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Hi, another warning, there is more mention of sexual intercourse, if it makes you uncomfortable, you have no obligation to read it.

"I can't do this," I muttered to myself. America answered the door for me and Bela walked in. I felt like I was having a heart attack. She came into the lounge where I was sitting and sat down on the chair opposite me. She looked nervous as well.

"Alright, so you two have had a bit of a fight. Mean words were said but you guys are still together. Zea, do you have something you want to say?" America sat down as well and started acting like a couples counsellor.

"I uh..." I stuttered.

"Hey would anyone like some juice," Nada walked in, holding a jug of juice and a couple of cups. I could see where this was going.

"Woops," He 'tripped' and 'accidentally' split the juice all over Bela. She looked so shocked and stood up immediately. I could see Ame grit his teeth as we both watched this unfold.

"I'm so sorry, look, we have a shower in the guest bedroom that you can use to get clean," Nada pointed towards the door to the spare bedroom. The only time that room was used was when Mum came over. She didn't like sleeping with Dad anymore.

She ran over to the room immediately and slammed the door.

"What the hell!?" America got really angry at Canada and they immediately began fighting with each other on the floor.

I got really concerned about Bela. She barely said a word and seemed more nervous than me. Almost on the verge of tears. I left my big brothers and went into the laundry to get some clean clothes. Mum always left her old clothes here, so, surely they would work.

I knocked on the door, but I didn't hear anything, so I let myself in, looking at the floor the entire time, just in case. But she was in the bathroom by now with the door closed. I heard the shower turn on.

I placed the clothes down on the bed and started heading towards the door. But before I could reach it, the door slammed closed. It startled me and I ran over to the door, but it seemed to be blocked. I could still hear Canada and America fighting outside the door.

The shower turned off and I heard Bela's voice weakly ask who was there. I felt so nervous.

"Just me, the door's locked." I said with a knot in my stomach. She didn't respond. I tried opening the door again but to no avail. Just then I noticed something slip under the door. I picked it up but as soon as I realised, I felt myself begin to sweat.

I heard the bathroom door open from behind me.

"Hey... uh. Look, I... I don't know what to say," Bela stuttered. I turned around to see her standing there in a towel. My face blushed heavily and I turned my eyes to the floor.

"What is that?" She asked.

I looked down at what was in my hand and hid it behind my back.

"Heh. So you had the same idea..." She said a little disappointed.

"Wha- what?" I muttered.

"Um... I didn't think I would get this far," She explained.

"Yo-you want to do this?" I said, looking up a little.

She seemed to be nervous and held onto her towel tightly. It seemed like she didn't want to.

I let out a little sigh to try and clear my head. I tried to think.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I don't know anymore. They said I would like it, but it doesn't seem right," She sighed.

I sat down on the floor, away from the door. I threw the condom into the centre of the room. Bela walked into the bathroom and reemerged holding one as well, she threw it to where mine was and sat down on the bed.

"I agree, I can't do this. The truth is, I don't love you that way. I never really have. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to play you like this," I admitted.

"It was just a silly crush. But I don't love you like that either. I know that now. I kind of knew that Wales had a thing for you and whenever you left he would talk about you so much that I started catching feelings," She said.

"So you stole Wales' crush?" I asked jokingly.

"Ha ha, very funny," She said, rolling her eyes.

"So... can we end this whole girlfriend, boyfriend thing?" I asked.

"Yes. I think we should just be friends," She smiled.

"Oh thank goodness," I sighed.

"I should probably get changed," She said as she remembered she was still in a towel.

"Of course, I put some clean clothes on the bed that you can borrow," I explained as I turned around. She headed back into the bathroom and I felt an overwhelming sense of relief.

I tried to open the door again, but it was still blocked, so I knocked.

"Hey, it's all sorted, can I leave now?" I asked.

"Um, America is unconscious in front of the door," Canada responded.

"Well move him!" I said, getting mildly annoyed.


A little bit later, Canada opened the door and surely enough, America was unconscious. I honestly wish this wasn't normal, but it wasn't. We all got into a lot of fights, but we knew it was time to stop when someone was unconscious. I closed the door behind me to let Bela have a little more space and I helped Canada move America onto the couch.

Australia walked down the stairs and saw America passed out.

"You guys had wrestling night without me?" Aus whined.

"Go back to bed!" I shouted.

"No! I want to know what's going on," He said stubbornly. That was when Bela walked out of the room.

"Oh sh!t. You guys did the thing," Aus said with a smile.

"Shut up, you don't even know what it is," I snapped.

"What is with this belief that I don't know what sex is? I know how babies are made," He protested.

"We didn't do anything," Bela mumbled.

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