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I had to say goodbye to Bela. I really didn't want to leave, but Canada sent me a warning text about Dad. To be honest, I'm surprised he still sent me the warning text, especially after I smoked his weed. I guess he already got his revenge.

I said goodbye to Bela and her siblings who seemed to have incorporated me into their family. It's like I was an extra brother. I can tell that Russia enjoys it. To be honest, I don't mind having another brother, but at least he looks out for me, unlike the others.

I started walking home when I got a call. It was Canada. I answered the phone.

"What's up?" I asked

"Dad's home. He already asked where you were." Canada explained.

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him you were staying at a friends house for the night because you needed to complete an assignment."

"You are an excellent liar."

"You owe me for saving your butt, but we will organise this tomorrow after school. But for now, you need to find a place to stay for the night,"

"I'm sure I can find a place," I sighed. Canada hung up and now I was left with the issue of finding a place to stay.

As much as I wanted to go back and talk to Bela, I had been given the talk by her dad about staying the night. I haven't seen Maori in a while. She would let me stay with her.

I sent her a text, explaining my situation, but she wasn't answering, so I decided to just show up. It wasn't too far away at least.

I started walking in the direction of her house. But on the way over I had the need to have a small cigarette, but my pack was empty. I took a detour to the smoke shop.

I entered the dirty store and walked around for a little. I could tell the man at the counter was watching me. I just pretended to be looking at the other little knick knacks. I got to a shelf that had a loose pack of cigarettes. I quickly stashed it in my pocket. I could tell the man was suspicious of me. I turned to leave the store when the man told me to put the cigarettes back.

I started running as fast as I could from the store, expecting the man to let me leave, but he didn't. The man chased after me. I ran as fast as I could away from him, but he always stayed close behind me. The man yelled at me angrily. Telling me that I was a f#cking b#st#rd. I just kept running. In and out of alleyways, trying to lose him.

I eventually tripped over something on the ground and fell to the concrete. The cigarettes fell out of my pocket and slid under a large rubbish bin. The man grabbed my wrist and picked me up. I tried to pull myself out of his grip, but it was too tight. I could feel tears behind my eyes, threatening to pour.

"L-let go!" I stuttered as I tried to free my wrist.

"You f#cking b#st#rd! You shouldn't have stolen from me!" The man shouted. I could feel his nails digging into my skin.

I couldn't back my tears anymore. I tried one last time to get my wrist back, but it didn't do anything.

The man pushed me to the ground, finally letting go of my arm. I held my arm behind my back as I looked up at this man.

"Don't ever come back to my store," He said as he turned around and started heading back. I just sat there on the ground. Tears streaming down my cheeks. I felt a small scrape on my chin and a headache from when I tripped over, but otherwise, I was okay.

Once I was sure the man was gone I looked down at my wrist. It was bleeding heavily and the skin around it was badly bruised. I let out a small squeal and gripped my hand again. I started breathing heavily and I gripped my wrist to stop the bleeding.

I looked down at it again, but... there was no blood, no bruises. It was only slightly red.

"Stupid flashbacks," I muttered to myself.

I reached under the bin to find the pack of cigarettes. I pulled it out and lit a cigarette. As I breathed in, I felt better. I stood up and started walking out of the alleyway. At least I got the cigarettes.

It was difficult to find my way back to familiar territory, but I eventually made it to Maori's door. I knocked a couple of times before putting out my cigarette and throwing it in a nearby bush.

The door finally opened and Maori stood there, looking at my face. She let me inside.

"Is UK hurting you again?!" She asked, looking at the scrap on my chin.

"No. I just need to stay with you tonight," I explained.

"Of course. But what happened to you?" She asked as she led me into the lounge.

"Nothing." I lied. She rolled her eyes and told me to sit on the couch while she got something to patch me up with.

As I waited on the couch, I moved the cigarettes from my pocket to my school bag.

Maori walked in, holding a blanket, a pillow and a bandaid.

"You can sleep on the couch tonight." She sighed. She handed me the bandaid which I put on my chin.

"Thanks, I can always count on you," I smiled.

"Of course. You're my brother. I'm always here for you. But.. you need to tell me why you are here and why you look like you were in a fight." She said.

"Maybe tomorrow morning. I'm really tired," I yawned.

"You need to eat something first. You can help me make something," She offered. I agreed and we headed to the kitchen to make some dinner.

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