Back to school

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I looked out the window and saw the sun had already risen. I can't say I was looking forward to today. I was already missing Bela. I really hoped she would stay safe. What am I thinking? Of course, she'll be safe.

I got changed into my uniform and grabbed my school bag. I headed down to the kitchen to get something to eat. The kitchen was empty which was odd. I checked the time on my phone, surely the others would be getting up by now.

Maybe they already left. Oh well, it's not my problem. I shrugged and ate some honey toast before leaving without saying goodbye.

As I walked down the street, I had this uncomfortable feeling. I slowly walked past the park. I felt like I was being watched again.

"Come out! I know you are there!" I shouted.

Canada walked out of the bushes.

"Sorry about this," He sighed.

"About what?" I asked nervously.

Suddenly, Australia and America jumped out from the bushes behind me and picked me up. Australia, grabbing my legs and America, holding my arms.

"Hey! Put me down!!" I shouted as they began to swing me around.

"Quick, Nada, tickle him!" America commanded. I already knew how this was going to end. Canada ran over to me and started tickling me. I tried to keep an annoyed expression on my face but it quickly faded into an outburst of laughter.

"Stop! Stop!" I shouted through the laughter.

"On three we drop him and run," Australia said cheekily.

"No!" I shouted, but they had already reached three and I landed on my back.

"You guys are cruel!!" I shouted after the three of them as they ran off laughing. I hate brothers.

You can always trust your brothers to get up earlier than normal only to ambush you on your way to school. I can bet everyone 50 dollars that Canada was the one who came up with the plan.

I got back up again and made sure to maintain my distance, expecting that they would ambush me again. You can never be too careful with those idiots.

Luckily for me, I was able to make it to school without being ambushed again. I looked around at everyone walking past me, bumping into me as if they didn't know I was there. I made it inside and wandered towards my locker. More graffiti.

'Get off the map!' it read. I was getting sick and tired of this. I opened my locker and a small note was sitting inside. I unfolded it and it was a picture of Bela and me kissing with all kinds of cruel words written next to us. I scrunched up the picture and put my bag away. I still had a while before the bell rang, so like always, I headed to the library to occupy my time and avoid socialising.

I sat in the corner of the library alone, flicking through the pages of a random graphic novel I grabbed off the shelf because the comic I was reading last time had been borrowed out. I was too lazy at that moment to actually read the words, so I just stared briefly at the colourful pictures then turned the page.

The time passed so slowly, I ended up looking through the book four times. The fifth time I was almost convinced to read the words, but the bell interrupted that.

I quickly stood up and put the graphic novel back on the shelf. I wandered towards the main building and entered my home group. I sat down at my desk. I saw Australia enter the room. He was talking to Argentina. I hadn't seen him in a while.

Argentina shot me a vengeful look, but Australia whispered something to him, and Argentina's vengeful look turned into a cruel smile and they took the seats behind me.

"Argentina, Australia, I'm going to get you two to sit at the back," Mr Sweden said. Australia and Argentina grumbled a little, but reluctantly stood up and moved to the back.

I looked over at Mr Sweden, he nodded his head to me and then started marking the role. At least I knew he was watching out for me.

Homegroup felt lonely and boring without Wales to talk to. But to be honest, I couldn't stop thinking about the night we kissed. Just thinking about it, it gave me butterflies. But I have a girlfriend. And I love her. But Wales is my best friend. He always has been. Why am I getting these feelings now?

The bell rang for the next period. I slowly left the classroom, but as soon as I exited the classroom, Argentina got a hold of me and pushed me up against the lockers.

"Let's see how you like a broken nose," He said.

"Let go!" I shouted. He didn't.

"Hey! Let go of him!" I heard the familiar voice and Argentina let go of me. It was Russia. He stood in front of Argentina menacingly and glared down at him. Argentina left.

"Are you okay Zed?" Russia asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," I muttered. Russia smiled.

"Good. Belarus told me to make sure you were okay. If you get hurt, she'll kick my butt," Russia joked.

"I should have known," I joked back. Bela had always been protective.

"Yeah. Well, that and you are one of us, you shouldn't be getting involved with bullies," Russia sighed. I nodded.

In comparison to my brothers, Russia seemed much better. He was like the big brother I never had. He was strong and willing to protect.

"Come with me, you can skip class and can go out the back and smoke," Russia offered.

"Okay," I agreed. Anything was better than going to class.

We headed to the back of the main building and sat down. Russia had the cigarettes and I had the lighter. We just sat there, talking about the teachers we hated most.

"You guys smoking without me?" Brazil asked as he walked around the corner. We invited him to sit with us and we gave him a cigarette.

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