Things go well

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I hung out with Bela at lunch. She was quiet and no matter what I tried to ask her she brushed it off with a shrug.

"You don't really believe North Korea, do you?" I asked after a while. She looked down at her lunch and took another bite.

"Bela... you know me. You shouldn't believe him," I pleaded.

"You are right. I do know you. You are just like your brothers, especially Canada." She mumbled as she finished her mouthful.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked in a bit of a snappy tone.

She pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

"Where did you find those?" I asked, feeling a little worried.

"They're mine. I smoke when I'm stressed," She sighed as she pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

"You smoke? Isn't it bad for you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I know. I was only little when I started, the human equivalent of 8 years old." She sighed as she took a puff.

"Can I have one?" I asked. She nodded and handed me one.

"I know Russia introduced you to them. I also heard about you stealing weed." She mumbled.

I lit my cigarette and sat next to her in silence, just smoking with her. I started thinking about what she said about me being like Canada. I'm nothing like him. Canada is the horny teen in our family. I'm not like that.

Dear god... now I'm thinking about it. Argh! I'm not like him! Why am I thinking like this!? I am nothing like him.

"How am I like Canada?" I asked.

"You lie a lot. Canada is very good at putting on a facade, you seem to be following in his footsteps." She explained.

"WHAT!? No! I'm not like him!" I shouted angrily, throwing my cigarette on the ground.

"To be honest, you seem to be really good at stealing your brother's identities. You and Australia are technically identical," She mumbled.

"It's just our appearance," I argued

"You and America live in denial of almost everything," Bela continued.

"I do not live in denial!" I denied.

"And you already know about you and Canada," She rolled her eyes.

"You know what!? You don't have a right to call me out like that! Considering you are literally the White Russia!" I shouted in the heat of the moment.

"At least I have my own identity and didn't steal the land!" She shouted back at me.

"I don't have to share my national animal with others!"

"I'm not a rip-off version of a country! Get a personality of your own!"

"I hate you! You know what?! We're done! I never want to see you again!!" I shouted and stormed off.

"Hey!" I heard her shout in the distance.

I felt so angry. After a while of walking, I began running. I kept running, hoping to make it to the gates. I really wanted to leave, but I knocked someone over in the process.

"Are you okay?" They asked. It was Japan.

"Yeah, I... need to leave," I mumbled trying to pass her, but she stood in my way.

"You seem distressed, did something happen?" She asked. She was older than me and although she was known to be very immature, she did have a motherly side to her. I think that's what drew Aus to her.

"It's nothing," I lied.

"You look like you are on the brink of crying. I was going to study, but this is more important." She smiled. She put her hand on my shoulder and directed me to a quiet area. I didn't have much of a choice.

"So, tell me, what's going on?" She asked.

"I... I think I broke up with Bela," I mumbled.

"WHAT!? Wait, what do you mean by 'think'?" Japan questioned.

"I don't know. I got angry at her, it just came out..." I explained.

"So, you got angry at her and so you broke up with her?" Japan asked. She mildly sounded like she was in disbelief.

"I guess. I don't even know if you would consider that breaking up," I admitted.

"Kid, you messed up. You messed up badly," Japan sighed. She patted me on the back as if she was sorry for me.

"Not only did you supposedly break up with her, but you also just left her there. Things are not looking up for you." Japan explained. Now that she was saying it out loud, I guess I did sound a bit like an a$$hole.

I felt angry at myself. It was the first argument of the relationship and my first reaction is to run away. I'm not doing well at all.

"I told her that I hated her," I muttered to myself.

"Tell me exactly what happened," Japan demanded. I agreed and I explained everything that happened. With every word I spoke, Japan became more and more upset at what I had done.

"And that is what happened." I finished.

"Okay, you are going to have a hard time recovering from that, but you can still make it," She encouraged.

"To be honest, I don't even know if I love her in that way," I sighed.

"Let me take a guess, you have your eye on Wales," Japan said with a slight smirk.

"H-how did you know?" I asked. I felt my face turn bright red.

"If it has anything to do with relationships, you can bet anything that I know about it. Also, Wales told me he has a crush on you, but I'm guessing you already knew that. Look, relationships are hard, it's better to just be friends and not look for a relationship. And with Belarus, I would try and mend things with her, even if it means only being friends," Japan sighed as if she had just recovered from a marathon.

"I guess you are right," I nodded. For someone who had never had any relationships, she sure is an expert.

"If you have any more questions just ask, but to know who has a crush on you or likely relationships, it's $20," She smiled with a wink.

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