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It turns out America didn't sleep either. I know he runs on less sleep than me, so I trust he can get us to the campsite safely.

It took a while, but I shoved everything into his car as well as Aussie, who was being a moody grump and refused to talk. I know that he would feel much better away from the house, anyway.

Unlike Canada and Australia, America doesn't hold grudges, he usually forgets minor inconveniences by the next day and no longer cares. Unless you were a communist. I seriously question what even goes on inside his brain sometimes.

We finally got in the car and started driving off. I had to remind America to stop at Bela's house. Annoyingly, he had to park a long way from the house and I had to walk to the door.

I knocked and waited patiently. With every second that passed, I became more and more nervous, thinking that everyone might be asleep. But finally the door opened and Mr Soviet stood in front of me.

He greeted me kindly and led me inside to where Bela was shoving some clothes into a bag. She waved at me before returning to her struggle. I helped her zip up the troublesome bag and carried it for her.

I was expecting her to bring a few more bags, but that may have just been the impression I had gotten from watching tv. Bela only brought one backpack. It wasn't even that big.

I carried it for her as we walked to the car. I stuck her bag in the boot and we both sat in the back together. Australia was riding shotgun and America was obviously driving.

"I haven't gone camping like this before," Bela commented excitedly.

"Yeah? I go to camps like this all the time. There are so many great things you can do," I grinned.

"All you do is fish and star-gaze," Australia muttered.

"You always look for the most deadly animal first and about 80% of the time you light yourself on fire," I rolled my eyes.

"This sounds like it could be fun," I could hear the awkwardness in her voice.

"It's always better than it sounds," I reassured her.

"Are they staying with us?" Bela whispered to me.

"Only Australia. But he won't get in the way too much. And I brought the emergency water bucket just in case," I shrugged.

Bela seemed a little disappointed but cheered up as soon as my phone rang. I quickly answered to hear Wales on the other side.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"Hey, we are on our way! We should be there soon," I answered.

"Cool, I brought extra snacks and have set up my tent and a spot for the fire," Wales said.

"Awesome, see you soon," I said. Wales hung up first.

The rest of the car ride didn't take long, and we ended up playing I spy for the remainder of the trip.

We finally pulled up at the campsite, and we all piled out. America helped us get our stuff out and promptly left.

Wales had been waiting for us and started helping Australia set up his tent while I helped Bela. She seemed very excited at her surroundings. We were right at the edge of the lake, the perfect spot to go fishing.

Bela spent a while in her tent, setting up everything to her taste while Wales and I ate some snacks. Australia ran off into the surrounding forest, probably to find a snake.

"So, what is the plan for dinner?" Wales asked.

"Fish, there should be plenty at this time of day," I answered, looking out at the lake.

"I didn't know you were going to bring Aus," He commented.

"I know, I was going to tell you, he was just doing that thing again," I sighed.

"I understand, there is nothing we do together that we can't do as a group," Wales chuckled. I could tell his laugh seemed a little forced and uncomfortable.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Nah, everything is fine, trust me, if something was wrong I'd tell you," He replied. I just nodded quietly.

Bela finally came out of her tent, dressed in more camp-appropriate attire. She had a big smile on her face and she walked over to us.

"So, what's first?" She asked joyfully.

"It's a hot day, how about we jump into the water for a little," I suggested.

"Are you kidding me? The lake is always cold at this time of the year," Wales said.

"Nah, you're just being weak," I joked as I ran towards the lake, taking my jumper and shirt off. Before they could stop me, I jumped headfirst off the pier and into the lake and dived deep. I waited a few seconds before resurfacing, knowing that Wales at least would come to the edge of the pier.

When I finally resurfaced, I saw both Wales and Bela standing there, waiting for me. I looked up at them smugly.

"Come in! The water is nice!" I called.

"You can't fool me again," Wales scoffed.

"Fine then, help me out of the water," I asked as I reached my hand up for either of them to grab. Unfortunately, Bela was the one to grab my hand.

"Wait! Don't!" Wales shouted. But it was too late, and I had pulled Bela into the water.

"It's so cold!" I yelled.

"I told you it would be. Never trust him when it comes to the temperature of the water," Wales remarked. As he was talking, he didn't notice me take his hand and pull him in as I did with Bela.

He didn't necessarily fall with grace. He splashed around for a bit as he tried to scramble back on to the pier. He slipped and fell back into the water.

"Aw, come on. Stay with us," I said smugly.

"You and your stupid tricks," Wales muttered.

"Bela isn't fussing," I argued.

"Don't bring me into this," She laughed as she successfully climbed onto the pier.

This is going to be a fun camping trip.

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