How to fix relationships

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*This is a quick warning that there will be mention of intercourse within this and the next chapter! If this makes you uncomfortable, I will be release a message on my announcement page when things go back to being clean in a few chapters time. Skipping these chapters will not alter the course of the story. If you have any questions or concerns, ask them here and I will answer ASAP*

"Well, she is coming over and now you guys can kiss and make up, and you are only going to be able to do that with an apology," Meri smiled.

He knew how much the argument had affected me. I felt sick knowing that I hurt her. Whenever I tried to talk to her about it at school, she would always ignore me.

"Cheer up, this will go well, just don't let Can know about this. Okay? He is the last person you want helping with relationships," Meri warned. I kind of already knew that. He isn't a very trustworthy person.

"Did I hear 'relationships'?" Can slid into the room in a comedic fashion with the stupidest smug on his face.

"No," Meri lied.

"Don't lie to me, I know about your little break up and I know just how to fix it," Can's smile grew even wider.

"Nada, we talked about this. Your methods of fixing things are either violent or-," Meri muttered but was quickly cut off.

"Oh, come on. You are just jealous that I'm good at problem solving and you're not. Anyway, come on little brother! We have work to do," Can announced, dragging me out of the room by the collar of my shirt.

He took me up to his room and made me sit down on the bed. I looked around his room and it was exactly how I expected it to be. Messy with half torn posters on the wall. The only thing that looked well cared for was a photo of him and his boyfriend sitting on the beach together.

I noticed him pull out a key and unlock a drawer in his desk. I'm not surprised he has a locked drawer considering the amount of trouble he got in when Dad found his 'special stasch'.

"Here it is! The thing that is going to fix everything!" He announced, pulling out a small plastic thing and placed it in my hands. As soon as I realised what it was, I threw it across the room.

"No! What the hell?! I'm not doing that!" I shouted angrily. I could see it coming.

"It always works in the movies, besides, I have been saving that one for a special occasion. Do you know how difficult it is to buy those without Mom or Dad seeing them?" He asked angrily.

"I'm not doing it." I stood firm.

"But I know you want to. Do you have any idea how popular you could get by doing this? I mean, her dad hates our family, imagine the look on his face when he finds out," He urged.

"He doesn't hate me. He hates you guys." I explained.

"That isn't the point. She is untouched. I know you want too,"

"For the last time no!" I shouted.

"Fine, just keep this with you in case you change your mind. You have to be safe," He smiled, slipping it into my pocket. I walked out the room and straight to mine. I could hear Meri and Can arguing.

"You can't pressure him like that!"

"I'm just helping him get started,"

"No you aren't! He is our little brother! We have to not pressure him,"

"Aus doesn't even know what s#x is."

"And we will keep it that way,"

"You buzz kill,"

"I'm not a buzz kill, I'm just trying to make sure they don't make any mistakes,"

"Sounds like something a virgin would say,"

"I told you about that in confidence,"

"Because you wanted to appear popular in school. It's how the hierarchy works. I'm just trying to make sure he doesn't end up like you,"

"Shut up,"

"I can still hook you up with a couple of people..."

"No. I already told you, I'm not that shallow and I'm not interested,"

This went on for a while. But it didn't help my nerves. When I tried to block out what was going on outside my room, I was left with my thoughts. Tainted thoughts.

As much as I hated it, Can was right. I did want to. And now, it was all I could think about. It would be a huge slap in the face to her dad and I would get a lot of respect. But, did I want to stoop that low?

Gaining respect from her family was already hard enough and by doing 'it' I would lose all that. I know her brothers would not be happy. But Bela was something else. She is coming over tonight, Mum and Dad aren't home, and I have everything I need to do it. I don't think I would ever get another chance again.

My face was bright red and my mind was racing. I didn't know. My brain wouldn't function. It just kept bringing me back to the same thought. The same dirty thought.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. I didn't answer. But he came in anyway.

"It's all you can think about, isn't it?" Meri sighed. I nodded mildly. He sat down next to me.

"Look, don't force yourself to do it, and don't force her to do it. When we think like this, we think about ourselves, but they are there too. What I'm saying is, it's up to you. If you want, we can cover for you, but if you or Bela don't want to, don't do it. Okay," He told me.

I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't know if I could say anything. My mind was filled with enough conflicts to give me flashbacks.

"Look, it's a part of growing, but just remember to use that brain of yours before doing something you might regret." He continued.

"I don't know," I muttered.

"It's okay to not know. I, personally wouldn't do it, but Nada on the other hand, well, he has had his mind in the gutter ever since he first found that magazine in the bin," Meri explained.

"We all have different intentions, but you just have to make sure it's the best for both you and Bela. It's likely she won't even want to do it,"

He brought up some good points, but I was still uncertain.

But then, the doorbell rang. She was here.

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