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"Zea, how are you?" Bela asked.

"I'm alive," I sighed.

"What were you doing last night?" She asked.

"What's up, commie?!" America shouted into the phone.

"Ame! For once in your life! Shut the f#ck up!" I shouted angrily at America.

"Why are you with America?" I could hear the confusion in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I'll talk to you at school when my brother isn't around," I said as I eyed my brother. Bela hung up the phone first.

"Man, you suck at relationships," America snickered.

"Maybe if you didn't accuse everyone of being a communist, then you yourself might have had a girlfriend too," I retorted.

"Damn... you really are my brother," America commented.

"Or... is it a boyfriend you want?" I said, narrowing my eyes smugly. America turned all red and I could see his eyes dart around nervously avoiding eye contact with me.

"Who is he?" I asked, smirking, pushing my eyebrows up and down like a dork.

"I-I-I don't kn-know what you're talking about." America stuttered.

"Did you know that Russia is still single~?" I grinned. I could see his expression change. He seemed to sink a little in his seat.

"I'm not gay," He muttered angrily.

"Now that I think about it. You're a stalker, you have had a crush on Russia since for-ever! You always look at him when he passes like a lost puppy, you get defensive whenever he talks to you. Always wanting to know where he is-" I said excitedly.

"Zea! Shut it! I'm not gay! I only watch him to make sure he does nothing weird," America attempted to justify himself.

"Right. Mr. supposed straight guy." I chuckled as I rolled my eyes. Not that hard to know that he was interested in some of that 'commie's' butt. There had always been a tension between America and Russia, but this was beautiful.

"Okay, fine! I have a damn crush on him! But this is a secret! You share this, I will make your life a living nightmare!" He threatened.

"I won't tell! I swear, pinkie promise" I said sarcastically. That seemed to be enough for him.

"We're home," He grumbled as we pulled into the driveway. The sun was rising, and we had to get inside before dad knew we were out. I got out of the car and started walking towards the front door.

"No, dad is always awake by now, follow me," America instructed. I did as he said and he grabbed a ladder that was leaning against the back of the house.

I watched as Ame positioned it against his window and ascended the ladder. I followed him up and waited two rungs below him as he opened his window and climbed in. I climbed in too.

I looked around my older brother's room. He was very prideful of himself, but you need not see his room to know that. In the corner, he had a really cool computer setup. Lots of monitors.

"Anyway, now out of my room. Don't get too nosey." America said pushing me out his door.

"Hey Zea, what were you doing in there?" I heard Canada ask as America shut his door.

"Nothing!" I shouted out of impulse.

"He isn't in... that phase... is he?" Canada asked. I knew what he was referring to.

"NO! Why would you even suggest that!" I shouted with disgust.

"Calm down, you just looked a little flustered," Canada commented.

"Canada, get your mind out of the gutter, not all of us are horny teenagers," I sighed as I pushed passed him.

"I'm just trying to make sure you're okay," Canada called as I walked back into my room.

I sat on my bed. I was exhausted. I didn't realise until I let out a small yawn. I looked at the time. 6:30. I wanted to go to sleep. My mind was buzzing with tiredness, but I knew I had to get ready for school.

I forced myself off my bed and into my school uniform. I checked my phone, just in case anyone bothered to text me while I was climbing the ladder. Nope. Oh well.

I walked downstairs to get some breakfast. There was a fresh box of Weet-Bix in the pantry. Not even opened. I decided I wasn't hungry, but it still confused me that Australia hasn't opened it by now. He usually steals two dry ones as soon as he finds the box. I felt a little concerned, thinking back to the argument last night. I didn't want to confront him though.

"Australia won't be going to school today," I heard dad say from the lounge. I was a little confused.

"Why?" I asked as I walked into the lounge. Dad was sipping on tea and reading the newspaper.

"He is refusing to leave his room and becoming... violent again. It's best we let him work this out on his own," Dad explained as he turned the page of the newspaper. I felt bad now. I knew this was my fault. I just didn't know he would do this again.

I knew dad was right, but now I felt guilty. I needed to talk to him. I had an hour before I needed to go to school. That might be enough time to get through to Aus. I grabbed the box of Weet-Bix to hopefully bring up my chances of survival.

I bravely walked back upstairs and stood in front of Australia's bedroom door. I let out a shaky sigh and opened the door.

Aus sat on his bed looking at the ground. He didn't even acknowledge me. I took a step into the room.

"So, you think I sound like dad? What would you do if I started acting like him?" Aus threatened. There was an obvious strain in his voice.

"You told me you would protect me. You won't hurt me," I said as bravely as I could.

"You're scared of me. Like everyone else." He muttered.

"You are my brother. I have the right to feel safe around you." I took another step closer.

"That doesn't mean you aren't scared. I could hurt you."

"I'm not scared of what you could do to me. I couldn't care less about that. I'm scared that you will keep starving yourself," I said as I threw him the box of Weet-Bix.

"You fear my actions? Maybe you should stop acting like my second half. If I die that's my problem. I don't need you to care about me." He mumbled snarkily.

"Just eat something." I muttered before I left the room.

He was so frustrating!!

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