Peer pressure

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What was I presumed to do? My only defence against Russia was a single chair. The others in detention just got out their phones and started recording. I glanced around for an alternative out or something, anything would do.

Russia took the chair from my arms and forced it across the class. It frightened me. He gripped my arm and pressed me against the window and studied me, looking in the eyes, my hands kept up in defence.

"I don't care how many kids you have beaten, just know my body count is bigger than yours," He said sinisterly.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make Bela upset!! I didn't even know-" I exclaimed as Russia punched me in the gut. I fell to the ground and gripped my stomach, hacking.

"Wait. Bela? You made Belarus upset? You can't make her upset, merely slightly annoyed," Russia stopped, puzzled. Now I was puzzled. I sat up, leaning against the wall as I tried to recover from the shock.

"Didn't I? Isn't that why you are doing this," I suggested through the constant pain still choking on the loss of air.

"No, I was informed you made Estonia cry?" He explained.

"Estonia doesn't even talk to me," I explained, trying to stand up.

"Oh..." Russia responded. He reached out his hand to me and helped me up. I sat down at my desk and looked down at my books.

"Hey, how about we skip detention, Mr NATO isn't here so who can stop us?" Russia offered. It surprised me, he would offer that. I nodded, not wanting to stay here any longer. Iraq and Brazil joined us too.

We were halfway down the hall when a teacher noticed us. We bolted to the front door and didn't stop until we were off school premises. I could feel my heart racing as the adrenaline kicked in. We all burst out laughing as we caught our breath.

"What now?" I inquired. I knew I couldn't go home yet, my parents would get suspicious.

"I know a place, follow me," Brazil suggested walking down the street. I looked at Russia. He just shrugged and followed Brazil. I did the same, and so did Iraq. We followed Brazil until we came to a dodgy-looking corner store. It seemed quite run down and almost looked deserted.

Brazil strolled into the building the rest of us just waited for him. I looked through the window and saw him sneaking a packet of cigarettes off the shelf into his pocket. I started thinking this was a terrible idea. I saw him walk out the door. I'm sure he stole those cigarettes.

"Around the back guys," He said, wandering around the back of the store. We followed him, and we saw him sitting on the large rubbish bin.

"You guys have a lighter?" He asked, shaking the packet of cigarettes.

"Yeah, I have one," Russia responded, pulling one out of his pocket. Brazil pulled a cigarette out of the packet and then handed the box to Russia. Russia tried to hand the box to Iraq.

"I don't smoke," Iraq said, passing the cigarettes to me. Brazil and threw me the lighter. I didn't know what to do. I have never smoked before.

"I don't smoke either," I said, trying to give the lighter and cigarettes back.

"I understand Iraq not smoking, but who is gonna' stop you?" Russia asked, handing me a single cigarette.

"Just try it," Brazil pushed, handing me the lighter again. The two of them watched me. I felt peer-pressured. How bad could it be? I held the cigarette up to my mouth.

"You have it backwards," Brazil snickered. I felt embarrassed as I turned the cigarette around and put it in my mouth as the others had. It took me a while to work on the lighter, but I finally managed. I could see the smoke. I wasn't entirely sure how I was supposed to smoke this thing.

I took a deep breath in, and I instantly worked out. That is not what you are meant to do. I started coughing and dropped the cigarette. I felt embarrassed. Russia just gave me another one.

"Don't worry, we all did that on our first try," Russia said. I think he smiled.

I tried it again, and eventually; I got the hang of it. Not that bad. It was kind of relaxing.

"So, does this make us friends?" Iraq asked, tilting his head.

"I guess," Russia shrugged, taking a puff from his cigarette.

"This can be detention gang," Brazil inquired. Everyone nodded, I think I just made more friends. Oh my gosh, I did!

"One rule, we only hang out after school," Russia responded. The others nodded in agreement. I did too. I didn't want to look stupid.

"Did you guys want to get something to drink? I know a place," I offered. Russia and Brazil seemed keen on the idea, Iraq couldn't care less.

I knew Ireland ran a pub a few roads away from the school and he would occasionally let Aussie and me have a drink or two. It was a brief walk away, but the drinks would be worth it.

The guys followed me, and we eventually made it. Inside, the pub was practically empty aside from a couple of people in the corner. We sat at the bar. I saw Ireland cleaning a cup at the other end of the bar. I called over to him. He walked over to us.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my wonderful friend Zed, what can I get for you and your friends?" He smiled.

"I'll have a beer," I said.

"Give me a cachaça," Brazil ordered.

"Vodka," Russia asked.

"I don't drink alcohol, but I'll have some water," Iraq mumbled.

"Ah, so you are the designated driver," Ireland said as he started getting our drinks. We got our drinks and sat down in a booth.

"Doesn't he know we are under age?" Brazil asked.

"Yeah, I did a favour for him a while ago so now he shouts drinks for me and whoever I bring as long as we don't leave drunk," I explained.

"That's pretty cool, what was the favour," Brazil asked. The favour was to protect his son, but I couldn't say that to my new friends.

"I uh, stopped a robbery," I lied, keeping a straight face as I shrugged.

"Really? You don't seem like that kinda guy," Iraq said.

"Well, I beat up those two guys a while ago and I broke Argentina's nose," I tried to make it more plausible.

"Fair enough, Zed," Russia said. He called me Zed. I have new friends, achievements accomplished.

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