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I started getting my act together and found some nicer clothes to wear. Belarus always dressed up nicely and nicely and I thought I would do the same too. She had been planning this lunch for a while now but no one seemed interested in coming, so I decided to take her up on the offer.

Lunch was still a fair way away so I had some time to myself. I didn't feel hungry for breakfast and no one would care if I skipped it anyway. I sat down at my desk and looked at the note that was still there from the day before.

The note made me feel uneasy so I put it in my desk draw. I really hoped no one else would get these notes. I grabbed my sketchbook and began doodling away. Every so often I would look at my phone to check the time. Time moved so slow and I was running out of ideas of things to draw.

I put my sketchbook away and played on my phone until I heard Australia waking up. America sleeps in until twelve on weekends. I started getting bored of sitting in my room and headed to the bathroom to do bathroom things. Australia knocked on the door and demanded I let him in.

"I'm on the toilet!" I shouted. I could hear him mutter something as he walked away. What is wrong with him? We used to be good friends and now he bullies me where ever I go ever since he became popular at school. I got popular too, but for all the wrong reasons.

Once I was finished on the toilet I washed my hands and went downstairs. Mum was already here and sitting in the kitchen talking to Dad.

"You are looking nice today, what is the occasion?" Mum said in her french accent.

"I'm going out to lunch," I said.

"I bet he is going to with that girlfriend of his," Canada said smugly from the lounge.

"She isn't my girlfriend! Belarus is just a good friend," I shouted angrily.

"My little boy is growing up! I'm so proud," Mum said.

"She is just a friend!" I shouted again.

"So was your mother and I," Dad said smugly.

"Just friends," I said trying to get them to understand.

"For now..." Canada added.

"I'm going now, bye," I said angrily as I walked out the door.

"Don't forget to give her flowers!" Dad shouted as I closed the door. My family was so annoying. Bela and I were only friends. I started walking to the bus stop and plugged my earphones in to listen to music. I was early so the bus wouldn't come for another half an hour. But I didn't want to stay at home anyway.

Several buses passed while I waited for mine. Several people walked got on the passing buses but one guy sat next to me. I pulled out my phone to play on it to try and avoid eye contact. I didn't look at him. My bus pulled up finally and I walked on. I took my seat and looked out the window.

The guy was still sitting at the bus stop and he seemed familiar but I was sure from where I knew him. I brushed it aside and watched as the bus rolled out of the stop and headed to my destination. I played on my phone quietly until the next stop.

The bus stopped and I  got off. I could see the cafe and headed towards it. I looked in through the window but I couldn't see Bela. I checked my phone. 12:45. I guess I was a little early. I didn't want to go in early but I would look stupid just waiting. I decided walking in and sat down at a two-seated table.

I could see a small menu on the table displaying the drinks. I picked it up and began reading through it. The cafe was nicely decorated and the food in the display case look delicious. I felt tempted to get something before Bela arrived. I wanted to but then she walked in.

I waved over to her and she waved by. She sat down in front of me and smiled sweetly.

"You came!" She said excitedly.

"Of course, why wouldn't I come?" I laughed. She seemed really happy.

"You didn't start without me did you?" She asked with a chuckled tone.

"I was going too," I said as I passed her the drinks menu. Bela read through it.

"The strawberry milkshake looks good," She said after couple of seconds.

"Good idea, I was going to get a chocolate milkshake anyway," I smiled. I went up to order our drinks and pay. I then took a closer look at the food behind the display. I really liked one of the cakes. I could eat it in one go it looked so good. I pulled myself away from the display and sat back down with Bela.

"What were you looking at?" She asked.

"Just the food in the display," I replied.

"They do look really nice, wait you didn't pay for my drink did you?" She asked.

"I did, is that a problem?" I asked.

"No, it's just that I brought money to pay for myself, oh well I will pay you back" She smiled.

"You don't have to, what kind of friend would I be anyway if I forced you to pay," I laughed.

"You would still be the best friend ever!" She said enthusiastically.

"What about your other friends?"

"I don't really have any other friends besides you and Wales," She sighed. Probably because of what I did. I'm lucky to still two friends left. I felt bad for her, then an idea came to my mind.

"Wales and I are going camping this weekend, do you want to come?" I offered.

"Are you sure you want me to come along? I'm not as fit as you guys," She laughed.

"It's only camping, I can teach you how to fish, that doesn't require much fitness and you might enjoy it," I encouraged her.

"I'll have to ask Papa first, but I would love to go," She said happily. Our drinks finally arrived and we ended up ordering something for lunch. I got a meat pie and she got a sandwich. We talked for a while,  well until Bela got a call and had to leave. 

Before she left she handed me a paper doggy bag. I waved her goodbye and looked at what she gave me. She had written something on it.

Thanks for coming! I'm still paying you back with this! Enjoy!


I opened the bag to see a slice of the chocolate cake I had been staring at earlier. She sure does know how to make my day.

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