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"Sorry!? You think 'sorry' cuts it?! You are worse than bloody America! First, you beat up some kids! Then you run away from detention! And you expect an itty bitty 'sorry' to fix that!?" UK shouted. I felt like he was spitting venom.

"I-" I didn't know what to answer with. I couldn't say sorry, that was for sure.

"You what?" He spoke sharply. I didn't answer, I knew I would never succeed at winning against Dad. I sought to look out the window and decided to neglect the rest of Dad's hatred towards me. I zoned out until we would get home, but I observed again.

"Maybe this is why no one loved you!" He proclaimed. I stifled a little when I realised what he had done. I could feel breathing become heavier as memories flowed back to my brain. I glared up at him. I could sense his realisation.

"New Zealand? I'm sorry I didn't-" He started. He promised not to mention that again. I felt the rage boil inside of me, I couldn't take it anymore, I snapped.

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" I mimicked angrily before running out of the car, smashing the door shut and rushing off down the street. I knew I had tears pouring down my face as I proceeded to sprint. I didn't stop until I heard the cars speeding down the main road.

I grew to a determined break. Being inside that ride with him was smothering. But... he had a reason. He repeatedly has. No one has actually loved or wanted me. My birth parents didn't want me, Netherlands didn't want me, and now, surely, UK didn't want me. If only he knew the truth.

I didn't want to run home, so I didn't. I wandered off towards my sister's home. She cared about me and constantly drove me to feel better. I wiped my eyes as I glared at the flat dull ground, my hood over my head as. I was livid and seemed incredibly stressed.

My mind wandered for a bit. I thought about how everything has been going against me. Even when I tried to do things right, it always makes me seem like the nasty guy. It was never my fault. It was all Aussie. He was the one who got me into this mess. I wish he wasn't such a selfish a$$hole. Maybe if he confessed I would feel better. But then again, he doesn't know.

"ARGH! Why is everything so hard!" I shouted. I continued to trudge down the street. At least it wasn't raining.

As I was walking, I felt my foot kick something. I stopped and looked down at a miniature rock. With all the thoughts going through my head, I kicked straight in front of me. It felt good to kick something. I ran up to it and kicked it again.

I kicked it for quite a while until I stopped at an intersection. I picked up the rock and checked both ways to make sure it was clear to cross. It wasn't. I spotted a couple of cars turning into the street I was waiting at. There were no lights, so I had to make sure it was okay to cross.

I put the stone in my pocket with my lighter and waited. It was so busy for some reason, but when I finally got the chance to cross, I knew I would have to run across to make it. So I did. But as I bolted across the road, I felt something fall out of my pocket.

I had thought it must have been that rock, so it didn't bother me too much. I walked a couple more metres before I checked my pockets. I felt the rock sitting there. I felt around for the lighter. It wasn't there. I panicked.

I turned around to see the lighter Russia had gifted to me just sitting on the road. I looked around to see that the traffic seemed to have calmed down. It should have been easy to retrieve. Annoyingly, the lighter had landed in the middle of the road.

Once again, I looked both ways before crossing to the middle of the road. I made it. I knelt down and picked it up. Without thinking, I turned around and started crossing the street again.

That was when I saw the two blinding lights heading straight for me. The next few seconds went slowly. I felt my heart stop, my blood run cold. It all happened so fast. I didn't get time to feel scared. I just stood there as the lights got closer and closer.

I could see the car start to swerve, but whoever was driving knew it would be too late. I knew it too. I was not ready to die yet. I didn't want to. But I couldn't stop it. Suddenly, everything disappeared, and all was still.










I opened my eyes slowly.

"Am- am I dead yet?" I mumbled to myself.

"Not yet, what the hell do you think you were doing?" Another voice replied. I tried to sit up, but whoever was there pushed me back down.

"You will hurt yourself if you do that," The voice said. The room was darkish, I assumed it was late. Overall, I didn't feel too bad. My arm hurt a bit and my head was quite painful but not as bad as I thought.

"Who are you," I continued to croak out. All I could see was a silhouette of a tall figure.

"Your best friend, the tooth fairy, come on Kiwi, you know me," He laughed.

"Ah yes, my best friend, Mr Tooth fairy, have you come to take my baby teeth," I laughed back.

"Weeeelll, the tooth fairy already to a few when you hit the pavement," He said awkwardly.

"What!?" I felt around my mouth with my tongue and sure enough, I was missing a couple of teeth.

"Heh, calm down, at least you are alive," He said.

"What happened?" I asked, half-giving up on worrying.

"You are lucky I was walking past ya, I saw that car coming for you and I kind of flung you out of the way just before you were hit, you hit the pavement pretty hard though and passed out, I patched you up the best I could though," He sighed.

I sat up slowly. He didn't stop me this time. I could feel a sharp pain shoot through my arm as I tried to use it to support my weight. I rubbed my eyes to get a better look at who saved me.

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