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I am trash. This is two short one shots for the ship between Tbnrfrags and Jayg3r. I just don't know okay. THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE A SHIP NAME YET! Pls help me make one up
Anyways, here's the first one
Preston stared up at the ceiling, not being able to sleep. He glanced at his alarm clock and sighed softly, it being around 3am. He sat up and stretched his arms a bit. He decided to go downstairs and make something to eat. He stood up and walked over to his door, quietly opening it. He walked into the hallway and glanced around. He noticed that his roommates/friends light was on and he raised an eyebrow. He walked downstairs quickly and walked into the kitchen. To his surprise, his roommate Jay was in the kitchen. "Oh hello." Jay said with a smile. Jay was sitting on the counter, his legs hanging off the side, and was eating a piece of cake. The rest of the cake was sitting on the counter next to him. "What are you doing?" Preston asked him, a small smile creeping onto his face. "I couldn't sleep so I came downstairs." Jay replied simply. "Well, I can't sleep either." Preston said and leaned against the wall near the counter. Jay giggled and jumped off the counter, walking over to Preston. He grabbed a bit of icing and put some on Preston's nose, giggling more. Preston rolled his eyes. "Oh wow, thanks." He said sarcastically. "You're welcome." Jay replied with a grin. Preston wiped the icing off his nose and wiped it on Jay's shirt. "Heyy!" Jay whined with a giggle. "I don't want icing on my nose!" Preston said and rolled his eyes. Jay grinned mischievously. "Well, how about having cake all over your face?" Before Preston could react, Jay shoved the piece of cake into Preston's face. Preston gasped loudly while Jay burst into laughter. "Oh my god your face!" He said between giggles. Preston wiped away the cake around his eyes and glared at Jay, who was still laughing. He smirked and reached over, grabbing a piece of cake from the box and walking over to Jay, quickly shoving it in his face. Jay gasped and wiped some of it off his face, throwing it at Preston. He squealed and grabbed another piece, throwing it back at him. Soon they were basically having a food fight. Shortly after, when they ran out of cake, both of them were covered with cake. "That was awesome!" Jay said between giggles. Preston nodded in agreement and walked over to Jay. Jay stared at him and giggled. "You look adorable with cake in your hair." Preston blushed a bit and shoved him over. "Oh shush." He said and shook his head. "Nah, you're so adorable, even without the cake." He said with a grin, causing Preston to blush more. "No I'm not. Now, we should probably clean the kitchen." He said and glanced around, it being very messy from cake. Jay laughed softly and nodded in agreement. "Alright, and we should also clean ourselves." Preston rolled his eyes and began cleaning the walls with a cloth. "Throwing cake at you made me tired." He mumbled with a yawn. "Well, that's strange. At least now you'll be able to sleep!"
That was terrible. I am trash. BUT IT ISN'T AS BAD AS THIS ONE #YOU'VEBEENWARNED
"Of course they had me go gather wood." Preston muttered as he held his iron axe in his hand. He huffed softly and glanced around, feeling as if he was being watched. It was probably just a sheep or something. He began to gather some wood when he heard a sound, a branch snapping. He quickly turned around, his grip on the axe tightening. He heard another branch snap and slowly started to back away from where the noise came from. Him and his friends were traveling and decided to stop here for the night, not knowing if this area was safe. Preston was 100% sure this area wasn't safe but was too tired to argue. He saw a figure starting to walk towards him, and it wasn't a mob. It was a human, but it wasn't one of his friends. He kept backing up, his eyes wide with fear, when his back hit a tree. The figure got closer to him, which had a hood covering it's face. The human, or at least he thinks it's human, had a belt with weapons on it, which scared Preston more. He tried to move away but it was too late, the thing pinned Preston against the tree with one hand. "Why are you on this land?" The person hissed at him, the voice sounding more manlier and deeper, so he assumed it was a male. He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out and the male grabbed a sword from his belt and held it to Preston's neck. "I'll ask you again, why are you on this land?" He hissed and held the sword close to his neck. Preston stopped breathing for a moment and realized he still had the axe in his hand. "I'm here with friends, who I'm traveling with to another kingdom. We just stopped here for the night and they just sent me to gather some wood." He answered quickly. The male, obviously pleased with what he heard, moved the sword away from his neck, putting it back in his belt and staring at him. Preston heard in chuckle a bit before pulling down his hood, revealing his face. Preston's jaw dropped when he saw how the male looked, the male being stunning. He had dark brown hair and matching dark brown eyes, plus a damn good grin on his lips. "Did you actually think I was going to hurt you? Cute but that's not something I'd do." He said and turned around, starting to walk away from him. "W-Wat! What's your name?" Preston asked quickly, a small blush going across his cheek. The mysterious man turned around to face him, a sly smirk on his lips. "My name? My name is Jay. What is your name, gorgeous?" The man, whose name is apparently Jay, said with the same smirk on his lips. Preston's cheeks turned red at the name Jay had called him. "M-My name i-is Preston." He said, stuttering a bit. Jay smirked more and walked closer to him. "Aw, you're blushing and stuttering. What, have you never been called gorgeous before? If not, then people are obviously blind." Preston just blushed more, not knowing what to say to him. He watched as Jay walked closer and closer until he was inches away from Preston, who was still pushed up against the tree. "Preston is a beautiful name as well. A beautiful person must have a beautiful name, hm?" Jay whispered into his ear, causing Preston to shiver. Preston's mind wasn't processing this all, all he knew was some hot guy was basically pushing him against a tree and was whispering into his ear. And frankly; that was pretty hot. "Preston?" A loud voice called and he recognized the voice, it belonging to his friend Rob. "Oh, well I guess I should be going." Jay said and before Preston could react, Jay kissed his cheek. "Goodbye." He whispered into his ear before running off, disappearing within seconds. Preston stood there, completely motionless. "Preston?" The voice called again, louder this time. "Yeah yeah, I'm here."
I am trash I'm so sorry

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