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I walked to school, feeling angry at Australia for being so stubborn. I hated it when he acted like this. But I know he was kind of messed up, all us brothers were, but it hit Aussie kind of differently. He imitates dad when he gets stressed and becomes violent. Dad used to lock Australia in his room whenever Aus became triggered.

As I approached the school gates, I noticed someone waving at me and I waved back. Then they started running at me at full force. I got kind of scared and stood in fear. But that all melted as soon as I realised it was Bela.

She knocked me over with the biggest hug. Luckily, my bag broke my fall. Bela lay on top of me and smiled as she hugged me. She was happy to see me. No, happiness is an understatement. She was excited to see me. I gazed up at her smiling face, which immediately made me feel happy.

"Good morning, my queen," I smiled.

"There are other more private places to 'have fun.'" you know," Brazil laughed as he passed us. I started blushing hard as I realised what he was referring to. Bela was blushing as well. It was cute.

"I-I'm sorry," Bela said as she got off of me and stood up. She helped me up. Her face was bright red, and she covered it with her hands.

"It's okay," I mumbled.

"Dammit! Make it saucy!" I heard Japan shout from the bushes.

"Shut up, Japan! You're ruining the moment!" Canada shouted at Japan.

"Can you guys stop following us? It's annoying," Bela said angrily. She took my hand and led me to a more private area.

"They are so annoying," I laughed.

"Yeah, like what do they mean by saucy?" Bela chuckled. I whispered what they meant by that in her ear and she was blushing again.

"What!? No! We wouldn't do that," She exclaimed in a flustered manner.

"My dad would kill me, and I don't think your dad would take too kindly to it either," I said as I held her hand.

"Stop doing that!" Bela demanded. I let go of her hand.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

"Stop being so cute and sweet and amazing! You're making me blush and want to kiss you!" She shouted. It took me a second to process what she had said, but before I could do anything, she kissed my lips. When she finished, I felt dizzy, but in a good way.

"Woah, have I ever told you that you are a great kisser," I said the only thing that came to my mind.

"I told you to stop," She laughed.

"Oh, hey guys," Wales interrupted. He stood in front of us.

"How long have you been standing there?" Bela asked.

"A couple of minutes. You are in the library after all. Everyone can hear you guys," Wales explained. I became embarrassed.

"Anyway, good luck on tonight's performance," Wales said to Bela as he took a book from the shelf and went to read it somewhere else.

"Thanks," She smiled as she waved Wales off.

I had completely forgotten about tonight. It had come around so quickly. But the worst part was that I would have to have dinner with her family, and I was not ready for that.

"I can't wait to see you on stage," I smiled, trying to act like I didn't forget.

"Aw, thanks,"

Suddenly the bell rang, signalling us that class has started. We walked to our lockers, and I kissed her on the cheek before we went our separate ways.

I headed in towards my home group class, but before I could make it, someone kicked me in the back of the leg, making me fall over and land on my face. I tried to stand up, but I was kicked again. I managed to see North Korea and Cuba.

"Hey, Discount," North laughed as he kicked me again.

"F#ck off Worst Korea!" I snapped as I grabbed his leg and pulled him to the ground.

"OW! You little sh!t!!" North shouted as he tried to grab me. I stood up quickly and ran into my home group class and slammed the door.

I turned around slowly to see the entire class staring at me, including Mr Sweden, who didn't look impressed.

"It's good to see you are here New Zealand, now take a seat." Mr Sweden commanded as he pointed to my desk. I quickly made my way over and sat down. I could still feel everyone looking at me.

"New Zealand, do you know where your brother is?" Mr Sweden asked.

"He is unwell," I explained briefly and looked down at the desk.

Wales sat beside me.

"Now that's what I call a dramatic entrance," Wales jokes.

"I guess it was," I smiled. I didn't want to have a bad day, so I wouldn't let a bit of bullying get in the way.

"I have finished packing for the camping trip tomorrow. I brought a mega bag of marshmallows for roasting," Wales explained all the awesome stuff he had packed for the camping trip. I hadn't gotten around to doing that yet. My week had been so hectic I barely had time to think.

The rest of the home group went well, and no one really talked much about my sudden entrance. However, after the home group, a bunch of Aus's friends came up to me. I was afraid they would try to fight me again, but no. They wanted to know if Australia was okay.

"He is fine. He just needs to rest. He should be back on Monday," I explained. They seemed concerned about him. I was already concerned about Australia, but something about the way his friends asked seemed like something was much worse.

I tried to ignore it and go to my next class. Hopefully, I wouldn't have any more problems for the rest of the day. It was a Friday, after all.

Friends (Highschool AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz