!" I shouted anxiously. He seemed worried.

"I can take you to the welfare office and you can go back to class when you feel stronger if you would like," He granted. I reflected on my opportunities. Go back to class or go to the welfare office. There was an unmistakable answer.

"Yes, I want to go to the welfare office," I said. Mr Sweden nodded and walked me there.

I opened the door and sat on one of the chairs. No one else was in the room, but there were a lot of fiddle things to play with. I liked the welfare room, it was the one place no one would bother you. America used to come in here a lot when he was having nightmares during school. He slept in class a lot. He would be taken to the welfare room to calm down.

I looked at the ticking clock on the wall. I started thinking about the guy. Why was he watching me? Who was he? What was he doing? More and more questions filled my head. I looked around the room and picked up a stress ball.

I could feel myself tremble out of nervousness. I squeezed the stress ball and quickly calmed down. I started distracting myself with other things in the room. It felt like it had only been ten minutes, but it wasn't until the bell rang I realised how long I had stayed.

There was a knock at the door then it opened. I was Bela and Wales standing there. They both ran up to me and hugged me. They asked if I was okay. Mr Sweden must have told them I was here.

"I-I'm fine," I managed to say while they squeezed the air out of me.

"What did he say?" Wales asked, letting go of me. Bela still hung on.

"He said that he would try and shorten my lunchtime detentions," I answered.

"That is good, did he say anything else?" Wales asked. I had pretty much forgotten about the conversation with Mr Sweden. I had been so focused on that guy.

"I'm not sure, but I am hungry," I tried to change the subject.

It wasn't long before we headed off to morning tea. I was tempted to look for that guy again, but he was gone. I talked with Bela and Wales for a while. Then a shadow fell upon us. I looked up to see who was blocking the sunlight.

"How about a rematch," Said one of Aus's friends. I couldn't see Aus anywhere though.

"I thought a rematch is with the two original fighters, not his friends?" I said. I wasn't one to be a smarta$$ but I felt like it needed to be said.

"Oh, that's it!" One of them shouted. He tried to swing at me but Bela stood up in time to block it for me. She was hit in the face. Aus's friend was shocked at what he had done. This made me angry. Wales and I stood up ready to defend again. They stood threateningly in front of us and started to advance.

"Guys, what are you doing?!"

Friends (Highschool AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt