Throwing stones

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"God, what does he want now," I sighed, looking over at North Korea. He was alone but obviously heading straight towards the tree. He knew I was there, he was staring straight at me with a dark look in his eyes.

"Hey! A$$hole! What the hell was that for!?!" He shouted.

"What are you talking about?" I shouted back, sticking my bag on my back and standing up to defend myself if I needed to.

"You told on me f#cker! I know you did!!" He almost screamed.

"I have no clue what you are talking about," I said, backing away from him. He was coming closer now and seemed to be speeding up. Abby and Torres climbed up the tree and I noticed that Torres had armed himself with small stones he had picked off of the ground.

"Don't pretend you don't f#cking know!" North yelled, kneeling down to pick up a stone and throwing it at me.

It hit my chest but North wasn't very strong when it came to throwing so it didn't hurt. It was actually really pathetic. Like, I knew children that could throw stronger than that. I watched the stone fall to the ground. I looked at it and then back at North.

"Shut up!" He shouted defensively.

"I didn't say anything," I said, trying to stop the smile from creeping onto my face.

"You were thinking about it!" He snapped. He was up in my face now. He was shorter than me so he was looking up at me. He isn't as threatening when he wasn't with Cuba. In fact, he was pretty funny.

He pushed me back a little bit but as soon as he did, Torres threw one of the stones at him. The stone hit the back of his head and hit North pretty hard. He turned around to see where it came from. I probably should have run off, but I wanted to see what would happen.

Torres threw another one and North actually dodged it. He looked back at me seaming with anger. But Torres kept throwing stones. It made me laugh a little, but I wasn't out of the woods yet.

"Stop!" He shouted. He looked above him to see where the stones were falling from, only for one to land in his eye. He yelped in pain, like a sick dog and covered his eye.

"It's in my eye!" He screamed. I didn't help him. It may have been a little messed up of me in hindsight, but at the time, I was enjoying every second of his pain. He cried like a little baby.

I decided to get out of there before a teacher came and heard his screams. Abby and Torres also jumped down from the tree and jumped the fence. I'd have to thank them later for that beautiful show to start my day.

I finally had the confidence to walk into class. I was in a cheery mood as I walked into the schools main building. I put my bag in my locker and scrunched up the defaced photos and messages placed in my locker.

"Hello New Zealand, how was therapy?" Mr Sweden asked from behind me. Although the school halls were empty, I still felt embarrassed.

"It was alright," I lied. The way Mr Sweden talked always seemed to be with the best intentions.

"What class do you have now?" He asked.

"I think I have home ec," I answered.

"Okay, you had better head off there now, class started half an hour ago and Mr Italia isn't the friendliest," He smiled. I nodded and walked off.

I headed towards the classroom, but as I did, just in front of me, I saw Iraq being sent out of class. He looked annoyed, but the teacher shoved him into the hall pretty hard.

He looked back towards the classroom, holding his middle fingers to the door. But then he saw me. I gave him an awkward wave and stopped where I was. He waved back and walked over to me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She kicked me out for a certain picture I drew," He grumbled.

"Oh. What did you draw?"

He didn't answer, he just looked at me with a look that said "You know what it was".

"Do you want to go around the back of school?" I asked.

"It beats going to the office," He sighed.

We went out the back door and found the spot behind the school. We sat on the large bins. Iraq didn't speak a lot in class or detention. He was quite mysterious.

"So, why don't you smoke or drink?" I asked.

"I'm allowed to say no. It's not cool anyway. People just use it as a way to escape their problems," He muttered.

"Oh, I thought it was more religious," I said.

"I yeah, that too," He sighed.

He wasn't very easy to talk to. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. As I breathed in the smoke I began to feel a little more comfortable and being able to start coming up with another conversation.

"So how are things going with your brothers?" I asked.

"Don't get me started. I just wished I wasn't around that stupid idiot Iran. Just because he's older he thinks he should be the caregiver." Iraq complained.

"Sounds complicated," I commented.

"That isn't even half of it! I'm old enough to take care of myself, I don't need a guardian. The school rules are stupid," Iraq continued.

I didn't know what else to say or how to respond other than nodding my head slightly whenever he looked at me. He was going off on this whole rant and if I was paying attention, I probably would have known his whole life story.

"New Zealand, Iraq! What are you two doing out of class?" Mr Sweden snuck up on us. I quickly threw the cigarette behind the bin and watched as Iraq ran off.

"I'm disappointed in you," Mr Sweden sighed.

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