penny board || k. lawley (request - @maddiwriites)

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thanks for requesting!! <33
"Jc, for the twentieth time I'm sorry! It's not like I planned for this to happen!" Kian was mad that Jc was mad and it was turning into a viscous cycle. I was watching the whole exchange from the couch and trying not to look too amused.

"I have rescheduled filming this bit for my vlog three times this week because of you and now I have to film and edit everything today! Do you know how stressful that's going to be?" Kian gave me an exasperated look and I bit my cheek, to keep from laughing.

The whole fight started fifteen minutes ago when Kian got a call about a last minute interview with the director of a movie he really wanted to book. Obviously it was a huge deal and he had agreed, but now he had to deal with a very grumpy Jc who he had promised to film with today.

"You'll still have me today, if that's good enough," I offered, giving both of them my most winning smile. "I'd like to think I'm at least a little bit entertaining."

Jc nodded, glaring at Kian before walking out of the room. Kian huffed and sat down beside me, his brows pulled as close together as possible. I touched the spot between them and he immediately relaxed. "Is he going to be mad at me all day?"

"Probably, but he'll get over it. Don't let him ruin all of the excitement you had earlier. This director is going to absolutely love you!" He squeezed me tightly, the excited smile creeping back onto his face.

He checked his watch just as Jc came back in. "You should probably go so you aren't late," Jc mumbled, a smile now on his face. Kian and I were both startled at his sudden change in mood.

"Yeah, probably. I'll make this up to you, I swear. And please be careful with her and don't do anything stupid." I rolled my eyes at him and kissed his cheek, ushering him quickly toward the door. "Seriously, I don't want a call that you are in jail or the ER," Kian said, only half teasing.

"Don't be so dramatic, we probably won't do anything even close to dangerous. Now go dazzle them!" When he was finally gone, I turned my full attention on Jc whose smile had turned devilish. "What did you do?"

"Oh, it's not what I did. It's what you are going to do." He showed me what had been casually hiding behind his back and I frowned in confusion. "It's a penny board! From the O2L days!"

"I'm aware of what it is, but why does that excite you so much?"

He put it on the ground and started to ride, a little wobbly at first but then with more confidence. He hopped off and motioned for me to try. I had only done it a few times before so my skills were nowhere close to his.

"Because we are going to try to learn some penny board tricks for the video!" I was still struggling to keep my balance as I gave him a wide-eyed stare. "I just need five minutes of footage to finish the vlog so we barely have to do anything."

"I can't even push off with my foot to make myself go and now I'm expected to learn tricks?" Jc didn't sense my hesitation and gave an enthusiastic nod. "Kian would kill us if he knew we were doing something semi-dangerous."

"Which is why we need to move quickly," Jc said, already walking out to the backyard with his camera. "Will, do you want to be in the video with us?"

He looked at the penny board in my hand and shook his head, continuing to throw a ball for London. "I will most certainly laugh when you fall though!"

Jc set the camera up and showed me the first trick which was something that looked incredibly simple but turned out to be incredibly difficult. Will laughed at me the whole time like he had promised, and by the end of that, my palms were covered in scratches and dirt and my ego was bruised.

"Ready for the next one?" Jc was very cheery because my failing was making him look like a professional.

"Yeah, because I did so well on that one," I groaned, watching the next video from over his shoulder. The boy in the video jumped, and like magic, the penny board flipped and he landed without any struggle at all. "No way. There is no way we can do that."

Jc raised his eyebrows and mimicked the boy, shaking a little at the end but otherwise perfectly executing the trick. "You were saying?"

"What I meant was there is no way I can do it." He held the board out for me but I shook my head. "Jc I cannot do that. I will break something."

"No you won't. Will and I will catch you." He motioned a very unwilling Will over to stand on my other side and talked me through what to do. I was glad they were both there because without them I definitely would've been on the ground.

After the third attempt with Jc's help I did it and gave an excited squeal. "Woah, I did it! I'm a professional!"

"Okay professional, then do it by yourself," Will said, backing up. Jc copied him and they both gave me encouraging smiles.

My confidence was fading knowing now I didn't have any barriers to fall into, but I tried to tell myself I was going to stick this landing and be able to show Kian when he got home how cool I was. I took a deep breath and jumped in before I could even think about it. This time, however, the board did not do what it should have, slipping from underneath me and sending me flying backward instead.

I hit the ground harder than I thought and winced, hearing Will and Jc's yells mixed with another voice. I kept my eyes squeezed shut and tried to get up but there was no way it was going to happen on my own.

"(Y/N)!" I opened my eyes to see Kian running towards me and I put my face down in my hands, knowing I was about to be in big trouble. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did you hit your head? I'm going to kill you Jc!"

I nodded and peeked through my fingers at him. "You should've seen the time before that one, I looked really cool," I said but Kian didn't smile like I hoped he would.

Once we were inside and I had an icepack on my ankle, I tried to lighten the mood. "So how was the interview?"

"What did I say about not wanting you to end up in the ER?" His tone was harsh but he looked so concerned it made me melt.

"I'm not in the ER silly," I said, joking again to try and make him smile.

He turned toward Jc who was hovering in the door to the living room and looking incredibly guilty. "In what world did you think that would be a good idea? She can't even walk half the time without injury let alone skateboard!" I scoffed but he just glared at me. "You know it's true,"

"Yeah, it was dumb. I'm really really sorry." I had never seen Jc look so serious and Kian's expression softened when he saw him too. "Does it hurt?"

I carefully flexed my foot and shook my head. "Not at all. See Kian, I'm fine. Nothing to worry about!"

He finally smiled and patted my shoulder. "That's good, but you are never allowed to be alone with Jc again. You two are way too dangerous together."

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