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Belarus seemed uncomfortable for the rest of class. Not how I imagined my first lesson with my girlfriend, but she was talking to me, so whatever was bothering her, wasn't my fault. Mr Italia left the room for a few seconds, I could hear the kids in front of us whispering.

They would occasionally glance back at us and laugh. Bela noticed, which didn't help how she was feeling. I was furious, someone hurt my girl, and they would pay. I continued listening into the whispered conversations. I didn't hear much, but I heard enough to know they were bullying Bela.

"Don't talk about her like that." I growled at them. They turned their heads and a smug grin spread across their faces.

"Why don't you mind your own business," One of them chuckled.

"Actually, it is my business, and if you don't keep your mouth shut, I will shut it for you," I warned. It seemed to work, knowing what I have done, they shouldn't even be trying.

I looked back at Bela to make sure she was okay. I could see her eyes tearing up, but she was trying to be strong. I patted her hand reassuringly, and she gave me a dull but thankful smile. Mr Italia walked back into the room and the lesson went back to normal.

The lesson continued to drag on for ages. I spent the lesson doodling pictures while Wales fell asleep and Bela paid attention. I poked Wales with my pen until he woke up and then fell back to sleep. Not going to lie, I wanted to join him. I was already so tired.

When the class was finally over, I woke Wales up with my books.

"I'm up, I'm up." He grunted, standing and yawning.

We left class together, but Bela seemed to wander a little behind. I told Wales to go on ahead while I talked to Bela. He nodded and walked off to his locker. I slowed down to walk with Bela, who was being quiet.

"What's wrong? You can tell me," I said.

"Can we talk where no one else is watching?" She asked. I nodded my head. I admit, I kinda like the idea of just us. I walked with her to her locker, where she got herself something to eat. I wasn't feeling hungry, so we skipped my locker.

I took her hand, and we headed to a spot behind the library. Few kids go there because of a rumour that someone haunted it. America started the false rumour so he could have a place to hide if he ever had a breakdown. He doesn't have breakdowns any more though, so it's free for the taking.

I sat down on the ground and realised how dirty it was; I took off my hoodie and placed it down next to me so Bela wouldn't have to sit on the ground. She smiled slightly and sat down on my hoodie. I put my arm around her to comfort her.

"Now tell me," I said. Bela let out a small sigh.

"Haven't you been getting bullied too? About the video," She asked.

"Is that what this is about?". She nodded.

"They have been bullying me, but I'm used to being bullied, so don't worry about me. You just tell me who has been making you upset and I can deal with it," I whispered, pulling her into a hug.

"Georgia and Estonia have been making fun of me," She answered. I wasn't expecting a response, but it just made my job a lot easier.

"Did you want me to make them sorry?" I murmured into her ear in a rather threatening tone.

"What? No! I just needed to tell someone," She answered. She tried to pull away, but I had trapped her in my hug. I knew she needed it, anyway. I could feel her body relax. I understood what she was going through, and I would not let her leave feeling sad.

After a while of just sitting in silence together, she stood up. I got up, picking up my hoodie off of the ground. I put it back on because I was still self-conscious about the bandages.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked. Bela nodded and smiled. She stood facing me and a little blush was to be seen on her lovely face. I lent down and kissed her gently on the lips. It seemed to be what she wanted when I pulled away, as she looked satisfied.

"Let's go find Wales," I laughed. I grabbed her hand again, and we walked off together to make sure Wales wasn't too lonely.


The day had gone by slowly, but finally, the last bell of the day rang. I grabbed my bag, but before heading off to detention, I wanted to say goodbye to Bela first. She was coming out of her Drama class and looked as happy as I remember.

"New Zealand!" She announced, bounding over to me happily. I captured her in my arms and kissed her forehead.

"So it is true!" Another kid said. I rolled my eyes and walked Bela to her locker.

"Shouldn't you be heading off to 'detention'," She laughed as she put her books in her bag.

"Yeah, but I wanted to see you first," I smiled.

"Wow, it really didn't take too much for you two to become an actual couple," I heard Wales joke from behind us.

"Shut up," I laughed back.

"Just don't forget about your good friend, Wales! We are going camping this weekend," He smiled.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot. What was the plan with that, anyway?" I asked.

"On Friday night, you would watch me perform and then you could come over to my house for dinner with my family," Bela said.

"That sounds like a good plan, and then I could get America to drive us the following day," I added.

"Looks like we have our battle plan," Wales said.

"I should probably ask Meri if he can drive us first," I thought out loud.

"You said my name?" America popped his head out from nowhere, as if on cue.

"Oh, yeah, I was wondering if you could drive Bela and I to the local camping spot, you know, the one near the lake," I asked.

"What day?"

"This Saturday, and if you could pick us up of Sunday too,"

"Sure, anyway, you need to get to detention," He smiled and patted me on the back before walking off.

"Well that was easy," Wales added.

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