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I put the hoodie on and walked to class. I would be late, again. If it wasn't for all the nasty stuff I've done, they have known me as the kid who was late to everything. I noticed Bela walking after me quickly. I slowed down so she could catch up.

"Hey, this fell out of your pocket," Bela said handing me the note that I found in my locker.

"Oh, thanks," I smiled. Before I turned around to leave, Bela grabbed my hand.

"Here, I have something to tell you, let me whisper it," She seemed to blush more strongly now. I lent down to allow her to whisper something in my ear. She whispered nothing, though.

Bela Kissed me on the cheek quickly and ran off to her class, leaving me standing in the hallway, completely flustered. She kissed me. She really kissed me. Damn. Now I feel like I need to return the favour. I guess I'll just have to wait until lunch.

I ran into class. It was history again, yay. Mr San Marino was not happy about me interrupting the class. I heard a small gasp from behind me. I knew who it was, but I didn't want to give him the time of day.

"Kiwi, psst, Kiwi" Aus whispered. He threw a pencil at me to get my attention. The last time I responded, they kicked me out of class. Not again. I continued to ignore him and listened into the lesson.

"Now that everyone is present, we will start our new topic, Empires. Who can name an empire?" San Marino asked the class. The class was silent. No one wanted to answer.

"No answers? I guess I will have to pick someone, hmm, South Africa, tell me an empire," Mr San Marino called.

"Um, the British Empire," South Africa said uncertainty.

"Yes, very good, Indonesia?"

"Majapahit Empire,"

"Good, Australia?"

"The Australian Empire!" My brother exclaimed.

"No such thing, and will never happen at the rate you are going," Mr San Marino sighed.

"Other examples of Empires are the German Empire, Russian Empire, Mongol Empire and the Japanese Empire, your recent assignment is to pick an empire to study and explain how the empire was formed. But I will explain that in further depth later. Get out your books and take notes on the video about the coexistence of countries with Empires," Mr San Marino explained as he turned on the projector.

Everyone got out their books except me. My books were still with my bag. I could problem-solve pretty quickly though. I have that note I could use as paper, and Aus threw a pencil at me. I picked the pencil off the floor and pulled the note out of my pocket.

I started taking my notes, like all the other excellent students. Unfortunately, the room wasn't all excellent students. Australia kept trying to get my attention. He eventually got someone to pass forward a note to me. I unfolded the note and read the message.

I'm sorry about yesterday. The others made me play a prank on you. I understand if it still upsets you, but you look terrible, what happened to you? Where did you go?

I ripped up the note. He did not deserve a response. I continued taking notes on the lesson. By notes, I meant more drawings of boats, ninjas and stars. Nothing about Empires was interesting. As soon as the bell rang for lunch, I was out of there. But not before Australia confronted me.

"Hey! I was talking to you a$$hole!" He shouted, grabbing my upper arm which was bandaged.

"Ow!" I shouted in pain as I tried to pull away from him. His friends surrounded us, I felt trapped.

"Where did you go!" He shouted.

"I-I," I was having a hard time trying to form words in my mouth, with all of his friends watching. It scared me.

"Aww, look, Baby Straya's going to cry," Said one of Aus's friends. The others laughed, but Australia did not.

"Guys, leave him alone, it's not funny," Australia said. They stopped laughing and backed off a little.

"Now, Kiwi, what happened?" Aus said turning back to me.

"I told you not to call me that," I muttered.

"Zea! This isn't a game! You're hurt!" Aus shouted at me.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted as I ran free of his crowd.

I slowed down to a walk the closer I got to my locker. Maybe I was being too harsh. He seemed to genuinely care in his own loud-mouthed way; I guess. It was lunchtime now at least, and Aus didn't follow me.

I don't even know why I went to my locker since I didn't have any packed lunch to get or any books to put away. I went to find Bela. I waited at her locker for a few minutes before I saw her walking towards me with her drama books.

She smiled sweetly and waved. When she got close enough, she gave me a hug and then put her stuff away. She grabbed her lunch, and we started walking to our little spot where hopefully, Wales would wait or would meet us.

On the way, I accidentally brushed my hand against Bela's. I felt my face go red, so while I was at the moment, I held her hand. She seemed to appreciate it as our fingers interlocked.

"It's happening," I heard the quiet, yet excited buzz of Japan following behind us. I rolled my eyes.

We came upon our little spot and saw Wales sitting, already eating his food. He smiled and waved, then his eyes crept down to our hands and a smug smile was stretched across his face. I ignored that and Bela and I sat down next to him, still holding hands.

Bela let go to open her lunch box and pulled out half a sandwich and handed it to me.

"Don't think I didn't notice you didn't have lunch," She grinned. I took the sandwich from her hand and took a bite. I could hear the pompous humming of Wales as he watched me eat. I noticed Wales put a thumbs up to someone.

My eyes followed who he was directing it at and found Ukraine, Canada and Japan watching us with significant interest. I felt uncomfortable.

"Kiss," Canada whispered to me. He was holding his film camera, which didn't make me feel any better, I gave him a look of 'f!ck off'. But then I remembered how Bela had kissed my check earlier and how I had decided I would return the favour. Just a small kiss on the cheek, that is all it would be. I finished my mouthful.

"Hey Bela," I said as I leaned in to kiss her cheek.

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