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I flicked through the channels on the tv once a show finished. I got bored after I couldn't find anything interesting aside from the news I turned the tv off. I was getting hungry and decided to find something in the kitchen.

I looked in the fridge and couldn't find anything worth eating. Netherlands's cupboards were empty too. I thought about asking him, but he was not someone to get angry. I sat down on the couch again. I hadn't eaten my lunch yet so I opened my bag and fished around for it.

I finally found my lunch box hiding at the very bottom of my bag. I also pulled out my sketchbook and pencils. I just sat there eating and drawing for ages. Neth walked in and out of the house randomly. Every time he passed me, I could smell the smoke and it made me feel sick.

I remember when I used to live here. My bedroom down the hallway was where I would have hidden from him. He treated me much better now at least. I didn't realise how much time had passed when there was a knock at the door. I thought it was probably Mum or Dad coming to pick me up.

I packed my bag and walked over to the door and opened it. It wasn't Mum or Dad. It was Indonesia. I was a little confused.

"Umm, hi," I said awkwardly.

"New Zealand? What are you doing here?" Indo asked.

"I punched a kid," I said.

"You actually broke his nose and yeah, I saw. But what are you doing here?" He asked again.

"My parents need to work an don't trust me home alone, so how about you?" I asked.

"Similar deal I guess, Papa works late on Mondays so I come here after school because I ate all of the indomie last time," He sighed. I can't say I got on very well with other people, but Indo is pretty chill around me. He doesn't seem to care about what 'I' had done.

Indo came inside and started looking for Neth. I know that they had some sort of war or something like that. I wasn't entirely sure though. It wasn't my business anyway. I sat back down in the lounge and continued sketching.

Indo sat in the lounge and turned on the tv. We didn't speak to each other, we just kept to ourselves. Well, for the most part.

"Did you really beat up those other kids?" Indo asked. I was surprised. No one ever questioned the rumours. I thought about whether I should tell him the truth.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked. I was trying to stall.

"I'm just interested because if you haven't, you aren't proving anything," He explained.

"I know, breaking the kid's nose was a mistake," I mumbled.

"What about the others, did you beat those kids up too?" He asked. I felt like panicking. I didn't want him to know. If I told him, all I've kept secret would be all in vain. I was not ready to answer truthfully.

"That's none of your business, and they weren't kids, they were older than me," I said.

"So you did!" Indo exclaimed.

"I didn't admit to anything, now drop it!" I demanded. Indo rolled his eyes and went back to watching the tv. I waited for Mum or Dad to pick me up. It was at least another hour before there was another knock at the door.

I answered the door and saw America standing there with his smug grin and sunglasses. I grabbed my bag and sketchbook. America was waiting for me with his car parked on the street. Dad must have told him to pick me up again. I called out to Neth that I was leaving, I didn't hear a response so I just left. 

"Ladies first," America said as he opened the car door for me. I was not having a good day.

"So, rumours say that you bet up another kid today," He said as we drove off.

"The kid was asking for it," I mumbled.

"What did he do to you?" America asked sounding a little concerned. Growing up around people who were very protective of me I could tell when someone was getting ready to kill for me. Even after breaking a kid's nose, everyone still thinks I'm young and unable to stand up for myself.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter," I muttered.

"Who was it?" He asked. He would find out eventually.

"Argentina," I said.

"Aussie's friend?".

"Yeah," I confirmed. We were quiet for the rest of the trip. America looked like he was planing something which was not going to end well. We arrived home and I went inside. Australia was sitting on the couch and looked over at me apologetically and then looked away.

I was angry at him. He could have stopped the fight, but he didn't. I go to great lengths to protect him and he won't even stop a bully for me. I went up to my room. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I dumped my bag in my bedroom and sat at my desk.

Someone knocked on my door and walked in without me saying anything. I turned around to see Canada hold a bunch of my books.

"Wales and Belarus told me to give this to you, it's homework I believe," Canada said putting the pile of books on my desk. I waited for him to leave, but he didn't.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked.

"Oh! Right, I found this note in my locker from you, it said you wanted to meet me behind the school at lunch. I knew you had left school before then, I heard about what happened, so I'm available to talk to now!" Canada explained. I was shocked.

"Is something wrong?" Canada said in a worried expression.

"Can I see the note?" I asked. Canada nodded and pulled out a piece of paper which said what Canada had explained.

"I didn't write this," I said looking up from the note.

"It has your name signed at the bottom," Said Canada.

"The same thing happened last week his Aus, he got a note too," I explained pulling the other note from my desk draw and showing him. They were identical.

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