Fight 2.0

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"What are you guys doing?" Australia stood behind his group of friends, basically almost towering over them. He looked confused, but then he noticed me and saw what was going on. He kind of backed away. I felt he wouldn't defend me. He would do anything to have people like him because god forbid he goes back to being picked on. It's not like I knew how he felt or anything. Dumba$$.

Wales and I stayed in front of Bela protectively. We were bracing to fight, and no one would stop us. Aus's friends looked down at us ferociously. I felt my hope vanished. There was no use, we couldn't take them all on! Especially all at once! We stayed there for two seconds, each side threatening to beat each other, but never making a move.

"Guys, stop! This is absurd!" Bela shouted after a moment.

"Shut it, Ruski's sister" Called out one of Aus's friends. I could catch the look on Bela's face turn. She gave him a good right hook straight in the mouth, and it flattened him to the ground. It startled everyone else. It frightened me, In fact. I didn't think she had it in her.

"I have a name you know, not Russia's sister, and not Ruski's sibling. It Belarus! Now, if any more of you guys need a broken jaw, come at me!" Bela shouted. Their faces turned pale. If they didn't have so much stupid self-dignity, they would have given up like a practical, intelligent country. But they didn't. They remained there awkwardly, shaking ever so slightly.

"You saw what I can do! And you obviously know what New Zealand's done, and Wales is the toughest out of all of us! And yet you stand there like a bunch of numbskulls, go on! Fight us! See if you make it out alive!" Bela continued to shout at them, which only made them more and more awkward.

"Guys, maybe we should drop it, this is a meaningless fight anyway," I heard Australia mumble. The other seemed to take notice. Looks of relief and anger

passed over their faces as they turned away. Australia led his friends somewhere else.

We all sat down feeling quite relieved. We all knew Bela was bluffing, we could have never taken them all on. Belarus had a bruise forming on her cheek but she wore a proud expression on her face.

"That looks like it hurts? Did you want us to get you an ice pack?" Wales asked. Bela shook her head.

"I didn't think you would flip out over someone not knowing your name?" I said nervously.

"Don't you hate it when people call you America's brother or Australia's brother? Surely that happens a lot?" Bela asked.

"It does, but it happens so often, I don't think I even have a name, I have just gotten used to it," I laughed.

"It must suck having popular siblings, mine is only an alcoholic," Wales added. He lightened the mood for all of us.

"I haven't heard the bell go off yet, what is the time?" Bela asked."I left my phone in my locker, Kiwi have you got your phone?" Wales asked me. I peeked down at where my hoodie sleeve covered the embarrassing watch. I rolled up the sleeve carefully.

"Five minutes till the bell goes off," I answered. Wales grabbed my wrist, noticing the watch. I started shaking a little as he looked at it. Bela took an interest in it too. I pulled my wrist away and looked at them, feeling anxious. They immediately realised what was happening.

"Oh, Sorry Kiwi, I forgot about that. We won't hurt you, you know that" Wales apologised frantically. I nodded and calmed myself down. Bela hugged and whispered that she was sorry. This was dumb. I shouldn't act like a scared baby whenever someone grabs my wrist.

"It's okay, can we talk about other things?" I sputtered as I pushed Bela away.

"Okay, how about the camping trip this weekend! I have packed my camping gear! What about you guys?" Wales said, helping change the subject.

"I don't know what to bring. This will be my first camping trip!" Bela said.

"I-I have spare fishing rods and I'm sure I can lend you Aussie's sleeping bag," I offered.

"That sounds nice," Bela smiled. She seemed a little sad in her tone though.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Well, Papa is planning on taking me out of school next few weeks starting next Monday to see if I am 'any good on the battlefield'. I don't want to go, Kaz did it and came back with a broken arm and two bullet wounds," Bela explained.

"So you are leaving us?" I inquired, sounding fake offended. Bela punched me heartily.

"I will be back, in one piece I hope," she grinned. Her laugh was pretty and sweet. What am I thinking?

"I should probably tell you guys as well, the reason I am going camping with you guys this weekend is because my Dad wants me to try out another school next week, one where I may make 'better friends', or something," He said.

"You are leaving because of me?" I asked.

"No, no! My Dad just wants me to be around other people," Wales replied, still not making him sound much better.

"So, I will be all alone for next week?" I asked, pouting. Wales and Bela looked at each other and back at me. They offered me a synchronized nod. What would I even do next week without my buddies? I had better make the most of this week then.

"Guys, the bell sounded ten minutes ago, what are you still doing here?" I overheard a recognizable voice. I glanced up to see Canada standing in front of us.

"Really!?" I exclaimed as I jumped. Bela and Wales quickly followed. We rushed into the main building, and I undid my locker. A note dropped out. It was from that guy again. I had totally forgotten about him. I hastily dug the note back in my locker and followed Bela and Wales to class. We had Home ec now.

We opened the door quietly and slipped into the classroom. We took our seat at the back of the class and tried not to be seen by the teacher who was giving us an extra job. Great.

"New Zealand, Belarus and Wales. Care to explain why you three are so late?" Mr Italia asked.

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