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So this is what it is like to be accepted. It feels good. Just to think, not too long ago Russia was beating me up and now we are friends. I think. 

"We should start heading off now, detention ended ten minutes ago," Iraq notified us. We weren't drunk, we didn't have anywhere near enough alcohol to get tipsy. We left the pub and went around the back of the building. Russia handed me his lighter.

"You can keep it," He said.

"What? Really?" I asked I was quite surprised.

"Yep, it can be a small item to remind you the first time you smoked, and now you can practice," Russia explained. I held the lighter in my hand. I felt so honoured.

"I-I will," I stuttered. Russia patted my head.

"You're not bad kid," He said. Did. Did he just compliment me? 

"I have to go, guys, see ya tomorrow," Iraq said.

"We are doing the same thing again tomorrow, right?" I asked. Iraq turned and smiled.

"Definitely," He said as left.

It was just Brazil, Russia and I now. Brazil pulled out the cigarettes again.

"Want to try again?" He asked with a cheeky grin. I had to admit, smoking was kind relaxing, it actually felt good. I pulled out the lighter.

"Yes," I said. Brazil threw me a cigarette and we shared the lighter around. We spent another half an hour smoking before we decided to leave. I started walking home alone, at least it wasn't raining. I felt proud of myself. I held Russia's lighter in my hand like a trophy.

I felt tired. I just wanted to go to bed. I finally made it home and I knocked on the door. America answered. He looked down at me as I stuffed my lighter into my pocket before he could see it.

"Dad! New Zealand's home!" Ame shouted. I pushed passed him and ran up to my bedroom where I threw my bag across the floor and laid down on my bed. I heard a knock on my door. I didn't respond. I hoped that whoever it was would go away.

The door opened and I could see the angry face of Dad. This was gonna be fun.

"New Zealand, you have some explaining to do!" He shouted. I didn't respond.

"I was informed that you had run away from detention with three other kids," He yelled.

"Yeah, so what? I don't want to stay in detention," I said not bothering to look at him.

"You can't just leave! You are in detention for a reason!" Dad seemed to stumble over his words.

"Piss off!" I shouted at him.

"Your mother will not be happy with this," He said before leaving my room. I was surprised that worked, but he left the door open. I sighed and walked over to close the door. I then sat down at my desk and pulled out the lighter. I can't believe I actually made friends. Let alone with Russia. He was in year twelve and more America's speed.

Suddenly the door slammed open almost giving me a heart attack.

"Kiwi!!" Australia shouted as he ran over and hugged me. I was confused.

"Get off of me!" I shouted. He let go of me and I could see the fear in his eyes.

"I can smell the smoke Kiwi! You've been on fire! We haven't you told me?" He shouted. Sh!t. He smelt the smoke from the cigarettes.

"I uh, didn't want you to worry?" I said uncertainly.

"Kiwi, you know that fire is a dangerous thing, I don't the same thing to happen to you as it did to me, I can help you!" Aus said sounding concerned. When did he start caring?

"Don't call me Kiwi," was the only thing I said.

"Yeah sure, but just tell me where you burnt yourself!" Australia only cared about my health.

"Just let me be, I'll have a shower and I should be fine," I said pushing him away from me. As I did, the lighter dropped from my hand and landed on the floor in front of Australia.

"You have been doing it purposely?" He said as he looked up at me. He is making the wrong connections, I would never hurt myself on purpose.

"NO! Just leave me alone," I shouted as I picked up the lighter.

"Kiwi, please, let me help you," He begged.

"I don't need your help," I said before walking out of my bedroom and towards the bathroom. The sooner I could have a shower the better. I didn't want anyone to become even more suspicious of me.

I grabbed a towel and turned on the shower. I was angry and upset. I felt stressed out, like I could punch something and feel better. I sat down and looked at my hands. They were trembling. I needed to relax.

About twenty minutes later, I heard America call out.

"Hey! I need a shower too!" He shouted.

"Just five more minutes!" I shouted back. I took way longer than just five more minutes. When I finally got out, I felt calmer. I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my waist. I noticed that stupid watch on my wrist again. It had stopped working. I guess Dad hadn't taken getting a water-proof watch into consideration.

I pulled at the watch, hoping that maybe, just maybe, I could get it off. Alas, I couldn't the stupid lock was not giving me any luck. I gave up and walked to my bedroom. I got changed and retrieved my lighter that was in the pocket of my school my shorts.

I sat on my bed and looked down at the lighter.

"What is my life becoming?" I sighed as I fell back on my bed. I put my lighter in the draw of my bedside table. I would say 'what a week' but it is still only Tuesday. Why was this week going so slow!?

The door opened again. Mum walked in holding what was probably dinner. I didn't realise how hungry I was until saw it.

"You missed dinner," She said placing the food next to me. I hoped she would leave but she didn't. I prepared myself for the lecture I was going to get.

"Your father told me what happened, I am not happy," She started. I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my dinner. She lectured me for a few hours before she was satisfied with her speech. Was I listening to it? No. I was too tired to pay attention to her.

I fell asleep as soon as she said: "Do you understand?".

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