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I walked out of the café and wondered what I was going to do next. I didn't want to go home, but I didn't know what else to do either. I thought about going over to Wales's place, but he is always busy on Saturdays. I decided I would go and see if Maori was home.

Her house wasn't too far from the café, so I just walked. I ate my cake on the way. The sky was starting to become overcast with dark clouds. I knew it would start raining soon so I ran the rest of the way to Maori.

I came to the house and knocked on the door, hoping she would answer quickly. The clouds were threatening to rain any second. I knocked again, and Maori finally opened the door. Like always, she was happy to see me and greeted me with a hug.

"Kia ora! What are you doing here?" She laughed happily. It was rare to see each other twice in one week. I wish we could see each other more often, but Dad had forbidden meeting with our natives. But Maori was more than a native to me, she was my sister and no one could take her away from me.

"I was having lunch with a friend and thought I would stop by!" I said. Maori was excited and let me inside.

"The rain will be good for the plants! It has been a few days since we have had clouds like these," Maori started talking about the weather and how our farm was coping. When I become independent, I'm moving in with my sister so we can look after the farm together.

"I see you have been eating well!" Maori chuckled as pointed to a couple of crumbs on my shirt from the cake. I brushed them off and laughed as well. May as well share the joke rather than be the joke.

"How long do you think you will stay?" She asked. I looked at my phone screen to check the time.

"A couple more hours at most," I said keeping curfew in mind. We didn't have to come home for dinner on the weekend, we just had to be home by 8:00.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked

"I would suggest going for a walk, but the weather seems to have other plans,"

"Rainy weather can be fun to go for a walk in," I said.

"Hmm, okay, but if you catch a cold it's not my fault. There are a spare pair of gumboots and raincoat in the hallway," Maori smiled. I grabbed the raincoat and gumboots and slipped them on. Maori was wearing her set as well.

We walked down the street together and then found ourselves at a small park. Well, it was smaller than the one closer to my house. The rain was becoming heavier so we took shelter under the slide and listened to the sound of the rain.

"We aren't going to be able to get back without getting soaking wet," Maori observed. At that moment, out of sheer randomness, I stood up, put my hood up and ran back into the rain.

"What are you doing!" Maori called out in a tone of amusement. I was about to explain that I had no idea what I was doing when I slipped over in the mud. My clothes become dirty and covered in mud and I could feel the water filling my gumboots.

Maori walked over to me carefully and helped me up. I gave her a goofy smiled and she rolled her eyes.

"Come on, let's head home,".

We walked home in the pouring rain, while we heard the satisfying squishing sound coming from our rain filled gumboots. We arrived back and we took off our coats and emptied our gumboots. We sat in front of the heater, hoping to dry off. The pants were still covered in mud. Dad was going to flip when he saw this.

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. It was America calling, which was rather unusual. I answered the phone.


"Zea! Dad told me I have to pick you up, where are you?" America answered. I started thinking about a reasonable lie. America was just as rude to his natives and Australia and Canada, he wouldn't like it if he found out where I actually was.

"I am at the uhh, bus stop by the new café," I said quickly. It wasn't too far to run to anyway.

"Alrighty, see you in a few minutes," America said as he hung up the phone. I quickly said goodbye to Maori and ran out the front door. I should have grabbed the raincoat but I was already too far away to get it.

I could see the bus stop up ahead and when I finally got there, I was soaking wet. Water was dripping from my clothes, but at least my pants were a little less muddy. I sat and waited for America to pull up in his car. It was strange on how fast the weather changed. This morning it was nice, but then all of heaven flushed the toilet.

I saw America's car in the distance. He was going quite fast and practically skidded into perfect parking right in front of me. He rolled down his window.

"Need a ride?" He said with his cockiest grin. I rolled my eyes and opened the car door. He was so full of himself

"Why did I need to come home early?" I asked Ame.

"Early? It's 8:30, you're late!" America exclaimed.

"What! Surely not that much time has passed?" I said confused.

"What were you doing anyway? And why are pants brown?" He asked.

"I went to the park and slipped," I said briefly. I wasn't lying at least.

America pulled up at our house and we got out. Ame had a key to the house and unlocked the front door. I could see Dad was waiting for me and I knew I was in trouble.

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