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We arrived at the Oceania house and rang the doorbell. Palau answered the door and said hi to Maori. I gave Maori a goodbye hug and walked inside. Maori and Palau talked near the doorway as I continued to look around the place.

"So, how did it go?" Fiji smirked when he saw me walk inside.

"How'd what go?" I asked, confused about what he was referring to.

"You and Bela, did you finally tell her you didn't love her," He rolled his eyes. I was fixed in place, remembering what I had said to Fiji. I felt like there were gears twisting in my brain and it wouldn't let me say anything intelligent.

"What kiss? I didn't kiss her," I mumbled hastily, walking towards the kitchen. Fiji was puzzled for a second before it kicked in. "No way! You kissed her!!?? You kissed her, thee White Russia, Russia's sister! Hell! Soviets daughter!" Fiji shouted.

"WAIT. NO!" I exclaimed, swinging around and racing over to Fiji.

"HEY GUYS! KIWI KISSED RUSSIA'S SIST-" Fiji called out before I slammed my hand over his mouth to shut him up.

"Kiwi kissed Russia? I'm mean, I kind of knew he was gay," Tonga joked.

"What? NO! I'm not gay!" I exclaimed.

"Darn, Wales told me he was interested," Tonga snugged. I shot Tonga an angry look. He shrugged it off.

"So who did you kiss?" Tuvalu asked.

"No one! I kissed no one!" I yelled desperately. Fiji bit my fist that was still covering his mouth. I hissed, let go to hold my hand.

"Belarus! He kissed Belarus!" Fiji shouted out to everyone. I knew my face was turning bright red again.

"Has Russia caught on?" New Caledonia asked.

"Forget Russia, what about their dad!?" Kiribati added.

Their comments started making me nervous. I didn't think about her dad. Crap. It's unlikely he would approve with the history between my family and theirs.

"Could you guys leave Aotearoa alone, so he kissed someone. I'm tired and trying to sleep," Marshall snapped as he walked into the room. The others apologised and Marshall moved back to his room to take a nap.

To be honest, me kissing someone wouldn't have been such an enormous thing. But I just had to kiss Belarus, known by everyone else as 'Russia's sister'. Everyone was frightened of Russia, and even more so to get close to his siblings. I learned she hated being called that. So I felt obligated to correct my family whenever they don't call her by her name.

"So, what was it like?" Tonga asked, sliding next to me.

"People need to clarify what they are talking about," I said, rolling my eyes.

"The kiss, what was it like? Did it taste like Vodka?" Tonga asked.

"What? No. I mean, she smelt a bit like potatoes, but it was nice," I answered awkwardly.

"Hmm, you should invite her over," Tuvalu said while eating a biscuit.

"What?" I blurted, cocking my head to the side.

"Yeah, invite her for dinner, we'll have a nice traditional meal," Tuvalu defined further. I looked around at my family. They were magnificently fun, but not the best people to keep company.

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Um, guys... the police are here," Palau announced, walking inside with Maori and two cops following behind them. I had an unpleasant feeling about this. The cops walked up to me, and I felt nervous.

"Are you New Zealand?" One of them asked.

"Um... yes," I answered nervously.

"Your father has been worrying about you, we will take you home," The other said.

"What!? NO! I don't want to go back!" I exclaimed. I tried to run away, but one grabbed my wrist and started pulling me to the door. I started shaking fearfully as I had dreadful memories flash through my mind.

"Hey! That's my brother! Let go of him!" Fiji shouted. He grabbed my other wrist and started pulling. Tonga helped Fiji but, since we were only kids, they couldn't overpower the police. I started crying as I tried desperately to get away from all of them. Fiji and Tonga let go of my wrist, defeated.

"No! NO!!" I shouted as the police officers dragged me out the door. I tried hard to get my wrist free from their grip, but it didn't work. They pulled me into the police car and slammed the door. I couldn't stop shaking and crying. I held my wrist behind my back.

"Kid? Are you okay?" One cop asked as he looked back at me.

"No, no, no, no, no," I mumbled quietly to myself. I didn't glance up to them. I looked out the glass to see Maori and the others running after the car, as it drove off. I couldn't do anything about it.

"Take me back!" I shouted as I banged on the window.

"Hey! Stop that!" The cop driving yelled. I stopped briefly and looked at my trembling palms. For a few seconds, I swore it looked like my hands were bruised and bleeding. It scared me. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping for the view to go away.

What was probably a quick ride, seemed to take hours? When the police car finally stopped, I opened my eyes. We were back at Dad's house. I didn't like this.

The police left me in the car while they knocked on the door. I struggled to open the car door, but it was locked. I felt trapped.

I watched as Dad answered the door. America and Australia came out. I tried again with the handle. I didn't want them to know I was crying. It still locked. Australia ran up to the police truck and looked in at me. The worried look on his face only made my tears pour faster.

"Hey! Let him out! He is having a panic attack!!" Australia shouted worriedly.

"What?!" UK ran over to the police car and the cops. They unlocked the door and let me out. I was still scared and tried to run away, but before I could, Australia gave me an enormous hug and got me to sit down. He didn't stop hugging me, even though I struggled.

"It's okay Kiwi, you're safe, don't cry," He repeated to me.

"Let go of me, I want to go back," I whispered, but I was too weak to get out of the hug. Aus knew me too well. I calmed down a little.

"I don't want to stay," I mumbled.

"You don't have to," Dad sighed.


Woo! Chapter 30! I love you all!

That is all I came here to say.

Stay safe friends!'

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