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Well, the next day in school was rather awkward. I wasn't really sure about how everyone else would take the break up. I met Bela at the front of the school. She was happy to see and gave me a big hug. Others looked at us and she quickly let go. To be honest, I didn't even know if it was a good idea to hug your ex. I mean, she was still my friend and it was better if we just kept it that way.

We both got to school earlier than most and we waited at the back of the field. We spent the time just talking. Well, Bela was the one that was talking, I just listened. Apparently, it was Rus who tried to convince her to sleep with me. It makes it kind of weird since I thought he was the type to be protective.

Suddenly, I got a text. I opened my phone and saw a text pop up from Wales. He was asking where I was. Suddenly I got a call from him. I quickly answered.

"I heard what happened! Anyway, I'm here at school, I managed to convince England to let me come back here, where are you guys?" Wales asked.

"Neat, we are near the back of the field," I answered. He hung up and within seconds we could see him darting towards us at full speed. He was slowing down and before we knew it, he dived on us, knocking us over.

"Hey!" I shouted. He burst out laughing and so did Bela and I.

"Things can go back to normal, right?" Bela asked once we all settled down.

"I sure hope so, you guys kept ignoring me. You know I got to have my time in the sun," Wales said with a cheesy grin.

"I liked it when we were all just friends," I said quietly.

"We should all go get something to eat after school, you know, to celebrate," Wales smiled.

"I don't see why not," Bela agreed. I nodded my head, but that was when I remembered detention.

"Damn, I have detention after school," I muttered.

"Surely you don't go." Wales said.

"I don't have a choice, besides, Mr Sweden always catches me when I try to leave school beforehand," I rolled my eyes. I noticed Bela and Wales look at each other. I immediately knew what they were planning. I wasn't against it.

That was when the bell rang. We all headed our separate ways to our home groups and then to our classes. The day progressively got more boring with the exception of morning tea, but by the time lunch rolled around, all I wanted was a nap.

I reached my locker, but I noticed Russia standing there. I felt anxiety bubble inside me, but I walked over as confidently as I could.

"Hello," I greeted him. He nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"I heard about what happened. I'm so proud of you!" He said brightly, hitting me on the back.

"What? But you convinced her to do it?" I questioned.

"We have a surprise for you to celebrate," He said.


"Detention gang, I still don't like the name though. See you after school," He said as he started walking off.

"Wait, I actually ha-" But he had already walked off. Great. Now I am over-booked. Suddenly, last night's events seemed like more of a test and by the way Russia was acting, I passed.

I got my lunch and went to find Bela and Wales. On the way to our usual meeting spot, Brazil stopped.

"Hey! I heard the news, I bet Russia told you already about what we are doing in detention," He grinned proudly.

"Um, okay..." I said. I was starting to get a little confused. The only reason the boys celebrate this much is if- Oh no.

I quickly ran to the meeting spot and saw Bela sitting there, waiting for Wales and I. I sat down next to her.

"Hey, uh. What did you tell Russia when you got home last night?" I asked nervously.

"I didn't say anything to him, I just went to bed when I got home," Bela explained.

"Oh... because I have the feeling that your brother thinks that you and I actually... well you know," I muttered.

"Really? I haven't even gotten the chance to tell him that we broke up," Bela said. Suddenly Wales walked around the corner.

"Wait, you guys broke up?" Wales asked.

"I thought you knew?!" I shouted.

"But didn't you guys-"

"No! We didn't. I never liked him like that," Bela mumbled.

"It is the same for me." I nodded.

"Well everyone thinks you guys did it and are still together," Wales explained.

"Russia is expecting me to be in detention after school for what I assume is to celebrate me losing my 'V card'," I explained.

"What? I was really excited to break you out of there," Wales said, sounding a little disappointed.

"I can talk to Russia and maybe they can join us," Bela added.

"Who do you think started the rumour? Wales, where did you hear it?" I asked.

"I heard it from Scotland but he is a bit of a blabbermouth, he could have heard it from anyone," Wales shrugged.

"Why is everything so hard?" I let out a heavy sigh.

"I have a good idea on who it was," Came the familiar voice, belonging to none other than America.

"Have you been here the whole time?" I asked. He came out from behind the corner.

"You know it bro," he said with finger guns.

"Well I guess you know almost everything to do with everyone's personal lives," I rolled my eyes.

"Canada. It's Canada. I am surprised you didn't see it coming," He said a little anticlimactically.

"Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense," Wales said, nodding slightly.

"We need to get this lie cleared up before anyone gets any ideas." Bela explained.

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