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I started walking home. Quietly humming to myself as I walked down the street. It was dark now, but I didn't mind. The cold air was quite nice against my face, but as I kept walking, I felt uncomfortable. Like someone was watching me.

I walked a little bit faster with the uneasy feeling following me. I tried to ignore it by listening to some music, but I couldn't ignore the feeling. I didn't want to turn around just in case I saw something I didn't want to see.

I'm not usually the paranoid type, but being followed is not an uncommon thing for me, and it still freaks me out a little.

I continued to walk, focusing on the music and trying to distract myself. Suddenly, I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. Despite in fear I kept walking, pretending not to have felt it. Whoever it was, took their hand off my shoulder, but I still continued to walk behind me.

I didn't look back, it just kept walking as normally as I could.

"Hey! Stop, I'm trying to talk to you!" I heard them shout. I did. I turned around slowly to face whoever was following me.

"America! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I shouted when I saw his stupid face.

"Why did you not answer me the first time?" He asked.

"Why are you following me?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"Oh, you know why!" He shouted at me.

"Nothing happened! Bela's family isn't that bad!" I argued.

"That's what they want you to think! Those bloody commies," America muttered.

"They aren't communists, that stage has well and truly passed. What are you even doing out here so late? Do you not trust me?" I sighed.

"Of course I trust you, it's just communists are good at taking advantage," He started explaining.

"I'm going home now," I said as I turned around and walked away from him.

"You can't just leave," He called.

I just ignored him and kept walking. I put my music on again and blocked him out. I could tell he was still walking behind me. I didn't care though.

I eventually made it home. Luckily the door was already unlocked, and I was able to sneak in quietly. I wandered up to my room and sat down on my bed. I let out a small sigh, got out of my clothes and into some pyjamas.

I looked down at my phone and played a couple of games. When I checked the time next, it was 3 in the morning. I remembered the camping trip tomorrow... well, today. I still hadn't packed anything.

While I was still awake, I decided to shove some of my clothes into a random bag I still had lying around. I managed to grab my fishing rod and pack it away. There was nothing better than fishing to forget your problems... And maybe a cigarette or two.

Speaking of which, I remembered to pack the packet of cigarettes I stole along with the lighter. If anyone asks, I'll blame it on Canada.

Once I finished packing as much as I could think of, it turned 5:30 am. By now there was no point in sleeping. I left my room and walked down to the laundry.

In the cupboard closest to the entrance was where we kept all our camping gear like sleeping bags and tents. I made sure to grab an extra sleeping bag for Bela and an extra tent. Mum always sleeps in a separate tent because she says she needs her space.

I heard someone in the kitchen. Probably Canada. If anyone was up early on a Saturday, it would be him.

I walked out of the laundry and headed past the kitchen, just to make sure it was Canada. To my surprise, it wasn't. It was Aussie. He was going through the small medicine cabinet.

Small side note, the reason we have a medicine cabinet in the kitchen is because my brothers and I got hurt a lot and that would be where we kept the main first aid kit as well as pain-killers and Dad's medicine which he has to have with food. It's just convenient.

The only reason Australia would ever be going through the medicine cabinet would be either to bandage a bite or scrape he got from either feeding his animals or messing around. But with Aus in his current state, that was not what he was trying to do.

"Australia! Get out of there!" I shouted. It scared him and he turned around to face me. Just as I suspected, he was holding a small bottle of painkillers.

"Leave me alone!" He shouted.

I quickly dropped the tents and sleeping bags and ran over to him. I knocked the bottle out of his hands and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Stop doing this every time you get angry! The world isn't ending!" I shouted as I shook him.

He didn't speak. He didn't fight back.

"How am I supposed to trust you if you are doing this!?" I asked.

"You aren't supposed to know," He muttered. I stared him directly in the eyes.

"I will find out whether you like it or not. You can't just do that! You know where it landed you last time you tried this," I explained.

"Why did you stop me?" He asked.

"Are you serious? I can't leave you alone, can I? You know what, I'm going camping and you are coming with me so I make sure you don't do anything stupid," I said.

"I don't want to," Aus refused.

"It wasn't an offer, it was an order. Now go pack, it's for the weekend," I commanded.

I know Australia too well to know that he was lying when he said he didn't want to. He loved camping, so it didn't take much to convince him to get ready.

Australia wandered up to his bedroom to get his stuff while I put the painkillers away. Dad walked in.

"He's been doing it again, hasn't he?" He asked. I nodded slightly.

"He is going camping with me," I said.

"Australia needs this time away from the home. Hopefully, when returns he will be back to normal," Dad commented blandly.

I always hated it when he referred to Australia as not normal. I also think it is ironic because the majority of Aussie's actions are mirroring Dad's.


Hey guys!

It has come to my attention that I have hit and surpassed 10K reads on this book! And to celebrate there will be an Ask and Dare them Anything!

For those who are not as familiar with this or want to know the rules, read below:

1. You can ask or dare any of the countries that have been mentioned in the story.

2. You may ask and dare as much as you like.

3. Please don't ask or dare anything inappropriate, these will be ignored.

4. When asking, please set your ask or dare up as follows: To (insert country): (question or dare)

5. This will be open for a week and then closes on the 4th of November.

6. Ask and Dare on this chapter only!

7. Have fun!

This is indeed open and you may ask and dare away!

Have fun and thank you! Digital hugs are being sent.

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