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At least dad didn't make me go back to school. I had to go to work with him. It was much worse than going to Neth's house. I didn't have a say in the matter.

Out of this entire experience, the most surprising thing that happened was the fact that dad didn't seem too angry. Usually this was a clear sign that things would get worse when no one was around, but he actually seemed pretty mellow. Like he didn't really care.

When dad finally pulled up to his work building and told me to get out. I didn't really want to annoy him.

I followed him inside, making sure to make as little noise as possible. I did notice that he did look exhausted and when he was tired; he got irritated very easily. He grabbed a hold of my hand and dragged me through the building, down the hallway and into the elevator.

"Wait, hold the door," I saw EU running towards the door. I watched as dad pressed the close door function in the elevator. EU didn't make it in and the doors closed. I looked up at dad and he chuckled a little.

"I thought EU was your boss?" I said as the elevator began ascending.

"I hate him," Dad smiled.

"Okay then," I sighed awkwardly.

Adults are so lucky. They can disrespect anyone and not get in trouble. I can't wait until I'm an adult, then no one can tell me what to do.

The elevator dinged, and dad dragged me out. I think the one thing I would hate about being an adult would work in the office. As a countryhuman, it's our duty to work here once we pass the last test in school, and from what I have heard, it's the worst.

"New Zealand, I really need you to behave while you are here, okay. Do not enter my office, but you can wander around this floor only." Dad explained, crouching down to my level. I nod a little and dad leaves me alone.

This isn't my first time in this building, so I knew the place pretty well, although I keep getting lost around the eastern section. Mostly, the only place that I feel comfortable going is the kid's room.

I made my way over to the familiar room, which always had a mess of spilt toys no one ever bothered to tidy away. I opened the door to find the typical split mess of Lego on the ground and a tv that was set permanently to baby shows.

I sat down in the singular chair in the back corner of the room. I pulled out my phone and began playing small mobile games. It didn't take long for my phone to go dead flat, and I was left with nothing but boredom and Lego.

I decided to go see if dad had a charger. I opened the door and started heading towards the direction of his office. As I wandered, I was looking at the pattern in the carpet, trying not to step on the lines. But of course my stupid a$$ bumps into someone.

"Are you okay little one?" A lady asked. I looked up to see who it was. It was UN, standing in front of me, in her neat navy blue suit.

"I'm fine," I said.

"That's good," She smiled.

"May I ask what you are doing here, Australia? I'm sure there is school today," She asked.

"I'm New Zealand," I corrected.

"Oh, of course. Sorry little one, you and your brother are so much alike," UN sighed. I didn't like how she thought Aus and I were alike.

"We get that a lot. But I ran away from school and dad found me in a pub," I explained briefly.

"In a pub? But you are only a child, you shouldn't be drinking or smoking now that I can smell your breath," She sighed.

"I don't drink or smoke," I lied.

"You can't lie to me, little one. You're lucky WHO isn't here or he would be lecturing you on the negative impacts it has on the ecosystem and yourself," She explained, poking me in the chest.

"It's not like I abuse it," I sighed.

"Come with me little one, I can't show you my office," UN smiled, walking off in what I assume was the direction of her office. I reluctantly followed her, even when she walked into the elevator. I didn't care if I got in trouble with dad, anything is better than the kids' room.

As I stood in the elevator next to UN, I felt excited as I realised that I was standing next to the actual UN. Not many kids get to meet here, but she is here, standing right there. She rarely leaves the office or visits the school. In human terms, UN is a celebrity.

When the doors opened, I realised that I was standing in the Organisation offices. The walls were all glass and the whole place was tidy and open, unlike the Country offices, which were a complete mess. This place was amazing.

I stayed close behind UN as she walked over to her desk. I looked around, though. I was able to watch some other organisations go about their day. UN told me I could sit in one of the spinny chairs next to her. I felt so excited. Suddenly the elevator door opened.

"Hello EU," UN said with a smile.

"Don't talk to me, I'm very busy," He grumbled.

"Let me guess, UK?" She asked.

"It's always UK! He is such a pain. He will find the slightest things to make my life inconvenient. He is so indecisive too. Man, I hate him. Oh, look, I said that in front of one of his sons," EU grumbled as he looked down at me.

"Calm down, you will be fine. You just have to be patient with him," UN smiled.

"Also, why is the kid up here? He isn't even allowed up here," EU said.

"New Zealand is with me while his father works," She explained.

"You have work to do too. You aren't supposed to be babysitting," EU sighed.

"It's my job to take care of countries, and I can work while watching over," She said calmly.

EU rolled his eyes and walked off to sit down at his desk. I, during the whole interaction, was sitting there uncomfortably, not knowing what the heck I was supposed to do during this.

"Don't worry about him, he is always a little sour. But, hey, do you like colouring?" She asked, opening a draw to reveal a pad of paper and some coloured pencils.

Friends (Highschool AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang