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I sat quietly looking over my pictures and thinking of what I could do next. There was a knock at my door that interrupted my thoughts. Australia called from the other side. I didn't want to speak to him.

"Open the f#cking door!" He shouted. My door wasn't locked so I don't know why he was so angry. He didn't even try the handle.

"Go away!" I shouted back. He opened the door finally and walked over to me angrily. I looked up at him and sighed.

"What do you want?" I said sounding annoyed. Instead of answering me, he pushed me. I stood up.

"What the hell!" I said pushing him back. He seemed angry at me for some reason.

"Where were you!" He shouted. I was so confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to clarify things. He held up a note and handed it to me. This only made me more confused. I looked down at the note and read it.

Meet me behind the school, I need to talk to you about something. I will be waiting for you after detention.

-New Zealand

That was definitely my handwriting but I didn't write that.

"I waited for 3 hours! You made me look stupid!" He shouted.

"Where did you find this?" I asked still unsure.

"You left it in my locker!" He yelled.

"No, I didn't!" I responded.

"This is your writing!". It was and but I always signed my name with a star next to it when I left notes. I pointed this out to Aus but he didn't believe me. He left my room angrily. I still had the note in my hand.

I looked back at it and was quite shocked to see it. Aside from the missing star in which I always end on, the note looked extremely real. I got nervous. Whoever wrote that note could ruin my life easily. I put the note down on my desk and decided not to worry about it.

I heard the front door open from downstairs. I guess Dad was home. I stayed in my room until I was called down for dinner. I sat at the table next to Canada while Dad placed the plates down in front of us. Mum had gotten sick and was unable to come over and cook.

America wasn't here for dinner. He was working a late shift at Mc Donalds and wouldn't be back until midnight. I looked down at the 'food' and felt kind of sick. Dad's cooking was rather bland but when he tried to get creative, it was barely edible.

After choking back whatever was on the plate I excused myself from the table and went to the bathroom to throw up. No, I was not bulimic, that food was just that bad. I would find something to eat in the fridge once Dad was asleep anyway.

While I was throwing up in the toilet I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I decided I would check it later. After I was done in the bathroom I headed to my bedroom and sat down at my desk. I pulled out my phone. I had a new message from Wales. I unlocked my phone and checked it.

Wales: Hey! I'm bored, what are you doing?

Not much :New Zealand

Wales: My Dad said I could go camping with a couple of friends next weekend

This weekend? :New Zealand

Wales: The following weekend

Cool! I'm my Dad wouldn't mind :New Zealand

Wales: Sick! See you at school on Monday

See ya! :New Zealand

Well, that conversation ended quickly. I looked out the window, everything was dark and too difficult to see anything. I felt tired but I didn't want to go to sleep. I started drawing in my sketchbook. A while passed and I checked the time on my phone. 11:43 pm. 

I put my sketchbook back in my draw and left my room. I went downstairs to see if there was anything in the fridge. I found some leftover soup from about night or two ago when Mum was cooking. I got a bowl of it and heated it up in the microwave. As I was waiting for it to finish heating up I heard the front door unlock.

At first, I thought it was an intruder but then I remembered America was coming home late. He walked into the kitchen just as the microwave went off.

"Who's there!" He shouted. It was dark and I hadn't turned on the lights.

"It's me," I said.

"Who are you, one who is called 'me'?" He said obviously fooling around. He turned on the lights as I was getting my soup out of the microwave.

"Did Dad cook again?" He smiled. I nodded and started eating the soup.

"How was work?" I asked. America grabbed a can fizzy drink from the fridge.

"four men came in and they were completely drunk, they ordered a thousand chicken nuggets and left before collecting their order, so I got a free late-night snack," He explained. America always told the craziest stories from his work. I yawned and decided to head to bed after I finished my soup.

I lay down on my bed. The ceiling was somehow more interesting than falling asleep, so I just starred at it. I felt my eyes start to close but I didn't get to sleep until much later.

I woke up to the sunlight pouring in through my window. It was nice. I sat up and looked around my room. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I got dressed in my favourite t-shirt and hoodie. Like always, I picked up my phone and checked it for any texts. Nothing new.

I checked the time. 7:06 am. Only Canada would be up by now. I wasn't feeling up to leaving my room just yet. Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I opened up my phone to check it.

Belarus: See you soon! I can't wait for lunch!

I had forgotten that Bela had asked me out for lunch. I had to respond. We were going to meet at a new cafe she had had her eye on for a while. For some reason it was only me who was going to join her, I guess her other friends had plans.

I can't wait for lunch too :New Zealand

Friends (Highschool AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें