Watching birds

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Whelp, long story short, I got in trouble the next day at school, so did Russia and Brazil. Iraq didn't get in trouble though, we had to go to an after school meeting with the principal and our parents. At least it wasn't another detention.

Wales and Bela did not understand what had happened yesterday, and I hoped that they wouldn't find out either. I had brought the lighter to school, just in case.

The day went on as normal. Well, except for Bela who didn't talk to me at all. I felt bad. I must've upset her, and I didn't like it when she wasn't happy. I felt the need to cheer her up, but I knew that I wasn't the one to do it. Wales also looked to be disappointed in me, but he still continued to talk to me like normal.

Australia and his friends also avoided me. With Australia thinking I burnt myself, he probably doesn't want me to get hurt. I hated how much he cared about me. He needs to pick a side. Either be the a$$hole he was when he became popular, or become the caring brother I grew up with. He can't be both.

Morning tea was quiet. Even when I said hello to Bela, she didn't even smile, or look at me for that matter. Wales sat in between us awkwardly trying to get a conversation started. Nothing worked, so when the bell rang, we all walked off to class.

I had a History class with Aus, but this time he tried to sit next to me. No one sits next to me unless they are Bela or Wales. I wanted to move away from him, but the teacher had already started talking. We opened up our workbooks and took down notes.

"Hey, Kiwi," Aus whispered. I ignored him. I noticed him look back, but I didn't care.

Australia started poking me. I tried my best to fight back the urge to punch him. He then passed me a piece of paper. I looked down at it. It was a picture of the world map without my soil. I grabbed my pen and scribbled out Australia. I slid the piece of paper back.

"Hey! No passing notes!" Mr San Marino called. I froze. He grabbed the piece of paper and worked down at it. He then looked back at me. I could hear the rest of the class whispering and snickering.

"Do you understand we consider this bullying?" Mr San Marino said. I thought he was talking to Australia. I thought they had finally caught him finally in the act.

"Well, New Zealand? What do you have to say for yourself?" He said looking down at me. I felt my heart race.

"He started it!" I shouted. I covered my mouth, regretting what I had said.

"Never. raise your voice in this classroom, go wait outside the principal's office," He said in the same demanding tone as Dad used to do. I knew I couldn't win.

I left the room, but before I went through the doorway, I looked back to see Aus mouthing the words 'I'm sorry'. How dare he! He always acts like this, he gets me in trouble and then apologises.

I didn't go to the principal's office. I was too angry. I ran outside the school building when no one was looking. I ran around the back of the school and hid behind a large rubbish bin.

"You skipped class too?" heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw Brazil standing in front of me. I was so happy to see him. I nodded my head sadly.

"You seem upset," He observed.

"Yeah, no sh!t. My brother got me in trouble," I grumbled.

"Damn, you know what helps me feel better?"

"What?" I asked. He pulled out the box of cigarettes from yesterday.

"Do you still have your lighter? The teachers have to check me for lighters before I enter the school," Brazil explained. I nodded and pulled out the lighter. He handed me a cigarette, and I lit it up. He was right. Smoking makes me feel better. I could feel all of my problems slowly disappear.

It felt good. Brazil and I sat there until the lunch bell rang, and we put out our cigarettes.

"Here, the teachers get suspicious if we smell like smoke," Brazil said as he threw me a can of deodorant. I understood what he meant. I sprayed that stuff all over me until it completely blocked out the smell of smoke. Brazil did the same. We said goodbye and headed off to see our own friends.

I walked to my locker, avoiding the eyes of any teachers that passed through the hallway. I ran into Belarus; I said hello, and she nodded her head in acknowledgement. I walked with her awkwardly to her locker and then we walked off to find Wales. He was getting something at his locker.

"Hey, I have an assignment I need to get finished before the end of lunch, I will be in the library," Wales said. Bela and I ate our lunch quickly and then followed Wales into the study rooms. It didn't take long before Bela and I were kicked out for 'being too distracting'.

We sat outside on a small bench by the field. Bela, still not talking to me, was watching the birds in the trees hop from one branch to the next. I got caught up watching the birds too.

I suddenly heard my name being whispered from behind me. I turned around and saw Ukraine and Canada watching us. Japan was also there. Ukraine waved for me to come over, which I did. Bela continued to watch the birds.

"I know you have made Bela upset, but I know what will make her feel better," Ukraine said excitedly. I felt a little uncomfortable with how happy he looked.

"How?" I asked. I was still curious, and I didn't like being ignored.

"Just repeat after me, я цябе кахаю," He said.

"Uh, я цябе кахаю," I repeated. He seemed to be happy with what I said.

"Good, good, now go tell that to Bela," Ukraine said pushing me away. I just hoped what he made me say wasn't something bad or a slur. I sat back on the bench next to Bela. I suddenly felt nervous. I tapped her on the shoulder. She let out a small sigh as she turned to face. I started getting more and more anxious.

"я цябе к-кахаю," I mumbled when I gathered my courage. Bela's face turned bright red.

"я таксама кахаю цябе," She replied quietly under her breath. 

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