Day 2: Lachlan

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Requests are still open!
Requester: me
Prompt: "write about gang au"
Ship: None
Genre: G A N G  A U
Warnings/Notes: This is rlly short and just an idea I've had. I wanted to write something for today, so.
Featuring Lachlan and an OC of mine

Okay, now it's time for me to explain my gang au. I think I have before. But idc.
So. There are a few popular gangs, this au mostly focuses on two. The Pack, and Pink Bs (Full name; Pink Bitches) 
Lachlan was apart of The Pack, but was treated as it's 'toy.' So, not an actual member. Then, he was 'kidnapped' by the Pink Bs, but they ended up treating him better. Lachlan learned how to fight better with them and is just more happy. His main fighting style is kickboxing. (It slays me)

Y'all know who's in The Pack.
The Pink Bs are; Ashley (she's the leader and the only other non OC), Lachlan, Meg, Coco, Nicole, Lucy, and Olivia. Was just a girl gang, but they all rlly love Lachlan so,
Lachlan stared at her, raising an eyebrow as the person walked into the bar. Nicole have her a cocky smile and sat back in her seat, taking a sip from her drink. Lachlan rolled his eyes and sat back as well. It was a nice Friday night and it was ten o' clock, the perfect time for drinks. Not to mention they were at their favourite bar, which was popular with gang members. Three police officers had walked inside, one of them walking up to the bartender.

They didn't stand out, he thought. Minus Nicole's sunglasses indoors, which made her look like a total douche. She had insisted they made her look cool, which he had to agree with. But still. The officer stared at the bartender, a serious look spread across his face. "Good evening, sir." The bartender said in a calm, relaxed tone. "Good evening. Would you mind if I checked the surroundings?" He asked the bartender, who had no other choice but to say yes. "Of course not." The bartender replied as he cleaned a glass.

The officer nodded at him and began walking around the bar, which made people sit on the edge of their seats. The other two officers stood in the backgrounds, watching over the small crowd of people. Nicole kept a calm look over his face, still drinking from her bottle. Lachlan had put on a bored expression, just tapping his fingers against the wooden table. The officer exchanged some words with people as he passed by them, not seeming interested in those people. Others who knew who Nicole and Lachlan were, secretly glanced in their direction. As if, waiting for the action to start.

He passed by the two and he paused for a second, glancing at them. Lachlan kept talking with Nicole, talking about how a certain sports team was doing recently. That was their, 'go to' thing to talk about. You know, when they were trying to blend in. "Hello." The officer said and Nicole stopped her sentence short, looking at him and smiling widely. "Evening, officer." She said in a happy time, Lachlan ignoring him completely.

"How are you?" He asked them, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "Quite well." Nicole said and glanced at Lachlan, waiting for him to reply. "I'm doing alright." He replied and the officer nodded slowly, the corners of his mouth tilting downwards. "Excuse me, would you mind if I," the officer had started to say, but was cut off by Nicole suddenly speaking. "Hold on a second," She said in a sweet tone and stood up, raising an eyebrow in Lachlan's direction. "I just have to do something." She added and the officer nodded slowly, smiling at her. 

"Of course." He said to her and Lachlan stood up slowly, not knowing what Nicole was going to do. Nicole smiled sweetly at the officer and grabbed the empty beer bottle off the table, suddenly reaching up and slamming it down over the officers head. It shattered at impact and the officer fell onto the floor, the other two officers tensing up. "Whoops, my bad." Nicole said in a soft tone, motioning Lachlan to follow before darting into the backroom of the bar. Lachlan quickly followed after her and the two officers didn't hesitate before running after them, the officer on the ground grabbing his radio.

He weakly called for backup and groaned in pain, people surrounding starting to ask if he was okay. The bartender quietly chuckled to himself and hummed, still just cleaning off the glasses. Lachlan and Nicole ran through the back door and Nicole slammed it shut, running over to their car. Lachlan jumped in the driver's seat and turned it on, quickly driving off. Nicole stared out the window, seeing the cops run off to their own cars. 

"We'll be able to get away." She said and Lachlan nodded, turning down a wide alleyway and driving down it. "Think boss will be mad?" Nicole asked as she sat back in the seat, Lachlan letting out a low chuckle. "Possibly. But hey, we got away. She can't complain." He pointed out and Nicole just laughed, nodding in agreement.

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