The Performance

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I walked into the auditorium. The room was full, but I could find a seat near the back. Nothing had started yet, but the light dimmed as I waited eagerly to see my girlfriend perform. I know she would do well, but I felt nervous for her. I wouldn't enjoy performing in front of everyone here.

Suddenly the stage lights turned on and someone else stepped out on stage to announce the long list of performances. I wasn't sure what one Bela was going to be in. She didn't tell me. But I'm sure she would be great.

As the performances rolled through, I started getting bored. I heard the door creak open quietly and Russia snuck in. He took the seat next to me.

"Has she gone up yet?" He asked. I shook my head. The curtains closed for an interval and the lights came back on. I was a little disappointed that I hadn't seen her yet.

"Hey, you want to meet my dad?" Russia asked. No. No, I did not. That was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Sure, why not," I answered.

Russia stood up and led me over to where I assumed was his dad. I had met Mr Soviet before, but he always scared me.

"Папа, познакомься с парнем из Беларуси. Он пришел поддержать." Russia said (Papa, meet Belarus's boyfriend. He has come to support her.). I didn't know what Russia said, but I felt my heart beat faster as Mr Soviet turned around to look at me.

"New Zealand, son of UK," Mr Soviet said in a bit of an off tone.

"That's me," I said nervously.

"Belorussia has been talking a lot about you," He muttered.

"Actually, she prefers to be called Belarus," I corrected.

"Well dressed, defensive, supportive and brave. Not only that, but Russia appears to approve. I like you kid, all you need to do is prove that you have what it takes at dinner," Mr Soviet answered having only a grimace of a smile.

For some reason, I felt encouraged as well as a thousand times more anxious. The lights dimmed again and everyone returned to their seats. Russia and I took our seats at the back and waited.

"When do you think she'll be on?" I whispered to Russia.

"She should be on after this next performance." He answered.

We waited for the performance to end, and then I became incredibly eager to see her. The curtains opened, and I still couldn't see her.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, she leapt out onto the stage dressed in full-on ninja wear. Despite not being able to see her face clearly, I knew it was her. She was well-rehearsed and did a good five minutes of ninja moves without flaw. I was impressed, but not surprised.

When her little solo finished on stage, she went on with the drama performance. It was about the story of a ninja and sailor who team up to defeat the Sensei Squid. Not gonna lie, it was very entertaining.

I watched her every move with amazement. Just to think, that was my girlfriend. It's not every day that you can brag that your girlfriend is an amazing actress and ninja.

Her performance ended with the sailor dying in the ninja's arms after the sailor had been hit with poisoned ink darts. It was a very emotional moment, and I almost cried. I was a little disappointed when it ended, but I still clapped and cheered for Bela as she walked to the front of the stage and bowed. I tried to be louder than everyone else so she would see me.

I kept eye-contact with her until she finally landed on my gaze. I could see her smile brighten up, even from where I was standing.

The curtain dropped, hiding Bela behind. And now we had to sit and watch the rest. I'm not being biased, but out of all of them, Bela's performance was the best. As soon as the whole thing was over, I ran over to find her.

As I was wandering and squishing past the crowd, I spotted her and waved. She saw me and waved back with a proud smile on her face. I managed to squeeze past the rest of the crowd and almost tackle-hugged her.

"That was amazing, Bela!" I praised as I squeezed her in my hug.

"Thanks, Zea, I was so nervous, could you tell?" She asked as she hugged me back.

"Nervous? You were the most confident person I have ever seen!" Normally people would think I was exaggerating, but everyone else seemed to agree with me, offering more support to Bela.

"Papa!" Bela exclaimed as she looked past me. I let go of her to let her hug her dad.

"Ты был великолепен," Mr Soviet said, patting her back (You were great,).

"Papa, meet my boyfriend," She said, grabbing Soviet's arm and leading him over to me.

"Мы уже встречались" Mr Soviet smiled at me (We have already met). Never before had I been so afraid of a man smiling.

"I look forward to dinner tonight," I smiled back.

Estonia walked up and saw us all standing together. Belarus narrowed her eyes at her.

"Great. I forgot that doormat was coming over for dinner," She groaned.

"Будьте вежливы, или вы не получите ужина," Mr Soviet grumbled (Be respectful, or you will get no dinner,).

"We should go home now," Russia offered.

"Alright, have we got everyone?" Mr Soviet said, looking around him. He eventually rounded everyone up, and we all walked to their place together.

I made sure to walk next to Bela the whole way. I didn't realise how many siblings she had until I was walking among them. Kazakhstan walked with us and kept asking us questions. He asked me to call him Kaz. From what I could understand, Bela and Kaz were really close as siblings.

"So have you guys kissed yet? Who was the first to ask the other out?" Kaz kept throwing questions at us without waiting for answers.

"I can answer that," Ukraine smiled, falling behind the crowd to walk with us.

"Of course he could. He and Canada have been recording our entire relationship ever since it started," Bela sighed with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure Japan is writing manga about us," I joked back.

"She's doing what!?" Bela said, sounding shocked.

"We're home," Mr Soviet announced.

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