Midnight swim

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After Australia had 'proved' his superior burnt marshmallows over all of them by setting fire to all of them, we all started to feel tired. I looked up at the dark sky and I got an idea. I was starting to feel a little stressed. I don't know why, but the lack of stars makes me uncomfortable.

"I need to go pee," I said as I stood up. The others acknowledged it and kept talking. I walked towards my tent and went inside to grab a few things and stashed them in my pocket. Once I retrieved them, I walked towards the forest.

I walked in a little deeper than I was supposed to, just to make sure I couldn't be seen from camp. I looked around to make sure there was nothing dodgy around. The last thing to want is to urinate only to realise you are being watched.

Once I had finished my business, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the cigarettes and lighter. Just looking at them made me feel calm. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I leaned up against a tree and took a puff. I felt much better instantly. I stayed out in the forest for a while, just smoking.

"Zea! Where are you at? I know for a fact it doesn't take fifteen minutes to pee!" I heard Wales shout.

My anxiety skyrocketed as I quickly dropped the cigarette and stomped it out. I ran further in the forest in hopes that I could meet him at a different point. I climbed up a tree and watched as Wales passed underneath. He looked angry.

I got a smell of my breath and it smelt bad. I tried to wave away the strong smell of smoke, but it didn't work. They are going to know that I smoke for sure.

"Zea! I know you are out here!" He shouted again.

"I found the cigarette butt!"

"Sh!t" I whispered to myself.

"If you don't come out I'll tell Aus!"

Dammit! I couldn't let him know. I just couldn't. I climbed down from the tree quietly. Perhaps I could convince him that it wasn't mine. Many people smoke.

I scaled the forest, thinking I could lose the strong smell in the lake. I ended up running, I knew Wales was close behind and really good at tracking so my only hope was losing him.

I eventually came to the lake and on the opposite side was our campsite. Knowing I would ruin the lighter and cigarettes if I just jumped in, I quickly dug a hole and buried them, marking the spot with a rock. Then I jumped into the water. I kept my head under the water for as long as I could and then started swimming towards the camp.

The fire had been put out and Aus and Bela were just talking. I kept swimming towards them. The water in the lake was more chilly than it was during the day, but it was still bearable enough for me to get to the others. I came to the end of the jetty and grabbed on, hoisting myself onto the wooden planks.

They noticed me and Bela walked over to me. I was exhausted from that sudden swim and was wrapped in a towel as soon as I made it back to the camp.

"Really? I just put out the fire," Aus hissed.

"I just thought I needed a swim," I smiled.

"Wales went out looking for you. Did you see him?" Bela asked.

"No, I didn't," I lied.

"You were taking forever? What were you doing and why do you smell like smoke?" Aus said with narrowed eyes. I got nervous. I was sure the swim would have gotten rid of the smell. I started coming up with a lie.

"It must have been from the fire," I explained.

"Fire doesn't smell like that," Aus commented again, this time with suspicion.

"Guys! I couldn't find- oh," Wales said as he came back. I looked up at him.

"Why are you wet?" He asked. He had an annoyed expression on his face.

"Midnight swim," I stated, sticking with the story.

"You are a strange one," Aus mumbled.

"Well, I'm tired," Bela yawned as she headed to her tent. I felt kind of disappointed that she left, but Aus soon followed her lead and went to bed too. Now it was just me and Wales.

"I know what you were doing," Wales mumbled.

"You aren't going to tell them, are you?" I whisper-asked nervously.

"No, not yet. But I told you what would happen if you smoked again,"

"Oh right, you were going to kiss me, I have a girlfriend," I laughed.

"You should have thought of that beforehand," He murmured.

"What?" I whispered, but Wales had grabbed my arms and pulled me close to him. We locked eyes for a second. Before he crashed his lips onto mine. It wasn't just a short kiss, it went on for longer than a peck. And the whole time he was maintaining eye-contact, which was, well... awkward enough for me to blush. But eventually, he stopped.

"That was actually a good kiss, how do you not have a girlfriend?" I joked the only thought that came to my head. He was red in the face.

"Because I'm gay," He whispered covering his face embarrassed... cute, wait no! Not cute! I have Bela! And I'm not gay!

"This was just an excuse so you could kiss me, wasn't it?" I grinned, feeling rather proud but flustered that someone else slightly fancied me.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to kiss you for," He said out of the blue, it was quick but I heard every syllable of it.

"Wales... I'm straight. You know this." I pointed out.

"You certainly felt like you liked it, didn't you? You felt a spark or the slightest bit of excitement?" He asked, looking up at him desperately.

"Wales. I can't date you. Not only do I already have a girlfriend, but my dad doesn't approve... of, well. Gays," I mumbled.

"I know how you feel about the second part," Wales sighed.

"England doesn't know?" I asked, surprised. Wales always seemed like the type to face the problem straight on, and deal with it now rather than later.

"Nope, and you can't tell him either," He snapped, looking back up at me.

"Fair enough. Hopefully, this is only a one-time thing, and we won't tell anyone," I mumbled.

"Agreed. But only if you stop smoking. Smokers don't make for good kissers," He nodded.

"You seemed like you enjoyed it a lot." I grinned, soon after going into our individual tents.

But I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what happened. What did happen? Oh right, I got kissed by my best friend. Not to mention! I actually did like it! Did I? Or is my brain just going haywire after I smoked? God, I don't know. 

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