Getting in trouble

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Yeah, yeah. I have heard it all before.

"I'm disappointed in you,", "I expected better of you,", "I guess you are like your brothers,"

It gets repetitive after a while, but by now, I couldn't care less anymore. But now, Mr Sweden was taking me to his office and it was likely I was going to be lectured. I followed him, unwillingly. The need to smoke another cigarette was ever increasing.

When I chucked the cigarette behind the bin, I felt a kind of pain as I was barely finished smoking it. Maybe I am addicted.

Suddenly I remembered that promise I made to myself this morning. Man I really f#cked that up. I'll just do it tomorrow, I guess.

We walked until Mr Sweden stopped and opened the door to his office. He held the door open for me and told me to sit down in one of the chairs. His office was quite cosy, with pictures of his brothers on the walls.

He sat down in his office chair and let out a small sigh after closing the door. I felt nervous.

"You told me you were going to home ec, why did you go out the back with Iraq?" Mr Sweden asked.

"I didn't want to go to home ec," I mumbled.

"It doesn't matter what you want to do or not, it matters that you go to class. I know you are a good kid, New Zealand, but why are you going out of your way to disrespect the rules?" He asked.

I stayed silent. I felt uncomfortable and targeted. I didn't like this. I just wanted to go back to the days of being forgotten. The days when no one cared if I was dead or alive. I was just free to be ignored. But now, all eyes naturally fall to me.

"You aren't a bad kid, you are just acting badly. I don't want to see you fail and I'm always here for you if you need support. Things aren't easy for you, but you can at least try," He said.

I nodded my head a little, feeling uncomfortable.

"I will take you to your class and you are to attend every class until the end of the week, failing to show up without parental permission will result in lunchtime detention," Mr Sweden said, standing up and opening the door.

He then proceeded to usher me out of the room and led me towards the home ec class. I didn't like this.

As the door opened, everyone had their eyes on me, especially Mr Italia. Mr Sweden told me to sit down while he talked to Mr Italia. I did as he asked, walking over to where I would typically sit. But Cuba was sitting in my place. He gave me a smug look. I looked around for another place to sit, but the only other place was up the very front.

As if in a walk of shame, I walked up to the seat and sat down. I didn't have my books with me so I felt even more out of place. The people I sat next too, scuffled their chairs away from me.

I kept my head down as I waited for Mr Italia to start teaching again. I hoped that he wouldn't spend time ridiculing me in front of the class.

As soon as Mr Sweden left, I noticed Mr Italia's eyes fall on to me in a judgemental glare.

"It's good to see you attend class for once," He commented. I just kept looking at the table.

"So Mister Spaghetti-on-toast, where does ice cream fall on the healthy-eating pyramid?" Mr Italia asked me.

"It doesn't, it's not healthy," I answered.

"So, you do remember basic food studies. The amount of classes you have been skipping, I would have thought you would have forgotten it all," He laughed.

"Maybe you forgot it all," I mumbled under my breath.

"Excuse me?!" He must have overheard me.

It didn't take me long to be kicked out of class. I never liked that class anyway. I sat in the hallway and played games on my phone. After a while, I noticed a text from Bela. I opened up our messages and saw that she sent a few pictures.

The first two pictures seemed to be of her smiling and having fun, but the last one was of some blood on the ground. At first I wasn't concerned, thinking it must have come from another animal, but then she sent a message.

I got shot in the leg, I'm coming back early. I'll be back tomorrow.

Bela! Are you okay? Is it bad?!

I texted back worriedly. She told me that it wasn't fatal, but annoying enough to not walk in it for a while. I was happy that I would get to see her again, I just wished it was under other circumstances. I hated the idea that she had gotten hurt. I wish I was there with her.

I switched off my messages and went back to playing basic games on my phone.

But then, Estonia passed by and stopped to look at me.

"In trouble again Map-less?" She sneered.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Nothing to do with you," She said as she continued walking past and entered the girl bathroom.

Man, I can see why Bela doesn't like her.

A while had passed and the lunch bell rang. I dashed off pretty quickly. I went straight to my locker to grab the weed and stashed it in my pocket. I became excited. It was going to be new and I have only heard good things about it.

I headed straight to the back of the school and sent Brazil a text. It didn't take long before he and Russia joined me. I handed one of the bags to Brazil and watched as he began to roll some of the weed up into a joint.

"Zed, you want to do the honours?" Brazil asked, handing me the first joint.

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