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I was in the middle of a circle of Aus's friends and other kids that wanted to see a fight. I felt nervous. I turned around and froze with fear as I saw the kid I pushed, standing in front of me rather threateningly.

"Y-you, d-don't want to do this," I whimpered. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I scanned around to see who was in the chanting crowd. I spotted the worried faces of Bela and Wales calling my name. The couldn't get through the crowd. I saw Aus looking at me from a distance. He looked uncomfortable but couldn't get through either.

"Ha! What are you going to do about it Rip-off!" His friend shouted.

"Trust me, you d-don't want to fight me," I tried to warn him. He just laughed and threw a punch. I managed to avoid it, but I knew I couldn't keep dodging his punches forever, but I didn't want to hurt him. I was already trying to stop the rumours about me, but if I were to fight back, they would believe it.

He landed a punch square in my chest and I fell to the ground, winded. Tears of pain started filling my eyes. I struggled to get up and no one helped me.

"Awww, poor little baby discount, you gonna cry?" He teased me. I would not show him I'm weak. I managed to stand up unsteadily. I looked at him in the eyes. He seemed a little shocked that I can take a hit. I have had plenty of experience with this stuff, one hit will not keep me down.

I started dodging his punches while I fought with myself about whether or not I should fight back.

"Come on! Fight me," He teased.  He then grabbed the hood of my hoodie and pulled me to the floor. He stepped on my arm and yelled in pain. When he stepped off my arm I tried to stand up but before I could I get up he stood on the hood, jerking me back.

I wriggled out of my hoodie and managed to stand up. Suddenly I remembered why I was wearing my hoodie in the first place. Everyone was staring at the one thing I didn't want them to see. My watch.

It didn't take long before everyone burst out laughing and making jokes. I was annoyed. It wasn't even my fault. I was furious, and suddenly I punched him in the nose and it immediately started bleeding. He covered his nose and looked at me as if I was crazy. I punched him again and pushed him to the ground I was so angry.

I held him down and continued to punch his face. The other kid had stopped chanting now and were desperately trying to stop me. Bela and Wales were the ones that managed to pull me away. Together, they picked me up, Wales grabbed my arms and Bela grabbed my legs.

When we were outside they took me around the back of the school. I wasn't hurt, but I understood why they carried me out that way.

"Zea! What the hell was that?!!" Wales shouted at me.

"Are you okay?" Bela asked. I felt like breaking down crying, but I felt dizzy with anger.

"I-I don't know, self-defence?" I said quietly.

"Self-defence is throwing a warning punch, you tried to hurt him!" Wales seemed annoyed.

"I-I'm sorry," I started crying. Bela and Wales both hugged me to comfort me.

It didn't take long before my parents were called and I was sitting in the principal's office. I sat quietly and nervously next to both UK and France. They looked confused as to why they were there. The principal, started explaining what had happened to my parents. They seemed shocked to hear what I had done.

I was kicked out of school for the rest of the day and had to go to lunchtime detention for the rest of the year starting tomorrow as well. My parents were not happy.

After the meeting, Dad looked over at me darkly. I felt my face turn pale.

"You bet up another kid!!" He shouted at me. I looked down at the ground quietly hoping he would ignore it.

"Sweetheart, you need to stop. Beating up kids can get you kicked out of school, and you don't want to go back to staying with Netherlands again, do you?" France said.

"No," I mumbled.

"Your father and I need to head back to work so until the end of school, I will drop you off at Netherlands's house since he is the only one who works from home," Mum said.

"What!? I don't want to stay with him!" I complained.

"Consider this your punishment then, get in the car," Mum commanded. I did as she asked and got in the car. I didn't like Neth. He always smoked and wasn't very nice. When we pulled up to his house, Mum let me out of the car. I walked up to the door and knocked.

I waited for a response but I didn't hear anything. I knocked again and suddenly I heard from the inside. He finally opened the door. He looked down at me and sighed. Neth let me inside and then closed the door.

"So, what did you do this time?" he sighed.

"I broke a kid's nose," I muttered.

"Heh, you are turning out like your Dad after all," I said. I didn't want to live up to those statements but I guess he was right. As I walked further into his house I could smell all of the smoke. I remember living here as a child. They were not good memories.

"You know where everything is, you can watch some tv or do your homework, I don't really care. Just don't interrupt me, I'm going outside for a smoke." He said. I nodded and watched him disappear around a corner. I found the tv remote and turn it on.

I watched the tv for a while. I knew I probably should have been doing my homework, but I couldn't really be bothered, besides, it's not like Neth will make me do it anyway. He barely cares about anything.

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