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I sat in the alleyway, smoking the cigarettes. I was onto my third one. It calmed me down, but it didn't help with the fact I felt sorry for myself. I looked down at the ground in self-pity. I heard footsteps approach me.

"Kiwi, what the hell was that?!" I heard someone shout at me. I looked up to see Wales standing over me.

"Are you smoking?" He asked, sounding concerned. I dropped the cigarette on the ground next to me and sighed. Wales sat down next to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, I don't know what is going on. But I have never seen you talk to your brother like that. I thought you two were close in a brotherly way," Wales sighed.

"It was all his fault! I f#cking hate him!!" I shouted angrily.

"I know, but Australia doesn't understand what you did for him. You should explain everything to him, maybe he would understand," He smiled slightly.

I grumbled a little, knowing he was right. He always knew what to do. Wales has always been my closest friend, and I trusted him with all my secrets.

"Also, why are you smoking? I thought you were against that kind of stuff, since, well, you know,". I never had the best childhood. Guess I was turning out like Netherlands. He always said that I would end up like him. I guess he was right.

"I... I don't know. I just tried it and I liked it," I sighed sadly as I recounted my first time trying it. The sad thing is that I only started a few days ago and look where I am now. I almost depend on this stuff.

"It's still bad for you, I can help you," He offered.

"There is no point. This is the only thing that makes me happy," I responded. I never thought I would say that, but my life has only been going downhill and I was running out of things to make me feel better.

"So I don't make you happy?" Wales said.

"No, no! I didn't mean that! It's just-" I defended myself frantically.

"It's okay. I understand where you are at in your life, but seriously, smoking is bad for you."

"Maybe, but it's not like it can kill our kind," I joked a little as I looked down at the cigarette I dropped on the ground.

"It doesn't matter if it can kill you, it still has terrible effects on your body, I mean, look at-"

"Netherlands. I know! But what am I supposed to do?"

"If you pick up another cigarette, I will kiss you," He warned. It took me a second to realise what he had said.

"Kiss. Me. You will kiss me?" I repeated, with a smug smile on my face. He went silent and his cheeks turned a little red.

"Um, yes. Because I know you aren't gay." He confirmed as he averted his eyes. He was lying. I know he has been interested in me for a long time because of a small rumour.

"Are you?" I asked slyly.

"What? No, no, no. I'm not gay. I have never been gay for everyone in my entire life," He said hastily.

"Are you sure?" I laughed a little at his reaction.

"Yes. So, if you smoke again, it's going to be awkward for the both of us." He said.

"As fun as kissing you sounds, I have a girlfriend," I laughed.

"... SH!T I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!" I shouted as I realised I had left Bela all alone.

"Oh yeah. That's what I came here to say," Wales chuckled to himself.

I'm such a terrible boyfriend. I stood up and ran back to the school, leaving Wales behind. As I ran, I felt worse and worse for leaving her behind. She must have been so scared, and I just left her. I'm a terrible boyfriend.

I made it back to the school again. This was becoming repetitive. I looked around. I couldn't see Aus, but that wasn't who I was looking for. I saw Bela sitting in the same spot where I left her. She seemed fine now, but no one was with her.

I started walking over to her when I felt a firm hand grasp my shoulder. I jolted in fear.

"Hello, New Zealand," I heard the grumpy voice of Mr NATO. I knew I was in trouble. I looked up to see his angry face. I would have been scared, but the yellow spray paint that defaced his flag looked really stupid and I tried my best to hold down a laugh.

"You think it is funny," He grumbled. I kept my mouth shut.

He started guiding me away from Bela. It tempted me to try to get out of his grasp and go over to Bela, but I knew that would be a bad idea.

My mind changed when I saw the rest of Detention gang and my dad. It was too late to try to run away. Brazil was snickering at Mr NATO's face. I wish I had the balls to do that, but I was mainly worried about Dad. He looked very disappointed in me. I already lowered my head in shame.

Mr NATO let go of my shoulder and explained to Dad what happened. It was a long 2 minutes.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. New Zealand help in lighting the school on fire and then ran off of the property to spray paint an alleyway, then ran off again," Dad recited. His words held a bitter tone.

"That is correct," Mr NATO confirmed. Dad put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me aside.

Away from the others and got down on my level. He stared deep into my eyes and I could see the anger bubbling beneath him and I felt scared. I couldn't see my brothers anywhere. They couldn't help me now.

"What is going on with you?" He asked in a calmer tone. I kept quiet.

"I believe your time with your 'other family' has expired. It is obvious I need to monitor you." He said in a stern voice.

"What?! No! I want to stay with them!" I argued.

"You know better than to argue with me. When you start to act like a normal country, you can go back to them, but for now, I'm thinking you might need a therapist,"

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