Big brother

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Dad led me to the car, and I could see Aus waiting in the front seat. He gave me a death stare as I got into the car. I didn't speak to him; I know he was angry at me. I pulled out my phone and opened up my text messages.

Aside from the spam America had sent me, there was only one other message. It was from the Detention gang group chat. I opened it up to see that Brazil had sent a picture to Mr NATO with the spray paint on his face and a small message underneath saying: My home screen. I chuckled a little.

"What are you laughing at?" Australia muttered in a grumpy tone.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I grumbled back. I felt my phone buzz again.

Stoner: Yo! Zed, I see you online

yeah... :Zed

Designated driver: *You're

Stoner: Oh, shut it. English isn't my first language, you know.

Designated driver: Neither is English my first language, yet here we are

What are you guys doing right now? :Zed

Stoner: Getting yelled at by my mum over the landline, she thinks I'm listening

Designated driver: Walking home. How about you?

In the car with my stupid brother :Zed

Stoner: Do you mean Canada? Because if so, can you ask him the price of weed.

Designated driver: There is more to life than weed

Stoner: Yeah, right? Like what?

Designated driver: Fireworks

Stoner: You burnt down the school because of fireworks

Designated driver: *We. You agreed to help me.

Stoner: So you're a communist now?

Speaking of communists, do you guys know what happened to Russia? :New Zealand

Designated driver: No, not really.

Stoner: Nope but I'm sure he is fine

"Hey, Kiwi! We are home, you can get out of the car now!" Aus shouted in my ear.

"I know!" I shouted back. To be honest, I didn't notice that we had arrived home, but I was still no less than angry.

I begrudgingly got out of the car and wandered towards the house. I was not happy to be back. Now that I thought about it, my family doesn't know about this. As I stepped through the door, I saw America sitting on the couch eating chicken nuggets and Mum sitting on the couch opposite him reading a magazine.

"Welcome back New Zealand," France greeted. I ignored her and walked straight up to my bedroom and collapsed on the bed. I forgot to shut my door though, and America made his way in. It surprised me he got his fat butt off of the couch so quickly. He took a seat next to me on the bed.

"So, arson," He sighed.

"I didn't set fire to the school, I didn't know that was what they planned," I mumbled as I put my pillow over my head.

"They don't seem to be a beneficial influence, you could always hang out with Aussie more often," America suggested. I ripped my pillow off my face and sat up angrily.

"There is no way I'm hanging out with Australia!" I shouted.

"Fine, Canada then,"

"I always feel uncomfortable whenever he is with Ukraine, and that is all the time,"

"Fair enough, I never trusted Ukraine either," He muttered, shoving another nugget into his mouth.

"What are you even doing here? Don't you have stalking to do?" I said.

"It's not stalking, it's spying. Hey, you could always hang out with your big brother," America smirked.

"Your friends don't like me," I explained.

"Maybe now, but give them time and you will be popular in no time," He patted my back.

"Popularity is the last thing I want,"

"You stabbed two people, broke Argentina's nose, kissed Russia's sister and set fire to the school. You are already popular, even if it is for the wrong reasons." America listed. Now that he listed it like that, I felt terrible. I had been getting into a lot of deep sh!t. Well, I didn't regret kissing Bela or breaking Argentina's nose. He deserved it.

I looked at my window awkwardly.

"I know that look. Your planing on running away again,"

"By now it's a force of habit whenever I'm stressed," I sighed.

"Your stress, huh? I have an idea. How about I use you for the night? I have a night-shift and my manger rarely has a problem with 1-time employees," America suggested.

"Wait. Really?"

"Yeah, man. The night-shift is like the best shift you can take. Next to no one comes and when someone comes, they're drunk or lonely and it's hilarious. So what do you say?" He laughed.

"Hell yeah!" I said excitedly. I remembered every story Ame would tell about his night-shift adventures, and I have always wanted to see it for myself.

"Alrighty kiddo. I think I have a spare uniform for ya," America said, standing up and leaving my room. He walked back in a few moments later with a Mc Donalds uniform and threw it at me.

"It might be a little big, but it's better than nothing, now get changed, we gotta leave before dad finds out," America said again before leaving the room.

I looked down at the Mc Donalds uniform. It smelt like fryer grease. I put the uniform on and looked in the mirror. I looked like Ame. All I needed now was the sunglasses. I sat back down on my bed and opened up my phone. No new messages, but I had the thought in the back of my mind about Bela. I should check to make sure she is doing okay.

Hey Bela, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to check on you earlier, but they distracted me. I will see you tomorrow. I love you Bela :✩My Kiwi King✩

I wasn't sure what exactly to say, but I hoped this would be good enough. Bela didn't reply, but I decided I should give her some time. After what happened, I wouldn't be surprised if she is still scared.

I received a text.

America: I got permission from Mom to let me take you. Get down to the car now, I'm waiting for ya.

I headed downstairs and out the front door with only Mum saying goodbye to me on the way out. Dad wasn't in the room, so he didn't know. I saw America standing by his car. I walked over and he opened the car door for me. I always get confused about the way they orientate his car. I always end up on the driver's side whenever he takes me somewhere.

"You look good, bro, we should take a picture!" He smiled and pulled out his phone. We got a picture together, and he told me he would send it to his friends. I tried to convince him not to, but it didn't work.

"Also, you don't have a problem with working with humans, do you?" America asked.

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