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English went as smoothly as any other subject. At least I like it though. We were doing a creative writing topic and got to write our own stories! I loved storytelling. I'm quite creative and have plenty of good stories.

When we were younger and Aussie would get bullied for having all of his deadly animals I told him stories about a place called Middle-earth which had far creepier and evil creatures such as huge spiders and dragons. That would always cheer him up. Now, I'm the one being bullied and he is such a jerk.

I had a free lesson after English so had to go to the library to study there. I never studied during this time. I only read comics and watched the clock. As I was reading a book quietly at a study desk I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hey, Zea!" It was Canada.

"Hi," I said awkwardly.

"You don't seem to be studying. So would you like to sit with Ukraine and me?" He asked. I nodded and followed him over to the desk where Ukraine was sitting. They had been dating for quite a while now and they seemed happy together. America wasn't happy about it though.

"Hey, Ukraine. Bela told me you got in trouble this morning?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. I slept in twenty minutes too long, Papa didn't like that but I'm still okay," Ukraine said.

"You got in trouble this morning? I hope it wasn't because I kept you up last night talking," Canada said. They call each other every night and talk for hours on end with their mushy couple talk. Although there is still some rivalry between the two families, no one really cares about them anymore. America still doesn't like 'commies' though.

I spent my free lesson with them, they talked quietly while I read my book. I decided to leave a little bit earlier so I could get to my locker without any interruptions. I thought it was a good plan. I waved goodbye and ran off towards the main building. However, nothing ever goes to plan.

I should have known they skipped class. I saw them waiting for me. I felt like turning around and keeping my books with me for lunch. I tried to turn around but they noticed.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Ripoff Australia," It was North Korea again. One thing you should know is that there are two parties that like to bully me. Australia and his friends and then there is North Korea and Cuba. And then there is everyone else who either believes the rumours or just don't like me in general except Wales, Bela, Ukraine, Canada and Germany. North and Cuba walked up to me slowly.

"I'm not a ripoff," I mumbled.

"What was that?" Cuba said darkly.

"I'm not a ripoff! Leave me alone," I said as I pushed Cuba out the way. Bad idea. Very bad idea. He grabbed me by the arm and threw me to the floor. I tried to get up but they kept kicking me. I curled up in a ball and covered my head as I did when Dad would beat me.

The bell rung for lunchtime and North and Cuba swiftly fled. I tried to stand but everything hurt. I walked over to my locker and got my lunch out. The bruises were starting to show in arms so I grabbed my hoodie and put it on to cover up my arms.

"Hey, Zea!" I jumped in surprise only to realise it was Wales.

"Oh, uh hey," I said.

"Is something wrong? Why are you wearing your hoodie, it's hot today," Wales asked.

"I don't feel very well," I lied.

"So you are saying  you should go to the sickbay?" He said.

"No," I responded.

"Who hurt you this time?"

"Is it really that obvious?". Wales just nodded his head.

"It was Cuba and North again," I said.

"I'll be right back, I'm just going to kill them for you," He said turning around and walking away.

"Wait, no!"

"I'm joking, I'm just going to tell the teacher,"

"You know the teachers won't believe me after what happened," I tried to reason with him.

"You're right, but we can't let you keep getting hurt," Wales said.

"Let's just ignore it for today, okay,"

"Fine, we can play rugby for now," He smiled. I nodded and we began walking to the field to play.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I heard Bela call out from behind us. We slowed down for her and she caught up with us. 

We played Rugby with a couple of others while Bela cheered us on from the benches. We were doing really well, but the whole game came pretty close. For some reason, no one kept score so we didn't know who won the game.

The rest of the school day passed pretty quickly. Just sitting in class waiting for the dismissal bell to ring for the end of the day. I sat there watching the clock slowly tick and counted the number of items thrown at me from behind. 10. 9.8.7. I counted in my head. 4.3.2. Ring!

I jumped out of my seat and ran to my locker. I shove my books in my bag and swung my bag over my back. I started running for the door but Mr Sweden got in my way.

"Where do you think you are? You have detention remember," He said harshly. He escorted me to the detention room. I could see the other kids watching me and whispering to each other. I didn't forget about the detention. I just didn't want to go. I was supposed to go every day after school.

"This is stupid," I muttered as I took my seat in detention. I sat at the very back.

"You know what you did and this is the consequence," Mr Sweden said leaving the room. The teacher watching over the detention class was Mr NATO. I didn't like him. He was too strict. 

There were three others in the class. Brazil, he got caught for smoking on school property. Russia, not sure why he is here, I guess he is just constantly suspicious. And then there is Iraq. He brought a gun to school. None of them liked me or talked to me.

Why was I detention? That is a good question...

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