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"We're celebrating," Brazil answered.

"What exactly are you celebrating?" Mr Sweden asked.

"We were initially celebrating Zed losing his virg-" Brazil was quickly cut off by Russia sticking his hand over his mouth.

"Zed and Bela broke up," Russia said. Brazil tried his best to remove Russia's hand from his mouth. When Russia released his mouth Brazil gasped for air.

"I'm also back!" Wales added with a grin.

"You are celebrating over that?" Mr Sweden looked confused. 

"What's so bad about me being back?" Wales asked in a jokingly offended tone.

"Oh, no. It's been nice having you back, but you two are celebrating a break up?" Mr Sweden asked as he patted Wales on the head.

"It's complicated." I muttered, making eye contact with Bela.

"Yeah, we decided it would be better to just be friends," Bela explained further. Anymore information than that would have been confusing.

"Oh, you guys are doing much better than your parents at this." Mr Sweden commented. I'm kind of glad he didn't press on.

"I don't have parents. But my brother is an alcoholic and that is pretty much the same thing," Wales added with a grin.

"Same!" Brazil announced. Wales and Brazil both high-fived as if it was something they were proud of.

"My brother's aren't alcoholics but we too don't have parents," Iraq said joining in. Iraq did not get a high-five despite putting his hand up for one.

"I only have a dad. We used to have a step mum though..." Belarus mumbled to herself.

"She didn't really count though, she kind of left us and then promptly died," Russia added.

"With the way dad was back then, I would say the 'other option' would have also been a possibility," Belarus pointed out.

"Okay, I think we all know your families aren't the best, but you kids should be heading back to school," Mr Sweden changed the topic.

"Aww, but we're on an 'excursion' remember?" Brazil said smugly.

"Look, you guys are technically not on school property so I don't have to do anything. Have the day off school, but stay out of trouble." Mr Sweden stood up and waved.

We all watched as he left.

"That went well," Russia sighed.

"Just call me the master investigator," Brazil smiled.

"I think you mean negotiator," Iraq corrected.

"Same thing," Brazil mumbled.

"No, it's not." Iraq argued. Soon enough they were arguing back and forth between themselves. It was quite entertaining.

We spent most of the afternoon just chilling at the park, but I still had a bad feeling about when I got home. By the look in Dad's eyes, he had it out for me.

"Did you want to stay at my place tonight?" Bela asked. I looked over at her, I felt kind of shocked. Did... did she just read my mind?

"Uh, as a friend, I mean! Obviously you would sleep in one of the boy's rooms!" Bela added. I must have looked at her funny.

"Hey, yeah! You could sleep in my room with Ukraine and Kazakhstan," Russia added, punching me in the shoulder.

"But your dad?" I began to ask a question.

"Don't worry about him, it's a school night, he is likely blackout drunk anyway," Russia added.

"Thanks, but, I think I already have a place to go tonight. I text Aus... Can... no, I'll just text America." I stuttered as I recalled the collection of events that lead to this moment.

"Knowing him, he probably already knows, in fact, he is probably in that bush over there," Russia said, pointing over to a random bush. I was going to ignore the comment when America stood up from that very bush.

"You always ruin the fun," America muttered, crossing his arms.

"You aren't a very good spy," Russia commented.

"America? Seriously?" I exclaimed as I watched him walk over to us.

"You are lucky you turned down that invite into the commie house. They probably would have inducted you into their regime." America said, confirming that he had been listening in.

"I tried to do that to him seven times when I was much younger, but we aren't communists anymore." Belarus said.

"That's what they want you to think," America whispered into my ear.

"Look, you could either stay here and keep spewing your nonsense about communists, or... I could let everyone here know your secret," I threatened.

"What secret? I have many and you don't know any," America snapped in defense.

"Oh, you know the one..." I urged him on.

"Still don't know what you are talking about." America mumbled.

I grabbed his arm to pull him down to my level.

"The one about your feelings for-" I began to whisper to him.

"Shut up! I know the one!" He shouted, pushing me away from him. I fell back on my elbows and looked up at him.

"So are you going to leave me alone? Which includes no longer spying on me!" I shouted.

"Okay! Just tell me where you are going tonight," America said in grumble.

"I'm going to stay at the Pacific Community house," I answered sourly.

"Fine, I'll cover for you tonight," America said as walked off.

"He has a secret? Can you tell me what it is?" Brazil asked.

"No, I'm not going to break his trust in me so early," I answered.

"The Pacific Community house? I never heard of it before," Iraq said.

"My real family lives there. They worked out that it was cheaper just to live in one house," I shrugged.

Suddenly, Wales got a phone call. We all watched him as he answered and we could make out that he was talking to Ireland. Once he hung up he looked at us.

"Sorry guys, I gotta go. Ireland wants me to work a shift," He muttered.

"You work for Ireland? Do you get free drinks?" Brazil asked.

"Sometimes. Anyway, I'm off, enjoy the rest of your picnic!" Wales smiled as he began to walk off.

"Oh, wait... he found someone else to fill in." Wales stopped. He walked back over to us rolling his eyes.

Looking down at my watch, it was a whole hour after school.

"Our stuff would be locked inside the school by now, perhaps we should head home?" Iraq said.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," I said. We all slowly stood up and Brazil took what was left of the snacks with him. I slowly began my walked to the Pacific Community house. They would be happy to see me at least.

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