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After school, I walked straight to Wales' place, jumping over the fence and knocking on his door. My clothes were still damp from what Canada did. I knocked on the door of his house but he didn't answer. He might have still been at school.

I looked under one of the pot plants that sat next to his door and found his spare house key. I unlocked the door and let myself inside. I would usually do this when I was moving in between houses and just wanted to get away from either home.

I made my way to the fridge and grabbed myself a drink, then retreated to the lounge to wait for Wales to come back. As I waited, I found myself pulling out my phone and looking through photos.

As I was flicking through, I landed on a photo of Wales and Bela. The photo was from a year ago when they stole my phone and took photos. Bela was holding the phone and you could see me running after them in the background.

I let out a small chuckle as I zoomed in on my face. I looked so angry.

Suddenly, a small notification appeared. It was a message from Bela. I opened it up and read it.

My Potato Queen: Hey, I just made it home. I'll be at school tomorrow :)

I forgot about that. She had been shot in the leg and had to go home earlier. At least I'd have my girlfriend back.

I was going to reply when I heard the door open. I guess Wales was home. He walked into the room and looked over at me.

"You actually came for once," He said. He took his seat next to me.

"How was school?" I asked.

"It was alright I guess. I honestly hate it. The teachers are so old and the students make fun of my accent," Wales sighed.

"Damn," I muttered. It felt kind of awkward, like Wales wanted to say something that he was too nervous about. We sat there for a couple of minutes, not saying anything. I was waiting for him to say something.

"Zea, I uh... did you smoke weed today?" He asked. I was a little shocked. I thought I had washed off of the smell.

"No," I lied. I focused my eyes on the ground.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"I haven't smoked anything today," I tried to confirm my lie.

"Just tell me the truth," He prompted.


"Don't lie to me!" He shouted back.

"I'M NO-" I was cut off by him placing his lips on my mouth and kissing me. I felt this need to pull away, but I couldn't.

When he stopped kissing me, he looked me directly in the eyes.

"You're a liar." He sighed. His face was bright red and I could feel cheeks blush. I had a strange sense of shock and confusion.

"You need to stop this. Or you will never be a good boyfriend," He sighed.

"I-I I'm just going to leave," I stuttered. I stood up to leave. Wales just sat there silently.

This isn't working. I don't know what I'm doing anymore and I'm kind of scared and unsure of what I'm going to do next.

I sighed as I stood on his doorstep, wondering if I should go home and go somewhere else. I didn't want to go home. I didn't really know what would be waiting for me when I got home anyway.

After some consideration, I decided to go and welcome Bela back. At least her family likes me... kind of. I guess I feel more at home there.

I started heading in that direction, trying to contemplate what my life has come too. After a while, I decided my life wasn't very interesting and plugged in some music to listen to as I walked.

I hummed along to a couple of songs before I made it to Bela's house. I turned off my music and walked up to the door. I knocked a couple of times and after a few seconds of waiting, Kazakhstan opened the door.

"Oh, Bela is in her bed room, practicing with her crutches," Kaz said as he stepped aside to let me in. I nodded my head to be polite and walked in. I went directly to her bedroom door when I knocked.

"You can come in!" She called.

I opened the door to see Bela hobbling around on a pair of crutches. She turned to look at me and a bright smile grew on her face. She hobbled over to me quickly and gave me a tight hug. I hugged her back as well.

When I let go, she seemed a little unbalanced but held her arm to keep her steady.

"How's the leg?" I asked.

"Sore, but at least it missed any tendons or arteries. I just can't put pressure on it," She sighed.

I helped her over to the bed where we sat down.

"I'm so glad you're here. You listen, unlike my siblings who keep telling me what I should have done," Bela started to rant. I kind of smiled and nodded, pretending to know what she was saying about guns and weapons.

I honestly don't know much about guns, my sister does though. But, I would rather not know my way around a gun. I don't want to end up like America.

"I wish I brought you chocolates or at least something to make you feel better," I said once she seemed to run out of things to rant about.

"No, I would rather have you here with me than have you give me sympathy gifts." She sighed.

"Alright then," I smiled and nodded. I pulled her into a hug. I felt like she needed it.

"How long are you staying?" She asked.

"We will see how long it takes for Dad to call me for dinner," I joked. She chuckled cutely.

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