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Tuvalu and Palau set up the tv and made sure the CD was in moral condition. The others sat on the couch next to me and waited eagerly. The longer it took for the CD to load, the more nervous I became. I could feel myself sweating.

Finally, it loaded. A small screen came up. I couldn't spot any concerning logos, but Canada has always been unpredictable. Tuvalu pressed play.

It was a video of Wales, Bela and I. We were talking. Then I remembered. The kiss. Canada filmed the kiss! That sneaky little b%stared!

I watched the close-up and slowed down video of me kissing Bela. There was a prominent red colour that filled our faces at first contact. I didn't realise how into it I got when Bela started kissing back. Not like tongue kissing or anything. You could hear the high-pitched squealing of Japan in the background.

"That's my little brother. Smooching with Ukraine's little sister," Canada commented over the film. I was embarrassed and looked away from the screen. I could see my family watching the video intently. I didn't have the remote, so I couldn't turn it off.

"Again!" You could hear Japan shout from behind the camera when we had stopped kissing.

The video ended with Canada, Ukraine and Japan running away.

"I'm putting this on the school blog!" Canada shouted.

"He. Posted. It. On. The. School. Blog." I could feel my eye twitch.

"THAT WAS THE VIDEO BRAZIL WAS TALKING ABOUT!!" I yelled angrily at the screen. I picked up my phone quickly and jumped on to the school blog. Surely enough, it was the top post and a lot of comments were left below.

"Are you okay?" Tuvalu chuckled.

"No!" I shouted. It conflicted me between anger and uncomfortableness, swearing under my breath.

"Not a terrible kiss, very passionate," Tonga commented smugly.

"Shut up," I grumbled as I punched him in the shoulder. I didn't punch him hard.

"We're keeping the video!" Fiji shouted.

"We are burning it!" I shouted back.

"Maybe, we should get some rest," Palau suggested, not wanting a fight. Everyone agreed. Since it had become dark, everyone just started getting ready for bed. No one asked too many questions about the kiss. Thank goodness.

I supposed I was sleeping on the couch again. I looked around for the blanket that I had used the previous night. I couldn't find it. I asked Palau, and she led me to a compact room. It had a fully made bed.

"I-I can stay here?" I asked.

"Yep, Marshall helped me make the bed," Palau smiled.

"Thanks, Palau," I hugged her.

"I fixed up your hoodie too, it's on the bed, but I see you found a new hoodie," She laughed.

"What would I do without you?" I chuckled as I wandered into my new room. When she left, I closed the door. I sat down on my bed and quietly thought to myself. In one day, I kissed Belarus on the lips, had the video posted to the entire school, had the police forcefully take me, had Dad allow me to stay with my other family

And now I was here. Lying on a bed Palau and Marshall had put together for me. I didn't know what to do now. I turned my phone back on to see if there were any more messages. Nope. I started flicking through the photos on my phone.

The more I looked through, the more I realised that I must have loved Bela all along. Most of the photos were of her. She had a beautiful smile in each photo, which gave me butterflies. I felt like I wasn't good enough for her. She deserved better than me. I mean, I was the reason she doesn't have any other friends.

I found my favourite picture of her and set it as my screensaver. It was a picture of her at a park. She had stolen my hoodie and was hanging upside on the monkey bars, pulling a silly face. I took the picture in hopes to show her how stupid she looked, but when I looked back on the picture, she looked beautiful. So that didn't work. I ended up saving it into my 'favourites' folder for later.

I had been planning on making a scrapbook of all the photos in the 'favourites' folder. Maybe she would like it if I made a page dedicated to her. It might come off creepy. It's obvious that romance isn't my first language.

I looked out the window. It was dark now. The house was mostly quiet. I felt like getting out of the house. The sky was clear and the stars always brought me comfort. Maybe I could sit on the roof.

Slowly opening my door, I crept out of my room and to the back door. The house only had one floor, so it made the next step easier. I looked around for something to help me onto the roof. I found a bin I could climb into and jump up from there.

Once I had climbed onto the roof, I looked down at the ground. I felt a buzz come from my pocket. I climbed to the highest point of the roof before checking my phone again.

Unknown number has contacted you

I unlocked my phone and looked at this 'unknown number' and read the text.

???: Hey, New Zealand!

Umm, hi? Who is this? :New Zealand

???: Just call me Torres

Torres? Australia told me about you :New Zealand

???: Don't listen to him.

Why? :New Zealand

???: It's just a terrible idea, you already know what he did, so how can you still trust his judgement?

I guess you are right. But he is my brother :New Zealand

???: What does that have to do with anything?

He is only trying to protect me :New Zealand

???: That may be true, but you can trust me more.

I barely know you :New Zealand

???: Fair point, but anyway, to the main point of this. Australia doesn't know that you took his fall, does he?

How Did you know! I told no one! :New Zealand

???: It wasn't your fault! Tell the truth!

I can't! I made a promise to his dad :New Zealand

???: To do what? Protect him? Australia is getting away with crimes and you are taking his fall!

???: It wasn't your fault, New Zealand and you know it.

I needed to protect him :New Zealand

???: You don't seem to understand what you have done.

No, I don't understand, but it's getting too late to deal with this :New Zealand

I turned my phone off and put it back in my pocket. What could I have possibly done? What even was his relation to Australia? I knew next to nothing about him, but I feel like I have made an unknown enemy

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