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Aussie stood in front of me. He looked like he was on the edge of tears but trying to keep it all together. I knew how he felt and I hated that even just by looking at him I could mirror his emotions.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to be casual

"I hate therapy," He whispered grumpily. I had forgotten about that.

"What happened?" I asked, partially interested in what happened.

"Apparently I'm bipolar and because he isn't a licenced therapist, he said I should try smoking to calm myself down!" He shouted.

"You being bipolar makes a lot of sense," I said as a small smirk grew on my face.

"That's not the point!" He argued.

"I'm assuming you are upset about the smoking," I rolled my eyes.

"Duh! Smoking could f#cking kill me! You know how flammable I am!" He shouted, almost pushing me in anger. It only made me struggle not to laugh at him.

"What other options are there?" I asked, with an attempted straight face.

"I don't know! I may as well just set myself on fire!"

"Calm down, smoking isn't that bad," I said in vain. I guess, in a way I was trying to make myself feel better.

"Are you listening to yourself?! Not That Bad?! Are you stupid? Of course smoking is bad! It kills humans, it starts fires, it kills the environment! If anyone in my family were to start smoking I would kill myself!!" He shouted. He suddenly broke down into tears.

"Hey, hey! Don't say things like that. None of us smoke and none of us will," I lied. His outburst shocked me and the only thing I could think of was to lie.

"Hey Aus!" I heard someone shout. Aussie quickly pushed me to the ground and began laughing at me.

"What's up Argie!" He smiled. I was really confused, but I stood up anyway. He really is bipolar. I decided to leave and find Bela. He didn't seem to care about me anyway.

I found her at her locker, struggling to put her books away. I quickly helped her.

"Is something wrong?" Bela asked, looking me in the eyes.

"What isn't?" I joked.

"No, I'm serious this time, you seem off and have been for a while," Bela said, seeming a little grumpy.

"Off? How am I 'off'," I asked.

"It's just, I don't know. I have never seen you this protective of me... or, this violent," She mumbled.

"Violent, I'm not violent unless it's in defense," I explained.

"NK told me what you did this morning. It seemed a little uncalled for. I don't really care that you smoke, but just don't burn people," Bela sighed.

"NK is lying. You know how he is," I tried to cover up.

"He didn't seem to be lying."

"Oh yeah! And who are you going to believe? Your boyfriend or his bully?!" I shouted at her.

"What happened to you? Are you having withdrawals?" She asked.

"No, it's not an addiction,"

"I care about you,, but I have seen it all before with my father and brothers. They all smoke. I know this stuff, so you have to trust me," She almost pleaded.

"It's not a withdrawal, but I'm still sorry for shouting at you," I mumbled. I pulled her in for a hug which seemed to make her feel better. It made me feel better too.

I walked her to her next class and said goodbye. She seemed a little distant from me, but what more could I do. I'm not going to quit smoking, it makes me feel happy, I just wish there was something else I could do for her.

I walked back to my locker, now really late to class, but who else was there but NK in the flesh. He was just waiting for me.

"So, I'm a liar, am I?" NK asked.

"That is one of the many words I would describe you as," I sighed, opening my locker.

"I was following you. I listened into your conversations. I'm not the only liar apparently," He said with a smirk.

"What's your point?" I rolled my eyes.

"If I were to tell your dear older brother about the-" I quickly cut him off.

"Hey! I'm the older brother! He is younger than me!" I snapped.

"Even better, I guess. If I were to tell your younger brother about the fact that you smoke, you would have a bit of a problem, wouldn't you," He smugged.

"It doesn't matter, Aus wouldn't listen to you anyway. He hates you just as much as me. So if you try anything on me to try and make me look bad, I will break your arm and leave you outside in a bush for the bugs to eat you, because it's not like your family would want to come looking for you. No one does. You have no friends and you are known as the universal liar of this school. No one will believe you and it's all your fault," I explained as I closed my locker.

I looked over at him and he seemed very pale. He knew I was right. Or he believed I was right. To be honest I was mostly making that stuff up as I went, I don't actually know if he has any real friends or family outside his brother and the jar of his father's ashes.

I left him there to process everything while I went on a head to class. I think I was finally winning a battle against that a$$hole. Out of all the people in the world who have the means to blackmail me, NK is the only one stupid enough to think people will believe him.

He knows I'm strong too. He has seen me beat up kids who try to hurt me or my friends. He is such an idiot. I feel sorry for his brother. I know they don't like each other, but I'm concerned that they may still trust each other.

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