Very late 10K celebration!!/Fishing

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Hello everyone! Thank you all for 10K! For those who participated, here are the results for the Ask and Dare!


To Wales: How have you been doing lately?

Wales: You're asking me? Um, well okay. I'm surviving, but in all honesty, I kind of feel left out. I'm happy for New Zealand and Bela, but I always thought things would seem nicer, but now I'm just the third wheel and with Australia here as the fourth wheel, I get the feeling to make things even, I should kiss Australia and make this a double date... BUt! I wouldn't because I'm absolutely not gay!... I swear.


To New Zealand: I dare you to take all of Aussie's pet.

New Zealand: Okay, just give me a second...

New Zealand: Canada! Where is the knight armour and the beekeeper mask?

Canada: In the laundry!

New Zealand: Thanks!

New Zealand returns dressed in the knight armour and the beekeeper mask.

New Zealand: Right, now let's make a mistake!

Successfully taking all of Aussie's pets, not knowing where he was supposed to take them, dropped all of them off at the day care down the road.

To USA: I dare you to tell UK the whole thing about the Mcdonald's job.

America: F#ck.

America: Hey Dad. I have something to tell you.

America told UK about everything to do with his job at Mcdonald's. Knowing this was coming, UK sent America to the cellar and made him quit his job for volunteeringly being a part of human civilisation. Lucky for America, he worked at multiple fast food restaurants and three of them more Mcdonald's restaurants.

To USA: Why do you hate the Commies so much?

America: A little bit of history and nuclear threats really goes along way in a relationship. Also, once a commie always a commie and commies can't be trusted.

To Everyone: I give hugs to everyone.

Everyone gives you a huge group hug, some do not want to hug, but an 'unknown force' forces them to hug you and they enjoy it. They spent the rest of the day following you around in hopes to get more hugs from you.

Achievement unlocked: North Korea is stalking you... good luck!


To Belarus: I dare you to steal Germany's school supplies and give them back the next morning.

Belarus: Finally! Some action!

Belarus stole an item from Germany every time she saw him and throughout the day, Germany would notice and start getting confused and believing that he had misplaced his stationery despite him being very organised. Belarus, intending to return the 13 pens, 7 pencils and 3 erasers the next day was having the best time of her life. However, the following day, Germany didn't come to school and Belarus later found out that Germany had a panic attack due to his missing stationery. Belarus didn't return the stationery and hid it in a box under her bed.

To France: I dare you to hit UK with a baguette (Have fun :D)

UK: France, no! No France! Stop! Leave me alone!!

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