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I was at school early, so none of my friends were at school yet. I shut my locker and headed to the library. I would usually wait there until the bell rang. I found a seat in the corner of the library and grabbed a comic off the shelf.

The library was mostly empty aside from than Mr China and a couple of other students. I flicked through the pages of the book my hands. I sat there for a while until someone tapped me on my shoulder. I looked up from my book to see Belarus smiling at me.

"You're here early," I say as I put my book down. She sat down next to me.

"Yeah, Papa kicked us out of the house early. He got angry at Ukraine for some reason," She explained.

"Is he okay?" I asked. Bela had told me about how her dad gets angry quickly and sometimes hurts them. It is no different to my family but still, I don't like hearing about her and her family getting hurt.

"He is fine, he ran out the door before Papa could get to him," She laughed. She always had a positive outlook on everything. I was quite impressed. We sat and talked for a while. Well, at least until the bell went.

We stood up said goodbye, we went off to homegroup. Down the hallway, passed my locker and into the first on the left. I sat down in the seat in the front where I always sat. Far enough away from the teacher, for people not to think I'm a teacher's pet but close enough for the teacher to be able to spot anyone picking on me.

Mr Sweden was my homegroup teacher. He looked just about as done with this school like every other student. I wasn't the first one in the class. A couple of the kids were sitting at the back of the class talking amongst themselves. I finally see my brother walk into the class and take a seat at the back with his friends.

As he passes me, Aus gives me a dirty look. If I had books on the table he would have pushed them off like the asshole he is. I can't believe I'm related to him. Mr Sweden starts taking the roll Wales enters the room and sits down next to me.

"Has my name been said yet?" He whispered to me. I shook my head and Wales relaxed. Mr Sweden finished the roll call and went through the school notices. We then got ten minutes to talk before the next lesson.

We talked about your basic everyday things like sheep and rugby for the ten minutes we had.

"So what do you have next?" Wales asked.

"History," I grumbled.

"Damn, good luck I guess," He said. The bell rang for the next lesson and reluctantly grabbed my books from my locker. I looked around to make sure I couldn't see Aus or his friends. Luckily I was able to get to my next class without a problem.

History. It is quite boring when you already know how it goes. Once again I sit up the front by myself with my book open at a pencil in hand. I got bored of listening to the teacher so I started doodling on my page instead of taking notes.

 Mr San Marino is the history teacher, but he isn't very fun. He put on a documentary and that was most of the lesson. During the documentary, people from the back of the class started throwing paper at me. I tried to ignore it.

"Hey, Discount!" Someone whisper-shouted from the back of the room. I turned around to see who it was when they through a piece of scrunched up paper at my head. I turned to face the front again and finish watching the documentary. I kept getting hit paper planes and stationary.

As soon as the bell rang for dismissal of the class, I was out of there. It was morning tea time now. The third best time of the day after lunchtime and home time. I ran to my locker with my books. As I was unlocking my locker someone knocked the books out of my hand. It was North Korea. I'm not surprised. It's always him when it isn't Australia. I picked up my books only to get them knocked out of my hands again.

"North, leave him alone!" South Korea said. He helped me pick up my books and put them away.

"Thanks South," I said.

"Don't talk to me, if anyone else saw this, they would bully me too," South said before walking off.

I grabbed what I needed for morning tea and went off to find Wales and Bela. Belarus was coming out of drama class when I saw her. I walked with her to her locker while I snacked on some biscuits.

"How was class?" She asked.

"The same as always," I replied.

"Again? Look, just give me the word and I will make sure they don't hurt you again!" Bela said. She was quite protective by nature.

"No, I'll be fine. How was your class anyway?" I tried to change the subject.

"Drama was great! We are doing mini-plays and I get to be a lead role!" She sounded excited.

"Bela! That's amazing!!" I said. She blushed a little bit.

"Thanks, will you come and watch me perform?"

"Of course!! Why wouldn't I!" I exclaimed. She looked so happy. We began to walk to our usual spot where we eat. Wales was already sitting and waiting for us. He waved over to us and we waved back. We sat at the back of the school, behind the main building and we would just sit there talking until the bell rang.

"We should have another game of rugby at lunch!" Wales offered.

"Absolutely!" I said. We ended up cracking jokes and making fun of our siblings. Bela had a lot of brothers and sisters, no one really remembers most of them though. Wales only has Scotland as his older brother. Scotland left school ages ago and is technically an adult now, although he doesn't act like it.

The bell rang and morning tea time was over. Wales walked with me to my locker and sort of stood guard while I got my books out for the next lesson. English.

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