Special kind of chaos

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My day had been a special kind of chaos, but I kind of hoped that it would turn out all right. I didn't want any misconceptions being spread around.

I sat in welfare and corruption prevention class, trying my best to pay attention, but it was so boring. All of this talk about corruption and democrosites was just really difficult to follow. The worst part about this class is that Aus always sat next to me.

"Maybe you are a my democrosite," He joked.

"That is a very good point. In our world today, it is difficult to really judge whether or not someone is a democrostie, in fact, democrosites themselves usually don't even know. The easiest way to work it out is to study the history, economy and politics of a country." Mr San Marino explained.

"Ha! So you are a democrosite," Aus laughed.

"That isn't what he said." I muttered through gritted teeth.

"I know, how about we have a little practice, since you two brought this topic up, come stand up here." Mr San Marino asked.

Reluctantly, we both stood up and made our way to the front of the room in which Mr San Marino wrote our names on the white board.

"Similar flags are often a sign of a possible democrosite, so it would be likely that one of you two are one. Would you both say you know your own history and politics well?" He asked. We both nodded.

I never liked standing up in front of the class.

"Okay, have any of you two had internal wars or conflicts?"

"Yeah," Aus said smugly. Of course he'd say that, he doesn't feel any remorse for what he did.

"Sort of. It's a little bit complicated." I muttered.

"Uh huh. So have you two ever been a single country?"

"No, we are completely separate." I explained, feeling kind of annoyed.

"But we could be, remember my offer," Aus stupidly grinned. Right. That stupid offer Aus made to make me one of his territories. There was no way in hell that I would ever agree to that.

"Hmm," Mr San Marino seemed to think to himself a little bit.

"You two both seem to have a bit of an anger towards one another, but if you have no birth connection, neither of you could have been each other's democrosite. However, do either of you have memories of, well, murdering another?"

"No?" I answered. I know that war and violence is in our nature, but I don't have any memories of me murdering someone.

"Maybe? I can't say for sure," Aus admitted. The fun thing for us was that murder isn't illegal if we murder our own kind.

"Well, as I said before, spotting a democriste is difficult, but out of you two, the most likely to be one is Australia." Mr San Marino sighed.

"Neat." Aus shrugged.

There was suddenly a knock at the door. Brazil stood at the door and opened it.

"Yes?" Mr San Marino asked.

"Um, I need to speak to New Zealand real quick," He explained.

"Alright, but sure he comes right back here once you are done," Mr San Marino said. He was one of the grumpier teachers, never liked it when a class was interrupted.

Brazil nodded and I followed after him. Once the door was closed behind him, he stuck his arm around me and began walking me away from class.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" I asked as I walked with him.

"Nothing, just keep your voice down," He explained. I wasn't sure what was going on, it all seemed a little sketchy, but I guess that is what I got when I first started hanging out with him.

"So, I heard what happened last night," He said, a little blander than anticipated.

"Uh, yeah. There has been a-" I was cut off.

"Shush. We are almost there," He said. I kept my mouth shut. I realised he was taking me to the front doors. It didn't take long for the both of us to walk through without being caught. He guided me into a nearby bush and we hid for a few seconds before we were on the move again.

It didn't take long before we were at the gate and off school property.

"Okay, now you can speak," He allowed.

"What are we doing?" I asked. But it didn't take me too long to realise what was going on. Bela and Russia were waiting for us and not too far behind was Wales and Iraq.

I stood over next to Bela.

"Did you tell them?" I asked. She gave me a small nod. Once all of us were together, we walked for a while until we found a park to sit at.

We all found a place to sit on the playground to just talk and chill.

"I did not want to stay at school any longer, I had a test after lunch," Iraq sighed.

"Was that the Flaws of Democracy test?" Brazil asked. Iraq nodded his head.

"I thought that was next week. This was good timing at least,"

"You said it," Iraq sighed.

"Hey, Zed, let's go get some food and drinks, there is a supermarket across the road," Russia explained. I liked that idea. I stood up from where I was standing and followed him.

We took a mental note of what everyone wanted and then we both walked across the road. Russia and I talked for a bit. It turns out that this was Bela's idea.

"I was a little disappointed to hear that it didn't happen, but I guess you did alright," He smiled, nudging me as we walked into the air conditioned supermarket.

We split up. I went to grab the snacks while he grabbed the drinks. As I reached for a bag of chips, I heard someone behind me.

"Why aren't you at school?"

I knew the voice well and I held my breath for the following conversation.

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