Kiss goodbye

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I woke up the next day. Yesterday all felt like some kind of dream, I just wasn't sure if it was a wonderful dream. But am I really into guys too? This question had been bothering me all night. I know Canada is gay, but I haven't really seen the appeal in guys until last night.

My thoughts were all over the place. I could go for a cigarette to settle my mind. I unzipped the tent. No one else seemed to be awake yet. I slipped on my hoodie and emerged from my tent. The air was chilly, and the wind felt refreshing upon my face.

The sun had only just risen, so shadows still covered the ground. It was the perfect morning to take a walk.

With no one else awake, I left the campsite and started my walk around the edge of the lake. Carefully stepping over logs and large rocks, my mind ran through thoughts.

Should I tell Bela? Would she get mad? What if dad found out?

All this was too much. I needed that cigarette now. Luckily, I was almost at the point in which I had buried the cigarettes and lighter.

I located the rock, marking my treasure. I walked over to it and started digging. I buried it quite shallow, so it uncovered a couple of scrapes of the dirt and the lighter.

"Only one," I told myself as I pulled out a cigarette from the box and lit the end. Breathing in and letting out the smoke gave me a sense of immediate relief. I sat near the edge of the water and looked at the reflection.

"What are you looking at," I muttered, hitting the water with my hand. I didn't like what I saw.

Once I finished the cigarette, I flicked it into the water. I pulled out another cigarette, but I stopped myself.

"Only one," I muttered to myself, putting the box back in my pocket. I let out a sigh. I really wanted another one, but I knew I shouldn't. I felt my pocket buzz. I pulled out my phone, which I must have left in my hoodie.

I checked the notification. It was from Torres. I had conflicting feelings towards him. I checked the message anyway.

Torres: We need to talk again, see you tomorrow.

That was it. That was the text. I didn't like it. There was no time or place either. So what was I supposed to do?

I started thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow would be the day that Wales tests out another school and tomorrow Bela will leave for battle camp. It would just be me.

I was going through my most recent texts and started reading through the Detention Gang texts. Throughout an actual conversation was Brazil asking for weed. I always wondered why he was so obsessed with it. It couldn't be that good.

The more I thought about it, the more I craved it. Canada makes and sells weed. Maybe I could get some of him. We are leaving today and I haven't spent my weekly money yet. I wonder how much he charges?

I experimented with the lighter for a couple of minutes after I put my phone down. I made small boats out of large floating leaves and then piled them with dry twigs and other leaves. I set fire to the twigs and leaves and watched the boats burn. It was satisfying.

After a while, I headed back to the camp. I was done with fooling around. I walked back around the lake. The sunlight was now reflecting off the water, and the day felt warm.

I made it back to camp, and everyone was still asleep. I got a head start on packing up the tent. I pulled out all my stuff and laid it on the dirt. I disassembled the tent and shoved it back into its bag. I got bored in waiting for everyone to wake up, so I brought it upon myself to be the alarm clock.

I walked by everyone's tents and jiggled them a little. Everyone got up shortly after that. I helped Bela pack up her tent while the others did it themselves. Once we had packed up, we had some time to just chill out until America picked us up.

Twelve o'clock rolled around and so did America's car. We all threw our stuff in the back and piled in. Wales, too.

"So, how was it?" America asked.

"It was pretty fun," I said.

"Yeah! I caught a boot," Bela added.

"It was alright, I guess," Aus sighed.

"You set fire to the marshmallows," I argued.

"I was only trying to prove a point," He rebutted.

We arrived at Bela's house and I helped her get her stuff out of the back. I walked with her to the front door and gave her a hug as she knocked on the door.

"You promise you will be safe?" I asked.

"I mean, it's battle camp so," She muttered.

"I know you will do well. Just try to keep your head on," I laughed. She leaned in for a kiss and I kissed her back. It was only quick though because Mr Soviet opened the door. I handed over the rest of Bela's stuff to her and hugged her goodbye again. I'll miss her.

I walked back to the car and took my seat. Before long we had arrived at Wales' house. Like I did with Bela, I got out of the car too and helped Wales with his stuff. He had more stuff than Bela because he packed his own tent and fishing rod.

"Promise that we will catch up after school," Wales said. I smiled and nodded. I was about to leave when Wales stopped me.

"I know you smoked again," He said. Uncomfortable, I nodded and walked off.

"See you tomorrow after school," I called to him before I got in the car. He waved us off and now we only had one eventual destination.

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