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The three of us were just chilling together. We said little; we were mainly enjoying the peace as we smoked.

"You know what would make this better?" Brazil asked.

"Alcohol," Russia answered.

"Well, yes. But I was thinking more like weed," Brazil grinned, looking at me.

"Do you have any?" I asked. I was a little unsure, but it sounded fun.

"Maybe a little, but I don't have enough to really smoke it or a steady supply of it," He sighed.

"You want me to get weed off my brother, don't you?" I said.

"You're getting good at this," He laughed.

"Don't put so much pressure on Zed." Russia explained. I didn't like how Russia was speaking for me. His words were true, but I want to prove myself.

"No, it's okay. I can get weed," I said.

"Hell yeah!" Brazil shouted excitedly, holding up his hand for a high five. I didn't leave him hanging.

As I finished the third cigarette, I began thinking about Wales. And that kiss. Russia handed me another cigarette, but I just looked at it. I actually felt bad about smoking.

"What's wrong Zed?" Brazil asked.

"This feels wrong," I sighed.

"You just haven't had enough. Smoking is fine. It makes you calm," Brazil said. He grabbed the cigarette from my hand and lit it for me, handing it back. He had a point. It made me feel calm.

I held the cigarette to my lips and breathed in the smoke. As I breathed the smoke out again, I leaned my head against the wall and tried to forget about everything. I tried to soak myself back into the peace.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but the bell rang and we all got rid of our cigarettes and stood up.

"Can I hang out with you guys?" I asked.

"No way, we all have our own cliques and we stick to them. The Detention gang is more of an alliance than a friendship," Brazil laughed.

"Brazil is right. But if you ever need help, just find us. No one messes with us," Russia smiled as he patted me on the back. I nodded, feeling a little disappointed.

Brazil and Russia left and went off to find their friends. I continued to sit there for a while, not wanting to openly sit alone. Eventually, I got the courage to leave and get something to eat.

I made it to my locker and remembered that I packed nothing to eat. Typical.

"Hey Kiwi," America said from behind me. I turned around.

"Hi Ame," I greeted.

"Are you sure you want to let him hang out with us," I heard one of America's friends whisper. America elbowed them in the gut.

"Of course, he is my little brother," America snapped.

"It's okay Ame, I'll just sit in the library," I sighed as I closed the locker.

"Too late! You are coming with me!" America shouted as he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder. I couldn't be bothered fighting back. I was already uncomfortable. I knew the others didn't want me to be there, but I really didn't have a choice. America carried me outside until we made it to the very back of the field.

We all sat down on the grass. Some laid down and looked at the sky.

"Have an idea, how about a game of truth or dare," South Korea grinned.

"Sounds good," America nodded.

"I'll start then. America, truth or dare?" South Korea said.

"Dare!" America announced.

"I dare you to take off your shirt and run around the field twice," South Korea dared.

"You're on!" America said as he took off his shirt and ran off. I sat there uncomfortably waiting for him to come back. When he finally did, he put his shirt back on and sat down next to me.

"Alright, my turn. Uh, Zea, truth or dare?" America asked me. I felt nervous.

"Um, truth," I said.

"What is your darkest secret?" Ame asked. I suddenly thought about the most twisted thing I have ever done. I felt slightly nervous.

"I, uh. Maybe another question?" I asked.

"Answer the question," South Korea said.

"Um, okay. But some people might not want to hear. It's really dark." I muttered awkwardly.

"You have already stabbed someone, what could possibly be worse?" South, said snarkily.

"Okay, but you promise not to tell anyone else, okay?" I said nervously.

"Just tell us," America said. Soon enough they began chanting for me to tell them.

I let out a deep sigh and prepared to tell them.

"I used to collect sticks," I sighed. It wasn't my darkest secret, but I wasn't ready.

"Aw come on, man. Surely there is something darker,"

"Okay, fine. But let me remind you that I warned you guys," I said. I tried to gather my courage and everyone looked at me intently. I felt like I was put on the spot.

"Alright, here goes..."

"* **** ** ** * ********," I muttered.

"You did what?!"

"Aw, that's so gross!"

One of them gagged. I warned them. America didn't seem fazed, if not a little disgusted. He knew everyone's secrets, but that was a secret I rarely let people know.

"Okay, now you know. And in my defence, I don't do it anymore," I defended.

"That's still awful!"

"Yeah, not cool,"

I felt bad. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Hey, everyone has a dark past," America argued. The others stopped talking.

"Um, okay. Uh, Japan, truth or dare?" I asked, trying to keep the game going.

"Truth," She answered. I thought for a second of a good question. I remembered that Australia had a bit of a crush on her a year ago.

"Um, do you have a crush on anyone?" I asked.

"Nah, no one here is really my type. And besides, the coach doesn't play the game," She answered confidently.

The game kept ongoing for a while, but no one asked me anything. I feel like I would have been better off in the library. I know that America's friends didn't like me, and to be honest, I didn't really care.

I just wanted another cigarette and a way to get out of this hell hold.

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