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I stared at the notes. They were the same. I was a little unclear of what to do, Canada glanced down at me worried.

"How is that not your note? It says your name?" Canada observed.

"You're my brother! If I had to tell you something I would tell you at home, I didn't give you that note!" I pointed out.

"You have a point. So, if you didn't write it, who did?" Nada replied.

"That's what I'm concerned about. It's the second note now too, I don't know what to do," I felt powerless, not knowing what I could do.

"If you'd like, I could watch out for anyone suspicious at school," Canada sought for New Zealand, hoping to lighten up his saddened face.

"That would be fantastic, thanks," I said. My mind flicked to recognizing that unusual guy. He stuck something in the mailbox. I rushed past Canada and downstairs. And ran out the front door and went through the mailbox. It was vacant. Damn.

I ran back inside and checked the table where Dad would usually put the mail to read later. It was all still there. I looked through the pile. There were a lot of random bills and letters from Dad's workplace. I finally found a small, folded note.

I noticed a small design on the front of the note. It looked strange. It was a small spiral thing surrounded by four black U shapes and a red one. My name was written and an arrow pointed from my name to the red U shape. I had no idea what to make of it.

I unfolded the note and saw the same message as all the other notes. I had a clue, but it didn't help me in the slightest. I ran back upstairs and sat at my desk. I placed all three notes side by side and just stared at them hoping I would get some sort of realisation.

At least now I knew who it was, I just didn't know his name. I knew what he looked like, maybe he went to school. I decided that the next day I would look out and see if I could find him. He might be a student at school.

...(time skip)...

The next day I woke up at the regular time and got ready for school while making sure I put my hoodie on to bury the watch under the cloth. I had a mission in mind now. I was a slow today and hesitant of how it would spiral out after what took place yesterday. Now that I realize it, Australia barely glanced at me after school. Strange.

I started wandering to school. With each tread, I started getting more and more nervous. I thought about Argentina. Would he be at school today or at home? I wasn't certain. I just hoped no one would seek to bully me after what happened.

I arrived at the school premises and fled nonstop to my locker. I peeked around and spotted two guys staring at me and probably gossiping about me, never mind don't notice them, don't look at them and hopefully, they'll leave me alone. I noticed my locker. I wasn't awfully tough to find. Someone had scribbled 'You don't belong on the map!' on it in permanent marker. Wonderful words to introduce the day.

Surely a teacher would have noticed it. I didn't honestly care about it anymore. People would say that to me all the time, every chance they got. I've become used to it by now, I unlocked my locker to be hailed with a pile of other angry remarks. I wouldn't read them no, I couldn't read them, in dread I might just start having a breakdown.

I was early for school as always, so there weren't many people passing the halls. The people who showed up early gave me nasty looks as I passed them on the way to the library. I had my phone to confirm the time. Instead, I had a dumb watch to tell me the time. I discreetly monitored my watch, making certain no one noticed me.

I had about ten minutes before class started. I walked towards the library when I remembered my mission. Maybe, whoever was giving out the notes came to school early to do so. I thought I would scope around the school a little bit before the bell rang. I didn't go back inside the main building, I didn't want to be around the judging eyes.

I looked around outside and behind the main buildings where the 'cool kids' hung out. They weren't really cool, they just smoked behind the school. To be honest, they kinda looked like losers.

I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary except for another kid who did not look like he went to this school. He wasn't wearing the uniform and his clothes seemed kind of ratty. He was looking at me strangely but, I reckoned I would get those kinds of looks all day anyway so I brushed it off.

The bell rang and I head off to class without any lead on this stupid mystery. Walking inside my home group slightly late, everyone stared at me except Mr Sweden who looked like he was going through an existential crisis.

I sat down stiffly next to Wales, who waved at me. He said nothing. We just remained there and attended the roll call. He later gave me a note. For a second I thought it might be another note from that weird individual, but I was mistaken.

I unfolded out the note Wales had passed me.

Zea, the whole school fears you. Even the teachers are hesitant that you will punch another kid. -Wales

I scribbled back.

What happened to Argentina? -New Zealand

I shifted the note back to him; he reads it, and jotted something down, suddenly shifted the note back.

He went to the hospital; the ambulance came and everything! -Wales

"What!?" I exclaimed out loud.

"New Zealand! Please be quiet during the roll!" Mr Sweden shouted. It freaked me out, and I settled down into my chair. I could understand the kids in the rear making naive remarks. I peeked over at Wales for some kind of support. He just offered me an embarrassed face.

The bell sounded for the next class and I got up from the desk. The children from the back shoved me over and giggled as they went out the door. Wales offered me his hand for support and helped me to my feet. I could see Mr Sweden standing by.

"Wales, head to class, I need to talk to New Zealand for two minutes," Mr Sweden sighed. I felt shaky as I observed Wales go. He glimpsed back at me with a supportive look on his face.


Thanks to crypti for editing this chapter! I really appreciate it and it turned out great!!

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