Alcohol and Money

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"Explain yourself, Zed." Russia said, glaring at me. I felt uncomfortable.

"I- it doesn't matter." I mumbled, trying to push passed him. Russia stood his ground and made it very clear that I wasn't going anywhere.

"Do you really think that I am going to think of you less if you admit that you lied about shooting someone?" He said.

"I mean, it, it wasn't a human, sooo..."

"He. He wasn't human. But that doesn't make it any better. Does Australia know you are covering for him?"

"No. He doesn't even know why I'm in detention." I admitted.

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Australia's dad. He offered me money and free drinks at his bar if I took the blame."

"You gave up your after school privilege for alcohol and money? That's shallow."

"How is it shallow? I agreed to the exchange and it benefits me at a small cost. And like you wouldn't do the same. It's f#cking alcohol and money." I whispered sharply. 

"This isn't about what I would do, this is about you. I've had my suspicions about you, and although you act like an innocent child, you drink, you smoke. But there is no f#cking way you would stab someone. It's too close and personal. Australia on the other hand, that kid's got a screw loose," Russia started to lecture.

"I didn't think that you were the type to give advice or lecture like a mother." I rolled my eyes, trying to move away from the topic.

"I grew up as the oldest child in a family with too many children and alcoholic dad. Don't accuse me of being 'too motherly'. But that's not the point, you are acting as unhinged as Australia. In fact, that is the exact reason you are getting bullied, because you act like a superior version of him."

"I am a better him!" I shouted.

"But you aren't Australia. Start acting like New Zealand." Russia explained. And it clicked. Holy sh!t. He was right.

"Hey guys, you disappeared quickly, what are you doing?" Wales said as he walked over to us.

"We should go outside," I said, getting the feeling that there was going to be an escalation. The others seemed to agree quietly. We subtly moved outside. Russia started the conversation again.

"Do you know why New Zealand's in detention?" Russia asked Wales.

"Yeah, he's covering for his brother's stabbing," Wales shrugged.

"What? You knew? How can you encourage this?" Russia said looking shocked.

"I get free alcohol," He answered. I felt uncomfortable.

"What kind of friend are you?"

"The gay friend that wants alcohol, it's not that complicated." He chuckled.

"What? Is that how easy you guys are to persuade? No wonder we are the most corruptible beings."

"I'll get you a bottle of vodka if you forget about this," I said awkwardly.

"No. You want to know what makes me scary to everyone else? I don't need anyone. I'm not held up by anyone. If you want to make me unstable, you have to fight me yourself.  I am not letting this continue." Russia said.

"Huh? What? No! What are you going to do? Tell on me?" I asked, mostly concerned, but slightly amused.

"Yes. I'm telling Australia tomorrow. Plenty of time for you to come clean yourself."

"I thought we were friends?"

"We aren't. That was made clear at the start of this stupid Detention Gang. But even still, you're like a little brother. Your brothers don't look after you well and this-"

"Excuse me? I treat him very well," The familiar offended voice of my brother came.

"What?" Russia mumbled. Fiji stepped forward.

"Seriously, Fiji. Go back inside. The big kids are talking." I sighed.

"Shut it, your boyfriend said we don't treat you very well!" Fiji shouted angrily.

"Boyfriend?" Russia said, seeming a bit stunned.

"He isn't talking about you. He's talking about Aus and all that. And he is not my boyfriend."

"I knew it! Tonga! Give that ten bucks back!" Fiji shouted louder. It left me stunned for a bit, but then Tonga came outside.

"Really? Darn, I was so sure. Wait, what's going on?" Tonga asked, looking at the scene in front of him.

"Russia said we are bad brothers?" Fiji answered.

"Wait, no! I didn't say that!" Russia tried to defend himself.

"You better not have, or we are gonna have a bad time. A Tonga time..." Tonga said threateningly.

"Do you have to say that whenever you can?" Fiji asked. I felt so embarrassed. 

"I'm just mostly confused," Russia mumbled.

"And I'm still here," Wales made sure to add.

"Can you guys leave, I'm not dating anyone anymore,"

"So you did date Russia?" Tonga asked.

"No! Leave us alone!" I shouted.

"Suuuurrreee, I'll leave you along with your boyfriends."

"You guys are giving me too much credit. I'm not that good and getting relationships."

"Umm, I'm not gay." Russia mumbled.

"You guys are honestly starting to be more annoying than the others," I snapped. I watched as Fiji, in an overly dramatic fashion, put his hand to his heart and gasp.

"Get over it, and leave us alone," I repeated.

"I think it might be time for me to leave." Russia said awkwardly.

"No! Please stay!" Dolphin shouted as she ran out of the house and gave Russia a big hug.

"Seriously, are you all gonna come out?" I said, feeling annoyed.

"We have all been watching from the window. Honestly, you don't get this kind of drama down here," Tonga laughed. I looked over to where Tonga was pointing. Everyone was watching us from the window. I immediately felt embarrassed for not noticing them. A couple of them ducked as if I didn't already see them, while others waved.

"Ever heard of privacy?" I said loudly enough for the others to hear.

"Uh, looks like Bela's calling. I gotta go," Russia said, backing away.

"Nooo!" Dolphin cried as she clung onto his leg.

"Dolphin, let him go, he can come back later," I said, trying to pull her off of his leg.

"Sorry, kiddo," Russia sighed, picking her off his leg and holding her above his head.

"Will you come back? Ooh!! Can you join Oceania?!" She said excitedly.

"I'll come an visit, but I don't think I can join Oceania," He smiled, placing her down on the ground.

"Aww," She muttered.

"I'll be going now. Wales, you're coming with me." Russia said, patting Wales on the back.

And they were gone. Now it was just me and my family. I didn't know how much they heard, but I was going to find out pretty quickly.

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