Walking home

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"So, we are all leaving now?" Belarus asked.

"Yeah, I guess that's the plan. Zed, did you want me to walk you home?" Russia asked.

"What am I? A little girl? You're giving me flashbacks to the first time we met," I laughed.

"I know. But I don't trust your dad, he might be watching us now. I don't want anything to happen to you." Russia sighed.

"You need to grow up Rus, he isn't your little brother, he can handle himself." Bela laughed.

Russia looked uncomfortable. He had always been overly protective of his siblings, especially with a dad like his. He just wanted me to be safe.

"I can go instead," Wales said, smiling.

"You?" Russia said confused.

"You know what, I'm coming with you two. Bela, you want come?" Russia decided.

"I'm making dinner for us tonight, I should probably get started as soon as possible," Bela shrugged.

So it was settled, Wales and Russia were going to walk me home. I honestly could walk home myself, but to be honest, it was a long walk and some company never hurts.


We were ten minutes into the walk and I was already starting to regret letting them come along.

"You know, I'm starting to think that you really are gay," Wales said as he talked to Russia.

"What? How am I gay?"

"It's my gaydar," Wales shrugged.

"I'm not gay. I don't even like girls, what makes you think I like guys?" Russia argued.

"Don't like girls? Sounds pretty gay,"

"It's not gay! Why are you so curious anyway? Are you gay?" Russia countered.

"Yeah, everyone knows I'm gay," Wales said.

"Oh. Well, I didn't know."

"Are you not coming out because your dad is homophobic?"


"So, you admit you are gay!"

"I'm not gay! I don't love anyone, not boys, not girls. Not humans, not Countries." Russia snapped.

"Your just like America. He claims he doesn't love anyone either," I added.

"A match! I knew it!" Wales smiled.

"Not true!" Voice came from a nearby bush.

"F#cking hell. America why are you here?" I sighed as I looked over to the bush. He quickly stood up, revealing himself.

"You are not a good spy." Russia muttered.

"Shut the f#ck up! I'm a great spy!" America shouted.

"Why... Just why! Why don't you trust me!" I shouted angrily.

"You can never trust-"

"What? A communist? Russia isn't a communist, so f#ck of!" I continued to shout.

"Fine... but it's not true that I don't love anyone,"

"Ah yes, you must mean the many humans you have tried to love," Russia grinned.

"It's not my fault humans are so touchy touchy. Hey! How did you know?!" America shouted.

"Unlike you, I'm good at spying," Russia continued.

"Well, I know that you live in denial of love because you never received any love from your dad," America counted.

"For f#ck sake. I can just walk home by myself." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you going to stay with your little island buddies again?" America asked, turning his attention back to me.

"I'm staying at the Pacific Community house. I'm trying to avoid you and Dad," I explained. I continued on walking. Wales followed closely behind me.

"Really? Are you just going to keep running back to them every time there is tension in the family?" America asked.

"Are you just going to keep deflecting your admiration of Russia by spying on him rather than admitting it!" I snapped. I had stopped in my tracks. I was already feeling stressed.

"You know what? Fine. It turns out I can't trust you. I want you to know that I know so many secrets about you. And if I can't trust you, why should you trust me. You know what else? I'll even leave you alone. If you think you are so independent, I won't interfere. Not with school, not with your relationships, not at home, not with bullies and not with Canada or Dad. Because you are sooo independent. You don't need help from your big brother," He spat.

I watched as he tried to climb out of the bush only to trip on a low branch and fall over. He landed on his elbow. It looked like it really hurt.

"Arghh!" He shouted. He sat himself up and placed his hand over his elbow. There was a small bit of blood left on the pavement.

I watched as Russia quickly knelt down next to him and pulled out a band aid.

"Don't touch me f#cking commie!" America shouted, hitting Russia's hand away.

America stood up and stared daggers at me as he quickly ran off, holding his elbow.

"And you said he admired me. I think you're a little mixed up." Russia said, standing up again.

"Do you always keep band aids on you?" Wales asked.

"Yeah. I have bandages, anti-septic wipes, band aids, eye-patches, gun-shot care kit, a bone saw. My siblings get hurt a lot." Russia shrugged.

I couldn't really focus on anything but all the possible secrets that America knew. there were so many that not even Australia knew. America knows I smoke, he knows I stole for Canada, he knows I'm covering for Australia. What else could he possibly know?

"I think I'll walk the rest of the way myself." I muttered.

"What? I came all this way for you. I'm staying by your side." Wales stated.

I could feel myself getting tense. It had been a while since I last had a smoke. I checked my pockets to see if I had any on me. I only had the lighter.

"Are you looking for this?" Wales pulled out my half-empty pack of cigarettes.

"No..." I grumbled.

"Good thing I brought my lip balm," Wales commented.

"Why have you got to kiss me whenever I smoke?" I complained.

"1, because your hot, 2, they don't call me smokey breath for no reason," Wales said proudly.

"I thought they called you that because when you first introduced yourself to everyone you said you were a dragon," Russia added.

"Russia smokes too,"

"Yeah... but you enjoy it when we kiss." Wales put on a smug grin.

"Zed, you're gay?"

"He prefers the term 'confused'," Wales added.

"Sure, whatever shuts you up."

Unfortunately this travelling circus never shrunk in size. I just hoped the others would be more bearable. 

I made it to the community house and knocked on the door.

Friends (Highschool AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora