Toasters on fire

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I awoke but I didn't open my eyes. I noticed the bed felt a little different then I remembered. The mattress was hard and my blanket was wrapped around me tightly. There was no pillow either.

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself lying on the ground next to my bed. I fell out of bed again. I had a small pain on my cheek, but I decided to ignore it. I continued lying on the ground, getting comfortable.

I let out a small yawn and felt myself falling asleep again. I stopped myself and unravelled the blankets from around my body and sat up. I noticed the strong smell of smoke which immediately concerned me.

I thought I had fallen asleep smoking, but luckily it hadn't. I found the few cigarette butts disposed of in a metal I had under my bed. I stood up tiredly and stumbled out of my bedroom towards the bathroom.

As I closed the door, I looked in the mirror and noticed a small cut on my cheek. I seem to have the worst luck. I must have gotten it from falling out of bed. I ran my finger under the water and cleaned away the small amount of dried blood around the cut.

It had been a long time since I had fallen out of bed last. I used to do it all the time when I was living with Netherlands. I guess I just hated sleeping on the bed, even when I was asleep.

I was still very tired, but I didn't realise how tired I was until I left the bathroom and smelt the smoke again. I didn't think much about where the smell of the smoke was coming from and I only just seemed to start zoning in enough to hear the smoke alarm going off.

The panic set in and I ran downstairs to see what was going on.

I ran into the kitchen to see the toaster on fire, Canada holding a fork and America and Australia screaming. They were so loud. How did I not hear them before?

"What's going on in here?!" Dad shouted as he came in from behind me.

"Australia set fire to the toaster!" America shouted.

"You dared me too!" Australia shouted.

"I just wanted to get my breakfast," Canada sighed. He looked just as exhausted as me.

Dad walked over to the flaming toaster and unplugged it. He then grabbed a bowl, filled it with water and dumped it over the toaster.

"My toast," Canada muttered, putting his fork down disappointedly.

"Don't you usually have pancakes?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, but we are out of flour," Canada said.

"Oh. And what were two doing?! Setting the toaster on fire?!" Dad shouted at Aus and Ame.

America and Australia just stood there uncomfortably. Dad looked back over at the toaster and muttered something under his breath. Probably cursing us.

"I swear you kids are only here to burden me," He sighed as he sat down.

"Also, New Zealand, what happened to your cheek?" He asked.

"I fell out of bed last night, so I probably scratched it on the bedside table," I shrugged. I walked to the fridge to see if there was anything worth eating. I wasn't even hungry, so I closed the fridge and started walking back upstairs to my bedroom.

"Don't forget you are going to see the therapist today," Dad reminded me.

"Dammit," I muttered.

"I heard that!" Dad shouted back.

I grumbled and walked back up to my bedroom. I got changed into my uniform and grabbed one of my hoodies. I grabbed my school bag, but made sure to check if the weed was still there. I picked up one of the bags of weed and examined the contents. I was pretty excited to try it.

"New Zealand! We are going to be leaving soon, get your stuff ready!" Dad shouted from downstairs. I didn't respond, I didn't want to go.

I begrudgingly swung my bag on my back and trudged down the stairs. My brothers had already left and Dad was waiting for me by the door. I approached him slowly as he opened the door for me. I walked out to the car and sat shotgun.

I played on my phone for the duration of the car ride. I didn't mind missing out on school, so I guess there is a good side to this.

When the car stopped, I looked up from my phone and looked out the window. We were parked near some kind of shifty clinic type place. We got out of the car and walked to the entrance.

Dad walked in first and followed behind him. Dad directed me to a small room and told me to wait there while he talked to the therapist. I did as he asked and sat down on an old looking couch. The place smelt like a retirement home.

There was a small box of kids toys next to the couch. I looked down at it and pulled out a small action man.

"Good to see you have found the toys," I heard the voice of what I assumed was the therapist. Feeling embarrassed for picking up a toy, I put it back in the box and turned to get a look at who this therapist was.


"Yep, I work as a therapist," He mumbled as he sat down in the chair in front of me. He was holding a clipboard and pen.

"Why are you a therapist?" I asked.

"You don't get rich just by having one job. Plus, I'm the only one that can offer unbiased advice," He explained.


"Anyway, what did you want to talk about?" He asked.

"I don't know," I muttered.

"How about your childhood?" He offered.

"Now that's a can of worms you don't want to open," I warned.

"Look, I'm here to get to the bottom of your problems, not talk about what you did on the weekend," He grumbled.

"Okay, it all started when I was kidnapped," I started.

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